Apple iPhone announced at Macworld

09 Jan, 2007
Today, at Macworld 2007 Apple announced the long-awaited iPhone - a widescreen iPod, a mobile phone, a mobile Internet terminal, a digital camera and a portable PIM organizer all-in-one....

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • 4vT
  • 09 Jan 2007

on the news it says this phone is going to be 500 for the 8gb and 400 for the 4gb coming out soon in june 2007

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • pqA
    • 09 Jan 2007

    Plenty of things to criticize, but really, one of the most innovative products to date.

      • a
      • a
      • mnL
      • 09 Jan 2007

      a good phone that also looks very good .. the memory is so good on this . it might be expensive i dont know and you lot stop arguing look at the new ipod nano. its about the same as the old one .

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • nyI
        • 09 Jan 2007

        Good grief! Some of the comments here are spectacularly dumb! "It's too expensive, it has no 3G, the N95 is better looking(are you blind?!)" Jesus! For the first time ever we see a proper, let me repeat PROPER handheld computer. It runs a proper grown up OS. It has ample storage bigger than anything else right now. I appreciate that English is not the first language of people around here if people only bothered to properly read the article they'd all realise it's only for starters. There IS a 3G model due. They don't use 3G in the US, so why launch one first? Anyhow, the interface is ground breaking and yet it has a similar battery life to other fully featured phones. Great! Nokia wont worry just yet. Neither will SE however MS and their dumbass Mobile 5 is now dead. HTC should panic.

          • r
          • raven
          • RKn
          • 09 Jan 2007

          My mistake, it's not Alex_tan168 who said that it's somebody else. LOL!

            • r
            • raven
            • RKn
            • 09 Jan 2007

            Alex_tan168, is correct. It needs more features like 3G capability and a 3+ megapixel camera that's the time when this I-phone will become a big Hit.

              • A
              • Alex_tan168
              • ib7
              • 09 Jan 2007

              hey Bam Bam >>> I din't mention any price at all... can you jus see wat I'm typing... do U have a problem with Ur eye? that's other person ....not me.. if this phone is $800 I oso will buy it.. cheep for me. stupid

                • r
                • raven
                • RKn
                • 09 Jan 2007

                No 3G? and it's about 24K in PhP? now, that's disappointing.
                I think I'll wait for the model that WILL have 3G capability and a secondary camera at the front.

                  • b
                  • boris
                  • pFI
                  • 09 Jan 2007

                  for the firs phone by apple its ok, at least is different from the others, specifiaction same like last year phone, but lest hope this will not be the firs and the last Ipone !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                    • B
                    • BAM BAM
                    • ny2
                    • 09 Jan 2007

                    Won't you ever read what's beside you? Just to see what others said. Especially for Alex_tan168.
                    Stop telling people that's it hell to expansive! Do you have it in your hands to see what it's his full capacities?

                    Remember one thing, you are running a really OS. OS X. Think about applications!

                      • a
                      • argh
                      • kPw
                      • 09 Jan 2007

                      Wow. Beautiful phone! Hope they eventually license the OS to other vendors, but wouldn't hold my breath.

                      Comparing to the N95... it's half the thickness! This is going to be an amazing product, can't wait until they get FCC approval. I imagine 3G will come in time.

                        • A
                        • Alex_tan168
                        • ib7
                        • 09 Jan 2007

                        demain>>> U know Simple Design is the best design some times? it looks elegant and high class....actually it's more then that

                          • l
                          • lip
                          • 4pJ
                          • 09 Jan 2007

                          Add a 3.2mp cam and 3G and you have a very nice product.
                          Without those features it's still somewhat of a compromise compared to the N95 and whatever else Nokia has up their sleeve at the moment.

                            • A
                            • Alex_tan168
                            • ib7
                            • 09 Jan 2007

                            3.2MP at less, HSDPA, and a memory card slot. 8Gb.. not enough at all....and and and 1 more thing.. make sure that screen made from crystal.... too large and unprotected is the major problem to hv a broken screen and scratch

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • Pv9
                              • 09 Jan 2007

                              the n95 still looks like a better buy and 700$ + 2 years contract? hell too expensive for what it offers.

                                • d
                                • deep
                                • jrQ
                                • 09 Jan 2007

                                The people complaining will never be happy with anything.. always waiting for "rev b", because of some obscure missing feature that nobody will ever use anyway.

                                Bottom line: this phone will change the way many of us live our lives (I personally spend 14+ hours on my cell phone each month). If you're sticking with the traditional plastic keypad/stylus/etc, that's your choice. Have a blast.

                                  • D
                                  • Demian
                                  • iG6
                                  • 09 Jan 2007

                                  I'm just so disappointed. They could have done a better job for sure. The design... is just way too simple, I was expecting something a bit more original and unusual, and what about it's features, 2 MP camera only??? Not to mention the lack of UMTS/HSDPA and the questionable OS.

                                    • A
                                    • Alex_tan168
                                    • ib7
                                    • 09 Jan 2007

                                    for this phone.. jus hv few thing nice...Great Screen, Stylish, and slim. it's bad to lack of HSDPA technology. I hope they able to produce I-Phone 2 that’s hv same design(not so slim if packaging with awesome tech is not a problem) 3.2MP at less, HSDPA, and a memory card slot. 8Gb.. not enough at all....and and and 1 more thing.. make sure that screen made from crystal.... too large and unprotected is the major problem to hv a broken screen and scratch

                                      • b
                                      • boris
                                      • pFI
                                      • 09 Jan 2007

                                      nokia n95 its much more powerfull at any corner you looks nice just like a toy, it's not a serious phone

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • Sm9
                                        • 09 Jan 2007

                                        is it comming to Europe?