Apple iPhone announced at Macworld
- S
- Stacy
- w7m
- 10 Jan 2007
In a few months you will be seeing many of these around, the best selling innovative mobile ever when it reaches world markets
- N
- Naito
- Pxv
- 10 Jan 2007
Quote "I think your just in denile about apple's innovation compared to that of microsoft".
You can't really say this because when Apple were bringing out Ipod Microsoft was going along a completely different path, that of the Xbox. Now Microsoft are bringing out the Zoon.
Anyway the default OS for 95 percent of all computers users is Windows, know thats what you call innovation.
On the other hand I really like the new iPhone, but next time look at the facts.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 10 Jan 2007
apple just waits for other companies to come out with new ideas and than steal them and call them innovative. like the ipod. millions of mp3 players before. iTV. not even out yet and similar products have been out for over 4 years now. my TV has the technology built in. They just constantly steal ideas. I would never support a company like them. The only reason they went big is because they flooded the market with advertising.
- g
- gaugamelle
- 40D
- 10 Jan 2007
DUDE!!! i love apple products and anything with a touch screen and up to 6GB of memory just turns me on. This phone is going to suppase the popularity of the razer and i am going to be first in line to buy it as soon as it is authorised. Does anyone know when that is going to be?
- z
- zio
- P}v
- 10 Jan 2007
what innovation?!!!!!!! lg was the first company to make this type of phone! duh~~~~~ apple!!! what a copy!!!
- j
- js
- vjr
- 10 Jan 2007
After reading some of the comments here, I simply wanna laugh at some of the pointers that a few readers pointed out, especially Alex_tan... and my gut is telling me that he is a Singaporean like me. I cannot control myself but just laugh...
Well... first... let us do some math here. 400 or 500 USD isn't that expensive for a phone. Look at the price of SE P990... isn't that expensive as well? Back to what Apple has come out with to impress us all, the design / form factor, well-thought OS and functionalities do govern that price tag.
Maybe due to the fact that I am living in Singapore, HSDPA is not important at all... we have free WIFI throughout the island by 2008 and surfing the web will be a breeze, anytime and anywhere. As for 3G, it is so obvious why Steve and guys left that out for version one as it is not picking up well right now. We all have 12 calendar months to spare till the next update and it is gonna blow us all away. And that includes a higher MP camera.
Personally, as I am working as a designer, I truly find it sad that people ain't willing to pay for design. Look at that device, it is one of the best looking product that we see in the market. It is of no copycats like some major mobile companies are doing to each other with their phone design.
So let us chill and see how this phone can make our lives better. BTW, how I wish I am staying in the States.... I love this device to bits.
- ?
- Anonymous
- w7m
- 10 Jan 2007
I think your just in denile about apple's innovation compared to that of microsoft
- j
- jay
- P}v
- 10 Jan 2007
but LG alreay launched exact same concept phone with prada case a month ago.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 10 Jan 2007
iThink this iPhone is iCrap
- N
- Naito
- Pxv
- 10 Jan 2007
I'm not saying it is dodgy or anything I just hope it will last longer than what some iPods did. It has many amazing and useful features and does look really cool. I still wouldn't say 'goodbye to Nokia Nseries' because knowing Nokia they'll have something up their sleeves.
- c
- castor troy
- PvW
- 10 Jan 2007
Brilliant!!!!!! For those who are longing for true innovation this is for you. Yepeeeee!!. Steve Jobs and Apple deserve an award!!!
- ?
- Anonymous
- Yhw
- 10 Jan 2007
Could someone point directly to a linke on the Apple web page where it says the iPhone as a zirconium screen? I don't see anything there.
- T
- Tblu
- jSe
- 10 Jan 2007
500 bucks is not that much considering all that ubelievable technology Apple packs in one device ...4/8 Gb,3 1/5 inch video,wi-fi,2Mp,quadband,16 hrs itunes playback, no pointr, Apple's legendary reliability etc etc..and there's simply no other product that would match beautiful integration of OSX..i guess if you never owned a Mac, you woldn't understand(no i dont work for them, just a machead).My guess is that cingular will experience high demand in June.
- ?
- Anonymous
- w7m
- 10 Jan 2007
Apple welcomes new era in telecommunications, the first 30 years were just the begining, welcome to 2007
The iPhone is the most sophisicated Mobile in features + Design wise.
Goodbye Nokia N series
Hello iPhone
- N
- Naito
- Pxv
- 10 Jan 2007
I'm suprised that Apple have even bothered with the iPhone because after all the bad reputation with the iPod. For example; the screens break easily and that the HDD sometimes stop working.
I won't be suprised if this phone is so successful because all the fashion guru's will love it. Still think twice before you buy.
P.S. Everyone I have known who had an iPod said they would never get one again.
- d
- davidm
- kCp
- 10 Jan 2007
What's interesting is no one is mentioning a card slot. This thing would be over the top with an SD card slot. It would solve the lack of GPS and make it future worthy, and have "unlimited" storage.
- ?
- Anonymous
- je2
- 10 Jan 2007
I agree with most of you it needs to have 3g. Another thing is, if that is the way it is, it going to be havy. IPods are usualy have devices. But in general this device is nice and finaly it will be available in states
- j
- john
- pdY
- 09 Jan 2007
Why all the people here compare everything to NOKIA. Nokia phones N95 inclusive is not anything compared to this iphone by Apple. This would be a rev. product and probably when the second product maybe iphone V2 comes out, you all who said negative stuffs about this phone would have your jaws dropping..
- B
- ny2
- 09 Jan 2007
Alex_tan168-the first part of the message was for you. Not the how much it is.
I wrote back a little that the screen was made of zirconium and you were wondering if it is made out of a durable cristal.
Go to the iPhone page (Apple) and read about that zirconium technology, if you want to know more.
- D
- DC
- n9J
- 09 Jan 2007
Very true. Sorry but the phone is nothin too special. No love lost for Apple and thier products tho. Thier first model; obvious there's more to come :D Wish there was a way to put iPhones touch-screen on Nokia's N95 phone :| now that would be sexy! Check it out, and holla back on your opinion on which is better :)