Apple iPhone announced at Macworld

09 Jan, 2007
Today, at Macworld 2007 Apple announced the long-awaited iPhone - a widescreen iPod, a mobile phone, a mobile Internet terminal, a digital camera and a portable PIM organizer all-in-one....

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  • J
  • Josh
  • PQ%
  • 16 Jan 2007

I really like the looks of this, but with two reservations.
1. no 3g/ HSDPA. If you want to surf in HTML mode, this will be a must by the time this phone comes out.
2. Support. Sadly, I work near an Ipod repair centre. Admittedly, they are the only one for a big region, but they often have 50-60 people lined up waiting for service. You'd think that apple would open up more centres or something.
Apart from that, it looks great.

    • t
    • tboy2000
    • iLM
    • 16 Jan 2007

    What happens if you are using this phone outside and it is cold so you need to wear gloves? Will the multi touch still work if you are wearing gloves? I ask this because you can not control the mouse cursor with gloves on and touching the touhpad of a laptop. Any ideas anyone?

      • J
      • JJ
      • RBj
      • 16 Jan 2007

      the iPhone is a great phone, however it will take a while to get to places like Australia because our networks arent ready for every single feature that the iPhone has. eg: VisualMessagebank
      It's a great phone, that will be extremely over-priced, but a second model will be coming out in the next 3 months that will fine tune this apple product to all networks.
      By the way. Go Sisco! get all the millions you can;)

        • P
        • PSX
        • P66
        • 16 Jan 2007

        by the way, what is the resolution of the screen?? I have a Panasonic SA7 and the resolution of 16 million of colours is the biggest one I've ever seen... will iPhone be higher??

          • G
          • Gouki
          • P66
          • 16 Jan 2007

          will it be GSM??

            • s
            • stev hobs
            • PUj
            • 16 Jan 2007

            terrible design...looks so big...and impractical too@!but the screen looks great all too ex...get a MP3 player instead ba!

              • K
              • Kid 303
              • nHD
              • 15 Jan 2007

              You know what, this phone is great. Apple have patented the multi touch. It's in the damn keynote presentation. If you would actually watch the damn thing, you all might learn a thing or two. It's a great phone. It's like nothing we've seen yet. Stop slating it, for God's sake. I mean, Multi touch! On a phone! What more do you want? Do you want it to make you a cup of tea when you wake up? Do you want it to chew your food for you? Maybe wash the dishes after you eat. I mean, seriously. It's an iPod nano, a PDA, a phone and a 2mp camera all in one. It's got a beautiful UI and it's fully touch screen!

              Apple have done exceedingly well with this product.

              I don't understand why so many people are complaining over something that's 5 years ahead of anything ON THE MOBILE PHONE MARKET...

              Watch the keynote, listen to what Steve Jobbs has to say and learn a thing or two before you come onto this website and start flaming all the time...

                • s
                • srb
                • kaJ
                • 15 Jan 2007

                An incrediable evolution.

                  • d
                  • donperry
                  • 42R
                  • 15 Jan 2007

                  This phone is crazy.... If u dont think so, plz see the presentation video on CNET. That would change your mind

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • pqy
                    • 15 Jan 2007

                    About how many speakers does it has, or how many colors does the screen has

                      • C
                      • Cobi
                      • pqy
                      • 15 Jan 2007

                      Maybe you could provide us with some tehnical details?

                        • A
                        • Abbasean
                        • MQ@
                        • 15 Jan 2007

                        This is NOT a revolutionary product really, Apple is just about to make $£$ because of the 'multi touch' feature which is already in market. I have seen a car navigation + DVD playback in it with the 'multi touch' screen capability. The features are same in both devices and even it has the ability to ignore wrong touch and auto correct and senses the user command.
                        The bottom line is Apple didn’t discover this new feature and it’s just the idea bought or something stolen.

                          • k
                          • kEiThZ
                          • xVD
                          • 15 Jan 2007

                          Its obvious not many of you actually took the time to see the iPhone introduction on Apple's website. I didnt think the iPhone was very impressive until I saw the presentation. The UI is indeed revolutionary. It goes well beyond a regular touchscreen. The "pinching" and "flicking" allows users to touch their data and gives users a feeling of being able to effortlessly sort and manipulate data on the phone. The ability to surf the web on a real browser is also a real feature that may yet revolutionize mobile more crappy WAP.

                          As for criticisms about the phone lacking 3G...its more likely users will use Wi-fi to serve rather than pay the exorbiant data rates charged by North American carriers. It's likely that Apple will up the phone to 3G in time for European and Asian launches.

                          And now for the cost...despite what everyone on here thinks. The phone is not going to cost $1200-$1500. Apple is trying to cell the phone at full cost (without subsidy) to make their money. In return Cingular gets to hang on to their customers for 2 years. It will likely be the same when the various UK/European exclusive iPhone carriers are announced. For this strategy to work, Apple has to cell the phone locked and make it difficult to unlock.

                          While I am disappointed with some of the specs, I was awed after seeing the presentation. I have never owned any Apple device. And I have an SE W800i and a SE K790a. In my opinion, the iPhone is likely to bring mid-end users like me to the smartphone arena rather than steal too many high-end smartphone clients. It's also more likely to be a threat to high end music phones (like the SE Walkman line, high end Nokia's and LG Chocolate phones) than it is to most smartphones (a la M600 and N95). And I firmly believe, that Apple has raised the bar for all. I am eagerly awaiting the response from SE, Nokia, Samsung, etc. and I am also waiting to see the "lite" versions of the iPhone which might turn out to be true "walkman killers".

                            • B
                            • BGB
                            • Ssc
                            • 15 Jan 2007

                            Year this phone is really Wow, just wondering about the price in Belgium, So incredible to see Apple in mobile phones by the way...

                              • G
                              • GiDEZeL
                              • fuk
                              • 15 Jan 2007

                              only 2 things special with this phone

                              1st It is an Apple..
                              2nd It has a touchscreen

                              so, people won't compare it with the iPod, as the used to do for the SonyEricsson W-Series or the Nokia N91, coz it actually has iPod in it...

                              Actually it is way too expensive.. same as the iPod... and it's the reason why some people are goin to buy it, BECAUSE IT IS EXPENSIVE.. As it is expensive they think its got to be good, that's not always true.. personaly i call those people(who will buy it only coz its expensive): "stupid"

                              But for now, it is not even available.. so let's wait some more time befor decidin wever it is good or not...

                              NOTE: Apple has not much experience in the camera market.. so we should not expect much from it...
                              but they have excessive experience in fooling their customers.. they are great in marketing...

                              I LOVE SE W-SERIES!!!

                                • B
                                • Brane-Macedonia
                                • iKQ
                                • 15 Jan 2007

                                Great phone. Great design, great features. All in One ! I just wonder what will be the finall selling price......If its over 600euros then people will surelly buy Nokia N95 instead the iPhone.......

                                  • e
                                  • edferg
                                  • PRQ
                                  • 15 Jan 2007

                                  This is a great phone, but how about the reliability of the touchscreen. what happens when its not working properly? any alternatives? how do you control the phone when its broken? have they thought about this?

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • n4{
                                    • 15 Jan 2007

                                    4gb £250 and 8gb is £300, non of this thousand pound rubbish

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • PDR
                                      • 15 Jan 2007

                                      Has some nice features but certainly not 'revolutionary' as some are claiming. The screen will be extremely difficult to keep blemish free and will the touch screen work well with a cover on it? Overall excellent functions but very boring to look at

                                        • s
                                        • sonic604
                                        • 4AY
                                        • 15 Jan 2007

                                        ok - question? What you think is a reasonable price for this phone. I speculate $1200-1500 for the phone alone.
                                        Even on the article, it says
                                        "Initial pricing in Cingular networks will be 499$ for the 4GB model and 599$ for the 8GB one - both with a two-year contract."
                                        So if it is $1200-$1500 for the phone - the phone should be comparable to a Nokia N95 right?
                                        Are you will to shell out $1200-1500 for a phone alone? If it is lower than my speculation...good news for people who want to buy it