Apple iPhone announced at Macworld
- D
- Doug
- 17 Jan 2007
Nice to see a company taking a different route with a a mobile media device rather than the same old stuff. Whether it works as well as a 'normal' phone in the real world remains to be seen, the touch screen is bound to have some disadvantages and when it is finally released the 2 meg' camera will be rather under spec I imagine. However, this is the first phone I have really wanted in ages; gadget fever!!!!
- ?
- Anonymous
- PU2
- 17 Jan 2007
I think iPhone will be a nightmare for texters.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 43A
- 17 Jan 2007
this is hot! can't wait till it comes out
- R
- Rinky
- jSe
- 17 Jan 2007
For all the people who are saying this phone is a waste because it doesn't have 3G, I just found this from David Pogue of the New York Times, who was at the MacWorld Expo and got to play with the phone and interview Steve Jobs. He has posted a list of questions he's been receiving via email and that he's either answering himself based on his handling of the phone or fielding back to Apple for answers. As I said in a previous post, the quadband network it's being released with is more suitable to North America and I speculated that 3G would be available in Europe and Asia pending release in those markets. While this doesn't say that specifically, it does say this:
Q: “No 3G is almost a deal breaker. EDGE is horrible for a device this advanced…how did that get overlooked?”
A: It wasn’t overlooked. 3G (HSDPA) is available only in a few cities [in the US]. Apple says that when it’s more prevalent, the company will upgrade the iPhone.
You can find this and the answers to lots more questions at
- j
- jackson bui
- jR@
- 16 Jan 2007
my name is jackson bui i would like to take a order Apple iphone phone just come out phease give me a call all when you guy needed to 1(407)579-4956 thank you for coorperation
I wish to here from you as soon as posible
- r
- riz
- S35
- 16 Jan 2007
i think this phone its just all about brand and looks,it does not have removeanle battery,only have 2 mega piel camnera,lots other things about this apple fone are not cool,for me its an failiure
- j
- jay
- i4f
- 16 Jan 2007
I think its a great phone, but comeon without 3G/HSDPA,I would'nt opt for one of these
Gprs/edge is not so good for internet utilities.
- c
- coffee
- M7m
- 16 Jan 2007
Will there be any GSM version for this?
- h
- hasan
- 16 Jan 2007
iPhone looks awesome. Its design is so simple and obvious that I am wondering why industry leaders like Nokia and Sony Ericsson never came out with such a brilliant concept. Not everyone is mad about features and specifications. Besides being a great Apple product, the iPhone is also going to sell for its ease of use, rich user interface, and unique platform experience.
- c
- chris(from upgrades)
- iIR
- 16 Jan 2007
i think this handset will be a realy good seller even though the handset hasent got a very good camera i has very good other features
- M
- Mcmkone
- Mx@
- 16 Jan 2007
very true TM however i do think that they will address this issue or maybe they will not see the point in doing it..
i think that it is a slight breakthrough in technology with the multi-touch system they have other than that i don't think there is much treat to other mobile phone manufactures.
as you did say no hsdpa.....
i think the new wave of technology requires hsdpa and we are now entering that era.. ok it has wifi however you need to be near a hot spot to benifit from it.
now an interesting thing that i would like to know is in mobiles today you can share files mp3's, videos, pictures via bluetooth, do you think they will allow you to have so much freedoom??? hummm???
- k
- kEiThZ
- xVD
- 16 Jan 2007
This phone will sell. Not because its the best out there. It's not. But because its much easier to use than anything out there. Steve Jobs was right...the current generation of smartphone, however, great technically, are hard to use.
This phone will create its own market like the ipod did by moving low and mid-range users into smartphone territory. I am betting this will be the first smartphone for a lot of people.
- v
- vim
- 16 Jan 2007
NOTE: OSX can not do many application at the same time. Anh not not not much application for this.
- T
- TM
- nuV
- 16 Jan 2007
McMkone wrote: "you can update the software as time goes on"
But it will be only due to Apple to add some fonctions or not. You cant install 3rd party apps, so IMHO its still quite limited. Im not complining about the software but about the limitation that I can't decide what program to install, and that apple will tell me what should I use or not
- M
- Mcmkone
- Mx@
- 16 Jan 2007
( TM )
Its funny to see how advertisement works on some of the people here :D
“Steve said its 5 years ahead, so it must be ” LOL
The facts are:
It is NOT a smartphone. It has system closed for add-on apps. Not even java games :D
It is NOT running full OSX, same as on Mac computers. Its some cut down version. They leave the name for ad purposes.
It has MEDIOCRE camera with no autofocus. It CAN’t open office or pdf attachments so there goes email. It has NO 3G/HSPDA so no real always connected experience (unlimited data plans are getting cheaper and cheaper, I have one for 15 euro/month).
Full network browser is NOT REVOLUTIONARY. I had Opera on my 3650 more than 3 years ago.
There is NOT REMOVEABLE battery in it!! When you run out of power you can’t replace it with a spare one (only spare iPhone :D)
I wonder if this stupid rotate sensor can be turn of. It would piss me off if it wasn’t possible to operate it in landscape mode while lying on the side on the sofa…
Actually it is more like a year behind, and it won’t be available in Europe earlier than in a year! HAHA! Joke?
The only good thing is a big HVGA screen, and that’s all of a new iPhone. Everything else is ADVERTISMENT MOCKERY :D
Anyway I wont buy it unless they make it at least decent…
( McMkone )
This is very true there are alot of handsets out there that do realtime internet and pdf and so forth as you discribe in your post how ever you missed out on the fact that you can update the software as time goes on, so i would class anything to do with software silly to complain about.
however i am with you on the fact of 2mega camera, and the fact of the battery which is going to pose a huhg problem for the market. The fact that Ipods break down more time then you use them comes to mind as well... i wounder how your gonna system reset it when it crashes... throw it against the
i think this is an amazing product however i don't think it will be the best product of 2007.... watch this space.
- M
- Mcmkone
- Mx@
- 16 Jan 2007
Which network do you think will get it first in england...???
- T
- TM
- nuV
- 16 Jan 2007
Its funny to see how advertisement works on some of the people here :D
“Steve said its 5 years ahead, so it must be ” LOL
The facts are:
It is NOT a smartphone. It has system closed for add-on apps. Not even java games :D
It is NOT running full OSX, same as on Mac computers. Its some cut down version. They leave the name for ad purposes.
It has MEDIOCRE camera with no autofocus. It CAN’t open office or pdf attachments so there goes email. It has NO 3G/HSPDA so no real always connected experience (unlimited data plans are getting cheaper and cheaper, I have one for 15 euro/month).
Full network browser is NOT REVOLUTIONARY. I had Opera on my 3650 more than 3 years ago.
There is NOT REMOVEABLE battery in it!! When you run out of power you can’t replace it with a spare one (only spare iPhone :D)
I wonder if this stupid rotate sensor can be turn of. It would piss me off if it wasn’t possible to operate it in landscape mode while lying on the side on the sofa…
Actually it is more like a year behind, and it won’t be available in Europe earlier than in a year! HAHA! Joke?
The only good thing is a big HVGA screen, and that’s all of a new iPhone. Everything else is ADVERTISMENT MOCKERY :D
Anyway I wont buy it unless they make it at least decent…
- M
- MrLinux
- pkr
- 16 Jan 2007
WoW ! What Phone ! I like it verry much ! I'm a Mac OS X fan , I have an iBook dual USB. The phone is beutifull .. I wanna buy it! Right now I have an' Nokia N 90, it's a good phone but is time for a change :P ... the Apple iPhone is ... BESTIAL !
- s
- straker
- Bqt
- 16 Jan 2007
If its anything like the ipod apple can keep it
- e
- esta
- jkx
- 16 Jan 2007
I am sooo excited about this phone. I am amazed at its capabilities. MAC World in really superior to others right now. My only disappointment (and its a BIG one) is that they have chosen an exclusive contract with Cingular phone service provider. I have been with Cingular, I am not at all impressed with them. They are crooks. My ex's phone number was still showing up on my bill and I had not been speaking to him in months. When I called Cingular and told them about it, they told me to write a letter. I wrote a letter alright, it said, "Cancel my service, Immediately." I am hoping that they will connect with TMobile on their next IPhone or open the contract. I dont think it will be anytime soon though. In the Keynote, I heard him say that Apple IPhone is a 2 year exclusive with Cingular. They are really limiting themselves by doing that.