Android will rule the smartphones, WP7 will be second, says Gartner

08 April, 2011
According to the analysts over at Gartner, Android will be the most popular mobile OS in the next four years reaching almost 50% market share. Meanwhile Windows Phone should catch up...

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  • h
  • hanif bhutto
  • KIh
  • 09 Apr 2011

no phone operating system could say the complete operating system, innovation is an ongoing process. although, andriod grown up rapidly, market palace is major fact in this regard, where user can download plenty of free softwares. other fact is microsoft

    • c
    • caribala
    • PFx
    • 09 Apr 2011

    phoneaddict, 09 Apr 2011I myself is still a fan of SYMBIAN and happy with my NOKIA ... moreI do believe you. Even with my ace on pocket, i still use my e72 most of the time.

      • D
      • AnonD-2255
      • p8c
      • 09 Apr 2011

      People are fighting over phones and OS, LOL! Just be happy with what you use. These multi billion companies that you people are defending would sell your soul to the devil if they could make a dollar from it.

        • M
        • Mohamed
        • ftZ
        • 09 Apr 2011

        Put in your mind people who can't afford android .. and i'm not a fan of touch phones .. all androids is touch ! i will just stuck to symbian nokia E5 .. ( My own opinion .. don't start a fight :D )

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • MNS
          • 09 Apr 2011

          I read this comments and do not understand why so many of you think that Nokia has to fight against Android? Why would Nokia fight Android? Android is not a manufacturer of mobile devices, but the OS.
          In my opinion, it's not good that one manufacturer binds only for one OS, I think it's very limited way of thinking and not very good way to earn money.

          If I am a manufacturer of mobile phones and people like my design and hardware and therefore they would like to buy my cell phone, but instead some of them (80-85%) decide not to buy it because I use only 1 OS which they don't like, so eventually they buy something else...this means that I have a problem!
          What is the solution for this problem? The solution is that I have to install different OS's to my devices so that everyone can find what they want. The same goes vice versa ... if I were a manufacturer of OS.

          I think that Android has such a success (and will have it in the coming years) because anyone who loves Android can find the device that suits him best. This is something you do not have (or have it in very limited way) with iOS, or RIM, nor WP7.

 conclude...why wouldn't we be able to buy android Nokia, or android iPhone, or iOS HTC or symbian iPhone?? :)))
's a joke...but why not?! :)

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • vI7
            • 09 Apr 2011

            SpiKe, 08 Apr 2011Although I'm an Android fan in terms of software, but I mus... moreI totally agree with you.....

              • L
              • LV
              • t7X
              • 09 Apr 2011

              How come? Would the cheap, lame, old Windows phone be second in the industry? It didn't prove anything aside from its ability to open Microsoft Office documents. I think the best that should lead is the iOS. iOS devices changed everything. Phones, make other companies to copy the iPad releasing another version which proved nothing until now...

                • r
                • ra
                • R3B
                • 09 Apr 2011

                Anonymous, 09 Apr 2011android prob will have that market share but only because i... morehow is that a bad thing? it's not like everyone can afford a $199 phone with 2 yr contract.

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • MVf
                  • 09 Apr 2011

                  Anonymous, 09 Apr 2011android prob will have that market share but only because i... moreOnly logical that producers follow market demand, right?

                    • A
                    • Android rules but..
                    • 0G8
                    • 09 Apr 2011

                    everything on your mobile is linked with google services, i can not see any difference between apple and google, apple honestly says that their costumers can only do whatever they give them but google tricks people with their freedom lie. i will never use android phone.

                      • H
                      • Hmm
                      • Lh%
                      • 09 Apr 2011

                      phoneaddict, 09 Apr 2011I myself is still a fan of SYMBIAN and happy with my NOKIA ... moreGood for you living in the passed.

                        • p
                        • player23
                        • 3IJ
                        • 09 Apr 2011

                        ths is all one can predict wht the future of phones is heading..but one thing is a fact that iphone has changed the usage of phones and now evry comp is trying to catch can u trust a comp that lanches hundreds of touched phones saying ths is the new iphone killer while apple creates only one....till all the comps catch apple im sure they will shock the world with something out of this world

                          • S
                          • Smokinsonu
                          • M3s
                          • 09 Apr 2011

                          Everyone hating on Android, especially the last few comments, you sound like an iOS fan. Android can do a lot lot more. Hence you need the power. Without apps, the iphone (think about) just a load of crap and its restricted to alot of things. Windows Phone 7 is following Apple's steps to blocking users of 'the actual basic' phone functions. And please, I know because I own IPHONE, ANDROID and WP7. And work in the Mobile Retail Industry.
                          (___ P.S. Android is not dying, something else is ;) ___)

                            • c
                            • crazy
                            • ULV
                            • 09 Apr 2011

                            prediction of 4 years into the future in this crazy technology world is IMPOSSIBLE. In 2010 Gartner also DID predict that Android won't become no.1 until 2014 and Symbian is no.1 until then. They change their estimation dramatically EVERY YEAR because it's practically impossible.

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • vpa
                              • 09 Apr 2011

                              AnonD-2562, 08 Apr 2011just predictions.. not confirmations.. nokia is learning man.. yes, Nokia is learning. That's probably why they'll be putting Windows Phone 7 on their phones. :)

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • M3s
                                • 09 Apr 2011

                                Ryan Mark, 08 Apr 2011I rarely see people use Android phones today. I travel and ... moreandroid prob will have that market share but only because it is being released on so many underpowered devices at such low prices

                                  • D
                                  • AnonD-123
                                  • 4A$
                                  • 09 Apr 2011

                                  Android is growing at a phenomenal rate right now. No one can predict if some new player will come up with some huge breakthrough that will disrupt the market tomorrow or in a couple of years. These predictions are based on things not changing much which is a pretty poor assumption. We can't even predict what the weather will be next week. Predicting an industry that can change overnight is next to impossible.

                                    • p
                                    • phoneaddict
                                    • tu6
                                    • 09 Apr 2011

                                    I myself is still a fan of SYMBIAN and happy with my NOKIA E90 which I have since 2007. For a manually operated phone (non touch screen), only NOKIA/SYMBIAN phones are the most user friendly phones around as most are already familiar with the UI's not to mention the long lasting battery life. No doubt ANDROID phones are easy to use nowadays but still lacking in the area of battery life, unless the phones are big, just like the SAMSUNG GALAXY TAB. In other words, only bigger android phones can gives user satisfaction in terms of battery life. For those phones which are the same size as SYMBIAN size phones, SYMBIAN phones still top on battery life.

                                    I believe if NOKIA are to forgo their SYMBIAN rights to any potential bidder out there, the next SYMBIAN leader should be able to bring the SYMBIAN OS to the next level and believe me, it wouldn't be a downturn in the OS. We might be surprise on how good the OS will become.

                                    As for RIM, based on my personnel experience with their phones, will not be able to maintain their market share, if they keep producing TINY phones with narrow keyboard.

                                    IOS is yet to be known with their unwillingness to work closely with ADOBE for flash and software jail breaking restriction which to me is not something favouring certain users.

                                    Don't forget BADA, I think the OS will be improved tremendously in the next few years with good leader and OS promotion. After all it's just a OS, and there will always be a team of smart developers to polish on the OS

                                      • z
                                      • zubair
                                      • PAm
                                      • 09 Apr 2011

                                      Which means Nokia will lose the market share if it only stuck with Microsoft (i am sure this will not happen) Nokia will use its Meego again to become market leader.

                                        • 3
                                        • 3ds
                                        • uCp
                                        • 09 Apr 2011

                                        Android=King Arthur
                                        Windows Phone 7=Guinevere
                                        Others=King Arthur's followers