The iPhone 8 design allegedly leaked

17 May 2017
A dummy shows no home button on the front, implying the scanner might be embedded under the display.

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Blatant copy of the Galaxy S line.

    • a
    • aegon V
    • uSR
    • 18 May 2017

    [deleted post]yeah just like a proton wira owner saying the Porsche 911 is crap, hahahaha,

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • J9S
      • 18 May 2017

      Ugly as hell

        • D
        • AnonD-670120
        • KSH
        • 18 May 2017

        worst design of the year.

          ResolvePi, 18 May 2017So Apple have still.not dropped Lightning for USB-C. Fail!why must used c when they got lightning ? at least they can made profit with that port

          and if apple used c , people like u will complain for copying android ...

            • T
            • Tempest
            • uCp
            • 18 May 2017

            We can agree that alot of smartphone companies have been copying Apple's design, but did Apple have to resolve this problem by making one hell of an ugly phone.P.S it also look like the new Samsung S8. I wonder if they can really impress the buyers out there.Please prove me wrong Apple

              So Apple have still.not dropped Lightning for USB-C. Fail!

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • Jb$
                • 18 May 2017


                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • XNk
                  • 18 May 2017

                  Dual SIM plzzz

                    • D
                    • AnonD-491575
                    • UCB
                    • 18 May 2017

                    i really hope it's not chrome around the edges. that looks so tacky and cheap!

                      • D
                      • AnonD-402029
                      • XNI
                      • 18 May 2017

                      Jc , 18 May 2017Looks like a cheap version of my s8 plus . yea compare this iphone with misaligned fingerprint scanner on s8 lol

                        • J
                        • Jc
                        • RbX
                        • 18 May 2017

                        Looks like a cheap version of my s8 plus .

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • 2Is
                          • 18 May 2017

                          AnonD-638825, 17 May 2017Well if this is true, the Iphone 8 is going to look absolut... moreNo it is not flush. Can see it clearly in the image

                            • D
                            • Dominic
                            • 46c
                            • 18 May 2017

                            The back...Hahahaha

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • 5EJ
                              • 18 May 2017

                              her nails are bothering me!!

                                • D
                                • AnonD-93439
                                • JGg
                                • 18 May 2017

                                you know something's wrong with apple when they start copying other cheap design languages

                                  • S
                                  • Savor
                                  • IHq
                                  • 17 May 2017

                                  Anonymous, 17 May 2017Nokia is dead and HMD global (the company pretending to be ... moreHMD has as much DNA from Nokia as the Nokia that Microsoft bought out a few years ago. The old Apple Computer died in 1997. The current Apple is an evolution from NeXT. Most of Jobs' NeXt engineers were brought to Apple when he returned.

                                  HMD is as much related to Nokia as Jon Snow (Targaryen) is related to the Stark family. The Nokian DNA is still there. Some ex-Nokian engineers were around Nokia when the N-series were released. The CEO was around since the 3310 was released.

                                  HMD isn't pretending to be Nokia. They are Nokia and were around them during their heyday.

                                    • S
                                    • Savor
                                    • IHq
                                    • 17 May 2017

                                    How innovative. Looks exactly like the iPhones during the last three years. A vertical camera lens like the Nokia 8 but looks exactly like the iPhone 6 and 7 series. And this is supposed to be the Anniversary Edition?

                                      • D
                                      • AnonD-617820
                                      • yQK
                                      • 17 May 2017

                                      design looks terrible would've been worst iPhone design ever

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • 6jq
                                        • 17 May 2017

                                        AnonD-655518, 17 May 2017Same old shite, iOS or android its alway the new "X" phone ... moreNokia is dead and HMD global (the company pretending to be Nokia) is almost penniless.

                                        In fact only Apple has the money to reinvent mobiles. But she won't, she lacks the guts. They have an accountant as a CEO, maybe if they hire an adventurer as a CEO like they did when they rehired Steve Jobs back in mid-late 90s ...

                                        But that is not going to happen. Come to think about it , Jobs' death was a tragedy to all, he was one of the few to be both in the position to bring change and have the guts to do it. I mean he was a horrible human being, a priviledged west coast kid , but he could move the world...