Nokia Indoor Positioning promoted on video, looks cool

15 April, 2011
Back in 2010 at Nokia World in London, the Nokia Research Centre demonstrated a neat concept of navigating indoors. Now, there's a new version of the system and Nokia has put up a video promoting it...

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  • D
  • AnonD-2663
  • 2CR
  • 16 Apr 2011

Bad commercial aside, this is why I love Nokia. Iv'e used android extensively and apart from HTC's "Sense", it continues to frustrate the crap out of me.

    • O
    • Oncom
    • Kx7
    • 16 Apr 2011

    AnonD-4456, 15 Apr 2011Not practical anyway, you need those "indicator" ... moreThere was time when peoples don’t need watch to determine time. Time can be determined by looking at the sun position.

      • Y
      • Yet Another Android
      • k65
      • 16 Apr 2011

      Nice. It is old tech though as the other commenter posted but hey, at least they are implementing it now. Gotta start somewhere. Good job Nokia. Now get me that Meego device Please Nokia =^.^=

        • u
        • umbrella
        • uPF
        • 16 Apr 2011

        i understand the guy go to the airport to buy an umbrella???

        do you really need a tracking device to buy an umbrella?

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • PRW
          • 16 Apr 2011

          AnonD-1082, 16 Apr 2011Another innovation by Nokia! I'm really impressed and I'm s... moremany innovation in android ,gsma just not write it...

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • IVQ
            • 16 Apr 2011

            this is a nice innovation, but it is not possible to implement in many country yet, just like talk only...

              • D
              • AnonD-1082
              • kJX
              • 16 Apr 2011

              Another innovation by Nokia! I'm really impressed and I'm sure it's going to be another must have feature. I expect Android to copy this and produce another half-baked implementation like they always do. Start your photocoppiers Android!

                • s
                • shivam 7696372151
                • 2WY
                • 16 Apr 2011

                good maps

                  • i
                  • iBanana
                  • w9J
                  • 16 Apr 2011

                  So what if i lost my phone instead of the bag?

                    • M
                    • Mario
                    • n$6
                    • 16 Apr 2011

                    This kind of system is, actually, old news. Try googling "active bat" and you'll recognize it immediately. It's been done since around 2000 but the fact that you need to wear a tag is a turn-off. If Nokia can manage to fool enough people into thinking this is cool, it might have a slight chance, but, realistically speaking, it's a dead end. And I'm not talking out of my a**... I'm currently finishing a PhD about positioning technologies, so I'm familiar with this and I'm really not impressed.

                      • V
                      • VynZ
                      • 3xh
                      • 16 Apr 2011

                      Nice concept. Not so easy to implement.

                        • A
                        • Aparadectos
                        • LH4
                        • 15 Apr 2011

                        Get your facts right, Ericsson invented bluetooth and was also behind Symbian, long before Nokia.
                        As for the color displays, i dont think that anyone beats T68 in Europe,
                        but Europe was a year behind, at least, since the day the Asian market already had color displays.

                        Nokia was always good at advertising and milking, they always copied and improved/adapted tech, not actually create...
                        This is the reason they have lost the ball in the latest years, now tech matters way much more than brand name and they cant afford to stay one year after their competitors and rely on their name, as they have always had.

                        Hopefully they will start investing some of all that profit they made all those years now and present us more gadgets like this one!

                          • w
                          • what would that for
                          • 0GM
                          • 15 Apr 2011

                          just follow the tabelas, you can find anywhere in a building

                            • D
                            • AnonD-1227
                            • bJh
                            • 15 Apr 2011

                            i've heard about this a year ago in nokia podcast. It sounds promising and totally useful.
                            All those who said nokia is dead, please raise your hands.

                              • D
                              • AnonD-3713
                              • L4D
                              • 15 Apr 2011

                              kartoonz, 15 Apr 2011after so many years nokia has innovated something that Soun... moreOh really? That was Nokia that brought most features that phones have today: color display, bluetooth, internal antennas, real web browsing and much more... It's Nokia that bring to market all usefull new features, that's why Nokia is amazing.

                                • D
                                • AnonD-4456
                                • ucw
                                • 15 Apr 2011

                                Not practical anyway, you need those "indicator" in every building that you wanna apply it. Troublesome and costly.

                                  • D
                                  • AnonD-4697
                                  • LuN
                                  • 15 Apr 2011

                                  Well, Nokia still amazing people, that why is a great Company....


                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • P0t
                                    • 15 Apr 2011

                                    nokia is the future, thats all.

                                      • A
                                      • Andrew
                                      • 0Bj
                                      • 15 Apr 2011

                                      kartoonz, 15 Apr 2011after so many years nokia has innovated something that Soun... moreIf you didn't knew, Nokia has pushed GSM so far - the phones you know are thanks to Nokia :)

                                        • n
                                        • no matter
                                        • 0xN
                                        • 15 Apr 2011

                                        Yes, wright, most accurate...
                                        Guy drives straight down the road and the navigations shows that he takes the turn...