Nokia Indoor Positioning promoted on video, looks cool

15 April, 2011
Back in 2010 at Nokia World in London, the Nokia Research Centre demonstrated a neat concept of navigating indoors. Now, there's a new version of the system and Nokia has put up a video promoting it...

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  • c
  • coolg
  • 2@e
  • 15 Apr 2011

wow.. tht looks cool

    • J
    • Jacket
    • 3T%
    • 15 Apr 2011

    My 2005 Peugeot 607 can do this... it can orientate in tunnels, underground parkings etc... this is not something new.

      • T
      • Tansen
      • xnc
      • 15 Apr 2011

      Looks nifty, but the execution and application from nokia will make it look cheap and overly-complicated. Just like their NFC technology that could have made payments look and feel awesome, which ended up with people having to respond via text message "Y" to confirm a purchase. Nokia should just sell their technology to Apple or Google, who would use it much better than they would.

        • j
        • jen
        • RND
        • 15 Apr 2011

        If the Special tracking device is going to cost too much.. This innovation seem not going to practical.

          • k
          • kartoonz
          • t}B
          • 15 Apr 2011

          after so many years nokia has innovated something that Sounds sensible, though dont know practical it is!!! after all its nokia!!!

            • R
            • Ray
            • 0u{
            • 15 Apr 2011

   seems to good to be a Nokia...:))))

              • c
              • ct79
              • mpw
              • 15 Apr 2011

              stupid example. Does he really need two hands to choose between 4 umbrellas? And he left a bag untended in the freaking airport!! Security would have been all over him if they saw how obvious he was. Wait until they find out the guy has a phone that can track objects as well as people during questioning.

                • D
                • AnonD-6231
                • 0pw
                • 15 Apr 2011

                out of curiosity, are they gonna install positioning beacons in every building in the country? if thats correct then i believe its usage is pretty much limited. theres a different technology that enhances gps to locate indoor positions. I believe it also needs the schematics of the building but at least all u need is ur phone.
                no need to install positioning beacons. thats too much work if u ask me. anyways, id like to see how all this plays out in the future. keepn an open mind

                  • B
                  • Bricked
                  • sXG
                  • 15 Apr 2011

                  Nokia have really impressed me recently with their software and with this, it shows they still can innovate.

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • GRp
                    • 15 Apr 2011

                    Looks good...But who installs a positioning beacon in every goddamn building

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • MVf
                      • 15 Apr 2011

                      "A special tracking device, which can be attached to various objects and clothes is available, too. With its help, the Nokia Indoors Positioning can track valuables or even people for that matter."

                      Everyone's a spy now, I guess... Sometimes, the future freaks me out.

                        • L
                        • Laurynas
                        • 0xM
                        • 15 Apr 2011

                        In promo videos it always looks better than in reality.
                        For some reasons I just remembered this video:

                        Anyway, it is nice to see some new features.

                          • G
                          • GCooper
                          • NQN
                          • 15 Apr 2011

                          That is actually pretty cool Nokia, that could actually be very useful for people

                            • Q
                            • Questions.
                            • mh}
                            • 15 Apr 2011

                            Nice. It is a very handy and accurate feature.

                              • 7
                              • 77
                              • 581
                              • 15 Apr 2011

                              Id put this on in my house, and on my keys, dog, and possibly the kids and wife! oh and the TV remote, and I would need two of these phones, so that if I cant find one, ill use the other one.. only problem is what do I do if I cant find both.. Ah screw it, easier to get the wife to find stuff for me