Apple sues Samsung for copying iPhone and iOS looks

19 April, 2011
Apple has filed suit against Samsung for patent and trademark infringement, or more particularly, the Galaxy S smartphones copying the iPhone - both the design and the TouchWiz UI. Samsung is preparing...

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • tRe
  • 19 Apr 2011

Does that mean Baba OS is also affected? Since it also uses TouchWiz UI. I don't see how SGS2 is similar to iP4 except the UI. We shall see how the suit goes about. Maybe Samsung will settle the case out of court with some agreements with Apple?

    • V
    • Ventus
    • vjr
    • 19 Apr 2011

    Just wait n point chanelling our anger here at all...just enjoy our phones...we argue or dont, they still make tones of money...

      • D
      • AnonD-252
      • 0Tq
      • 19 Apr 2011

      Apple is stupidly ridiculous! Galaxy S does not at all look like IPhone4, IPhone4 is a small heavy and the back is all glass, while Galaxy S have a bigger Super Amoled screen and is lightweight with a plastic back-cover. Galaxy S2 looks even less like IPhone4!
      Apple is just desperate because they know IPhone4 is not as good as Galaxy S, and they have not yet been able to announce IPhone5 because Galaxy S2 is so much better than what Apple planned for IPhone5 and Samsung then could sue Apple for copying their Galaxy S2.
      Apple is today the big bad/evil company that bully and sue... all its competitors. Apple is actually far worse than the almighty Microsoft ever was!

        • D
        • AnonD-2117
        • 7tA
        • 19 Apr 2011

        Mick, 19 Apr 2011Nobody else think that Apple are basically shooting themsel... morei exactly think the same u think......appy are destructing themselves......but apple are obviously not that kind of idiots to shoot themselves in their own foot...............i think this is a kind of publicity stunt that appy and sammy have planned under our noses.........

          • Y
          • Yet Another Android
          • Rbq
          • 19 Apr 2011

          Wow I never thought I'd say this but I agree with Steve Jobs...

            • M
            • Mr_Maz
            • MJ4
            • 19 Apr 2011

            Aaron, 19 Apr 2011Apple paid Samsung and LG a huge amount of money to supply ... moreNo Apple allege that Samsung stole their patented designs, whilst Samsung claim that their designs were a result of their own research.

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • m7h
              • 19 Apr 2011

              Lol! Finally someone suing samsung for copying peoples design. Samsung should sue lg's lg big or whatever that phone is called, and make a three way sue.

                • L
                • LaW
                • v6h
                • 19 Apr 2011

                What i cant wait is when all these companies sue there asses off until they become bankrupt and the unlikely hero "Nokia" rises to the top again since they have not been copying everyone ever with symbian which so many think is shit, however they all fool themselves since iOS and android are one and the pretty much same and nokia are the true legit company when it comes to OS design!

                  • M
                  • Mick
                  • Mx@
                  • 19 Apr 2011

                  Nobody else think that Apple are basically shooting themselves in the foot here, if a company supplies the majority of your components and hardware, you think you would want to keep them sweet.

                  I would be almost certain that if Samsung stopped providing these components they would take that 4% hit in sales, but at the same time, Apple could not release phones in a "timely" fashion, and so turn elsewhere, unless they are FANBOIS to the macs(max), with their Apple iTV's, iMac's and iWouldDoAnythingForJobs devices.

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • IVT
                    • 19 Apr 2011

                    Trichar, 19 Apr 2011Makes me laugh reading all these fandroid comments. Yeah... morePhone don't need Dualcore???
                    haha.. funny, lets see how Apple COPY others by releasing dualcore phone too this coming September.

                      • p
                      • pravi
                      • YT1
                      • 19 Apr 2011

                      its always been a problem with steve. ..when he return from medical leave..he always want that somebody should pay his medical bill..btw what is innovative in ios is a geniune design for 4" to 5" sceen size..

                        • b
                        • balkar
                        • wiR
                        • 19 Apr 2011

                        Trichar, 19 Apr 2011Makes me laugh reading all these fandroid comments. Yeah... moreSamsung looks similar to 3g and 3gs. Samsung should use their innovation like Apple for designing.

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • KRV
                          • 19 Apr 2011

                          Trichar, 19 Apr 2011Makes me laugh reading all these fandroid comments. Yeah... moreTalk about bad support. Apparently Samsung is not releasing the SGS 2.3.3 source code amirite?

                            • F
                            • Fongy
                            • Gjj
                            • 19 Apr 2011

                            Not the biggest fan of Apple (don't ask me why, it's one of those irrational dislikes, probably to my own detriment, as the apps on there are quite excellent...)
                            I do have to say, one thing Sammy DON'T DO WELL is innovate on phone design... the Galaxy S does like just like the 3G and the GS2 is basically the iphone 4...
                            I'm not sure it warrants suing - but maybe this will lead to better mobile phone designs in the future - something Sony are leading the way with...

                              • A
                              • Aaron
                              • t7X
                              • 19 Apr 2011

                              Soulless, 19 Apr 2011It's true that the design of the Galaxy S and Ace are simil... moreApple paid Samsung and LG a huge amount of money to supply them with raw hardware. They did not steal it which Samsung did when they copy Apple's patented design and trademark. Got the logic?

                                • l
                                • lakame
                                • prn
                                • 19 Apr 2011

                                guys i agree.
                                it might look like it, but who cares?
                                I don't.
                                The price, the specs, the everything.
                                it's uncompareable.
                                I'm gonna buy gs2 and that's it.
                                apple should get lost with it's stupid old expensive blocks of nothing.

                                  • t
                                  • thefearfulsilence
                                  • Sgv
                                  • 19 Apr 2011

                                  What is it with all this sabre rattling from Apple over patents. They are hardly squeaky clean in this department themselves. In fact I am even nervous about using this lower case i now!!! Seriously though, Apple make some class products so maybe they could now start showing some class of their own and devote a little more effort to the next iphone instead of chucking their imuck around.
                                  Incidentally not a single person has ever confused my SGS with an iphone. Not a soul.

                                    • S
                                    • Seabass978
                                    • Ix@
                                    • 19 Apr 2011

                                    If you cant beat them, join them.

                                      • S
                                      • Sandy
                                      • vGU
                                      • 19 Apr 2011

                                      It always happens whenever any company makes more profit or is in profit other company always find ways or means to pull them down. Apple and Samsung are both market giants and 2 giants cannot survive together.
                                      Samsung has always been innovative, apple always JEALOUS of others success. Believe me my friends, Apple is always Jealous and and jealous people can never survive. Go Apple GO.... Samsung will ruin your business.

                                        Ha Ha Ha. I don't think apple knows what is user friendliness. kinda dependent on itunes for every thing,no bluetooth sharing etc. may be once Sammy looked like Apple but not anymore with the arrival of GALAXY S II. may be apple is afraid of it and its own market which is already deteriorating.