The iPhone 4, recording your movements wherever you go

20 April, 2011
Two security researchers in the UK have uncovered a disturbing truth. It appears iPhone 4's everywhere have been tracking their users movements with startling accuracy (unbeknownst to the users) and what is...

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • IB8
  • 22 Apr 2011

This was actually discovered about a year ago but it just didn't receive the same type of press focus then. People need to relax with the whole privacy thing, nobody really gives a damn where you've been.

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • 2FY
    • 22 Apr 2011

    The only ones who wish to hide their wearabouts are criminals and the immoral.

      • Y
      • Yet Another Android
      • Rbq
      • 21 Apr 2011

      Guess it should've been called the EYE-Phone

        they can cramp that filthy program into iOS. i wonder what other filth they put into their OS X. i WAS plannting to buy one of their macbook a months ago but not sure because of high price, but now... i think they run their company with a bad ethic. sue everyone that might be bad for business, barging into someone house just to find their iphone4 prototype.. and this.

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • mh$
          • 21 Apr 2011

          what's even the matter of this? Nowaday anyone isn't alone, somebody will always watch our movements. For example, in cities about on every corner are 2 cams to record streets.

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • kUw
            • 21 Apr 2011

            Someone mentioned privacy is about disclosing, not knowing. But there is probably a reason why this was buried in the fine print. Openly saying "We will track you...but don't worry, it's anonymous" would probably not go over too well.

            Will this actually adversely affect someone? Unlikely. Would openly disclosing this have affected Apple's sales? Probably, even if only slightly.

            Its straight up marketing in much the same way your surfing habits are tracked.

            I do find it disconcerting a little, but meh...the only places that are still private are the can and the bedroom...and even then...

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • NHr
              • 21 Apr 2011

              Davide, 21 Apr 2011I think you should read the article agian...i think its rediculously scarring

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • sm@
                • 21 Apr 2011


                apple in trouble over trying to control and track its drone fans

                  • h
                  • hhh
                  • ibj
                  • 21 Apr 2011

                  i use iphone 4 for pure gaming + entertainment purpose only.i still use my nokia for calling & texting...

                    • b
                    • bananaman
                    • iIR
                    • 21 Apr 2011

                    is this not invading human rights in someway

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • KAa
                      • 21 Apr 2011

                      Matthew Shield, 21 Apr 2011So what if Apple collects our details. If you trust issues... morein short , a apple fan

                        • A
                        • Apple rofl
                        • LYP
                        • 21 Apr 2011

                        It cannnot be possible, that after such a thing those phones can be still sold. Steve Jobs seems to be a real controlfreak and what I see are those brainwashed Iphonefanboys, who would actually say that everything is alright, if Apple does it... This is a big thing... In my eyes every iPhone user should sue Apple. I am really happy to not having an iPhone anymore, cuz Steve tries to control everything and there are still those fanboys out there, who try to argument it into a good thing... Really funny how far the Apple Brainwash worldinvasion already went.... I'm really sorry for those iPhone users, where the actual brainwash didn't happen until now and for the brainwashed ones... I can only smile at your blindness and say you don't deserve better.

                          • P
                          • Philippe
                          • mww
                          • 21 Apr 2011

                          Your phone operator can track your movements all the time. So no big deal here. It is not an Apple thing. Google is tracking our computer and our tastes all the time. This curse against Apple is becoming more and more outrageous and ridiculous. Luckily there are still people who can separate the truth from the false. Not some journalists apparently.

                            • D
                            • AnonD-1906
                            • 012
                            • 21 Apr 2011

                            Somebody have to sued them!

                            Android rocks!!

                              • a
                              • amit
                              • vwe
                              • 21 Apr 2011

                              hey incredbl

                                • K
                                • Kay
                                • MR7
                                • 21 Apr 2011

                                All things electronic that go online on one way or the other are tracable. For our own sake I might add.

                                  • N
                                  • NSX
                                  • S2D
                                  • 21 Apr 2011

                                  nickname, 21 Apr 2011So what if they put a chip under your skin? Privacy is not ... moreAnd haven't you heard about the new European ID cards? They'll hold your fingerprints. What was once done only to criminals (taking your fingerprints) will be done to us all this year.

                                  Imagine you leave your fingerprints after having work at the bank. Then a gang comes and attempts robbery. In the next moment your name's going to be on the list of suspects. You only can pray the police doesn't have a grudge on you, my friend ....

                                    • N
                                    • NSX
                                    • S2D
                                    • 21 Apr 2011

                                    Even if they discovered that iphone is used by Secret Service to record your conversations or ruin your company, there still'll be people buying it. Maybe even more. That's the way it is.... It's a giant leap for humanity, they say :D We've got to believe them :D

                                      • t
                                      • thefearfulsilence
                                      • mqT
                                      • 21 Apr 2011

                                      There shouldn't be a right to track us by Apple, Android or anyone else unless it can be proved absolutely necessary (and nobody has ever really convinced us that it is).

                                      Let me put it this way to all those who say they don't mind being tracked: Imagine if a figure followed you around 24/7 with a clipboard recording everything you do. Would you really just shrug it off. The fact is a lot of people out there would be on the phone to the police fairly sharpish complaining of a stalker (and a lot of the electronic tracking these days does a lot more than just indicate where you have been).

                                      The fact is that it's illegal to physically follow somebody down a road (in the UK anyway) recording what they do or where they go, even if you are just writing down 'person 1 went to place X at 1030'. However as there is nobody physically following you, it is treated as 'out of sight and out of mind'.

                                      It's all well and good to say it's in the T&Cs but the fact is that all mobiles track you. In effect we ultimately can NOT opt out as then nobody would actually be able to own a mobile phone (or many other devices).

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • sm@
                                        • 21 Apr 2011

                                        Well who'd have guessed it,Apple a highly controlling and draconian restrictive company with its ios and products is actually tracking and recording your every movemnt with an iphone weither you like it or not! Haha!

                                        Not only that but as even worse report released a few days back the iphone 4 is secretly taking photos of you,photos not stored on your phone but been captured and used 'somewhere'.

                                        So Apple are not only monitering what you look like but where you are. poor fanboys they are totally under control and will easily hand more excessive cash over to apple this year while foaming at the mouth in anticipation.

                                        Big Question though......If Apple is already massively monitering ye like this,do you really want them to moniter your nfc???!"!!