Apple under time crunch to figure out Touch ID for the next iPhone

11 July 2017
A few analysists report that Apple has a limited amount of time to solve Touch ID woes before the iPhone 8’s launch is met with delays.

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"Apple still dont know where the fingerprint sensor is gonna be" wake the f up it's mid july of course they know, just journalists dont know. They ve already started producing the new iPhone they make millions of them you think that happens in a couple weeks?

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • 61A
    • 12 Jul 2017

    AnonD-659932, 11 Jul 2017no touch id = no buy.ok cya. no one cares. You probably don't even or ever had an iphone anyways.

    apple haters. pathetic.

      • D
      • AnonD-659932
      • xFP
      • 11 Jul 2017

      no touch id = no buy.

        They should made under the whole screen so user can tap finger anywhere & not at specific place..

          • W
          • Wimter
          • 6TU
          • 11 Jul 2017

          Anonymous, 11 Jul 2017Everybody in here keeps saying put the finger print scanner... moreRemember Apple is not Sony, USA Telco have so much power in controlling but well it's only in the states, internationally all telcos don't hold such power. Apple are the one saying and telco have to follow as they are too big and too powerful, telcos will lose sales if they don't agree with Apple, just like no bloat ware on iphone but tons of bloat in Android. Apple don't lose because internationally and unlocked set online, users will be able to buy it.

            • D
            • AnonD-244086
            • n2y
            • 11 Jul 2017

            AnonD-682657, 11 Jul 2017Always copy copy copy hahais just a faking phone stop complaining about copys

              • D
              • AnonD-682657
              • D0e
              • 11 Jul 2017

              AnonD-88005, 11 Jul 2017Do What Sony did with their fingerprint reader at the home ... moreAlways copy copy copy haha

                • D
                • AnonD-682657
                • D0e
                • 11 Jul 2017

                no touch id? bye apple

                  • K
                  • Kd10
                  • 4qB
                  • 11 Jul 2017

                  Anonymous, 11 Jul 2017Everybody in here keeps saying put the finger print scanner... moreSony can't use their FPS in the power button in the US because of a deal that fell through with Verizon to release the Sony Z3V. This inability to use their FPS in the power button in the US only applies to Sony.

                    • K
                    • Kd10
                    • 4qB
                    • 11 Jul 2017

                    Qualcomm's display of an in screen FPS was a prototype that won't be ready for commercial release for at least a year or two, and the writer of this article knows that, while wording the article in a disengenious fashion to try and make it sound as though Qualcomm's version as prototyped by Vivo will be springing to life any day now. Very shoddy.

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • 3DR
                      • 11 Jul 2017

                      Everybody in here keeps saying put the finger print scanner on the power button like Sony did. You guys do also realise that that was banned in the USA and Sony had to send out an update that deactivated this feature meaning NO finger print scanner at all.

                        AnonD-39937, 11 Jul 2017iris/face recognition, same problems...I was comparing them... moreThat will block the logo to other coffee drinkers while you're using the scanner.
                        This is bad PR.

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • v{u
                          • 11 Jul 2017

                          I need no hardware upgrade. Just open OS like android on my iPhone. Too much limitations in software. Release.

                            AnonD-88005, 11 Jul 2017Do What Sony did with their fingerprint reader at the home ... morethen people will said apple copy sony ..

                              • D
                              • AnonD-88005
                              • mtY
                              • 11 Jul 2017

                              Do What Sony did with their fingerprint reader at the home button on their side of the phones... Dont place it on the rear please!

                                • E
                                • Emet
                                • Edu
                                • 11 Jul 2017

                                Kangal, 11 Jul 2017Even the best facial recognition and iris scanners aren't t... moreBack scanner isn't the best option, instead they should maintain the surface print.

                                  Put fingerprint scanner on apple logo instead

                                    • d
                                    • dark knight
                                    • hc%
                                    • 11 Jul 2017

                                    nkwama, 11 Jul 2017They should ask fans through votes on iOSAs Steve once said, "People don't know what they want until we show them"

                                      • D
                                      • AnonD-39937
                                      • LaK
                                      • 11 Jul 2017

                                      Anonymous, 11 Jul 2017I don't think 3D facial recognition is really that slow, or... moreiris/face recognition, same problems...I was comparing them to the fingerprint scanner...which is faster because in general you already have the finger where the sensor is (talking about back or side mounted, not the shit front mounted)...and with all the mainstream tech in the world, low-light will still be a huge problem for iris/face recognition...why the trouble when fingerprint sensors are cheaper and more reliable?

                                        • K
                                        • Kangal
                                        • uCX
                                        • 11 Jul 2017

                                        Even the best facial recognition and iris scanners aren't that good today.
                                        Apple probably is aware of this.

                                        So fingerprint is the way to go, and if they still haven't been able to embed it under the display before July, then they will go back to using a fingerprint scanner placed on the back of the device, while keeping the home button in the front on-screen.

                                        The only problem is that the fingerprint button on the back would make it look hideous, whilst Apple could embed it into the Apple logo, this is something they absolutely won't do. So the early leaks with the three holes in the back (camera, logo, fingerprint) are likely what we might see.

                                        PS Side mounted/power button fingerprint seems like a good idea but it isn't. There's not enough depth and surface area, unlike front/back readers.