Nokia N9 spotted at FCC, has five 3G/HSPA bands, still not official

12 May, 2011
The long-rumored Nokia N9 was spotted among the online FCC files and that gives us a glimpse at a schematic and also info on the wireless connectivity of the device. The last time we’ve heard of Nokia’s...

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  • s
  • shantanu
  • uvu
  • 13 May 2011

it has android operating system or not ?????

    • v
    • ven
    • 3Ai
    • 13 May 2011

    so sad it takes so long for Nokia to release N9. I've waited for this phone an entire year already and now I need to wait atleast another 6 months.

    I guess ill get the SG2, can't wait forever.

      • D
      • AnonD-2663
      • 2CR
      • 13 May 2011

      Meego with nokia's custom skin will blow your mind when it is finally released, believe me. I have it on pretty good authority the N9 will be made available in june, at first to developers only. This beta testing stage is me course to tweek and iron out bugs before its official consumer debut in November.
      Nokia are not proposing to break any sales records with this smartphone, nor are they challenging android head on. It's an experimental platform that may or may not be pursued depending on the overall success of each operating systems - windows phone, symbian, and Meego. It's commonly referred to as hedging your bets.

        • S
        • SadNokiaFan
        • tVH
        • 13 May 2011

        1 huge monumento fail which u need to fix nokia is that you put auto focus cams on your future phones.. gawd if the e7 just had an AF cam.. I would've bought 2 even despite the lack lustre symbian os just for its shear s.e.xiness .. instead i just keep passing it in phone store windows lamenting what could've been...

          • U
          • UB
          • vFk
          • 13 May 2011

          AnonD-4697, 13 May 2011Is funny look people about MHz numbers... Remember high ... moreYou don't understand how ARM Processors work: All ARM Processors are designed by a company called ARM Holdings. U8500s, Tegra, A5, etc all contain a "standard" ARM Processor plus customized Cache / GPU / etc.
          1Ghz A5 = 1Ghz Tegra 2 = 1Ghz U8500. Assuming same RAM, and no GPU Acceleration etc. Since they are all "Standard" Cortex A9-based SOCs.

            • r
            • raman
            • 2WY
            • 13 May 2011

            Is funny look people about MHz numbers

              • M
              • Myself
              • N7$
              • 13 May 2011

              AnonD-40, 13 May 2011Nokia should price this like the N8. If it's priced like th... moreI'll buy it even if it costs TWICE as much as the E7(^~,). Because of the Nokia build quality and mostly because it's MeeGo(which is basically everything Android aspires te be)

                • J
                • Jteve Sobs
                • PUj
                • 13 May 2011

                Anonymous, 12 May 2011Nice work making an opinion on rumoured specs broRumoured or not, it's way above what you'd expect from a Nokia device and chances are it's not gonna happen. Better false hope than no hope at all.

                  • D
                  • AnonD-4697
                  • LuN
                  • 13 May 2011

                  Is funny look people about MHz numbers...

                  Remember high numers is NOT always better...

                  Remember the Pentium IV 3.3 GHz vs Core 2 Duo 2.2 GHz? Who's performing better...?

                  Apple iPhone's A5 proc is a state of the art proc, no need zillion of MHz, just a good performance.

                  You are very impressed of the Android phones numbers, but that's not all, sorry about the "soul matter" of android slogan's that claims "This OS can run in any low specs phones" hehehe just like Linux standards? No way....

                  Nokia can perform good on a 600 Mhz proc since if the OS is good enough to handle the info you don't need anything more...besides, Nokias batteries lasts long than Androids even Apples phones. (hehehe an acually YOU DON'T NEED TWEAKS). However, Nokia knows their moves, and Is only matter of time to look at new MeeGo phones and better yet, new WIndows 7.5 phones, and believeme, WinOS looks promising good. After all, Microsoft know too some litte about OS. :D

                    • Y
                    • Yet Another Android
                    • qBQ
                    • 13 May 2011

                    AnonD-40, 13 May 2011Nokia should price this like the N8. If it's priced like th... moreAgreed. The E7 is Waaaayyyy Overpriced. They actually should price this phone competitively moreso. $450 Off Contract or $199-$250 on Contract would make this device a true contender.

                      • Y
                      • Yet Another Android
                      • qBQ
                      • 13 May 2011

                      The Truth, 13 May 2011Ohh and I forgot to mention: who would want to have a stupi... moreWow, for your name to be The Truth, you sure don't know any. LOL!!!

                        • D
                        • AnonD-2271
                        • 8K4
                        • 13 May 2011

                        krraank, 12 May 2011Seems this may be a flip phone or something similar. I skim... moreThat's right dude, one reason I dumped my N8 last december is its screen size, I still enjoy the screens of my Galaxy S and Tab, Omnia 7 and iPhone 4, those are the best for me, but I still want a Nokia phone but it does not still exist.

                          • t
                          • the rock
                          • FKx
                          • 13 May 2011

                          the comments here are ridiculous and stup! For example, one person asked who would want a windows phone or even a symbian? I do buddy. The os of the n9 isnt even windows. It is listed as meeGO. The cpu isnt even a 600 mhz. It is listed is as 1 ghz scorpion processor. The point is how can you comment on a smartphone that has not been release or does not have an official spec yet? Wait until the phone is release or wait until you have actually used it or fiddled with it. I think the trolls are interested on the n9. Otherwise no comment frm them would be posted on here.

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • FI}
                            • 13 May 2011

                            Rumored Specs:
                            • 4" OLED 1280 x 720
                            • Tegra 2 Dualcore 1GHz
                            • 1GB of Ram
                            • 64GB storage + mircoSD up to 32GB
                            • 1650 mAh battery
                            • 8 Megapixel back camera 1080P 24fps
                            • 2 Megapixel front camera VGA video call
                            • Bluetooth 3.0
                            • NFC Chip
                            • FM Radio
                            • HDMI out
                            • USB on the go

                            • Infrared port

                              • D
                              • AnonD-40
                              • IDk
                              • 13 May 2011

                              Nokia should price this like the N8. If it's priced like the E7, and I do hope they won't, it's not going to sell good and will tank.

                                • T
                                • The Truth
                                • Tag
                                • 13 May 2011

                                Ohh and I forgot to mention: who would want to have a stupid Windows Phone device??? Or even Symbian! Symbian is not so bad but because it has been abandoned, I wouldn't buy a Symbian device!

                                  • T
                                  • The Truth
                                  • Tag
                                  • 13 May 2011

                                  Ummm who cares about N9? We have the Galaxy S II now... Really Nokia is not what it used to be, it releases slow hardware, only 600MHZ and 256MB RAM hahaha! What a joke comparing to Galaxy S II! Even their so called unbeatable 12MP camera is a toy comparing to to Galaxy S II's FULL HD camera! :P

                                    • D
                                    • AnonD-1420
                                    • PFe
                                    • 13 May 2011

                                    Good to see the N9/N950/whatever is not pure myth, but it's pointless making a comment until the device is actually released.

                                    Not that anybody will buy it. What is it with Nokia and talking about phones looong before they're ready to be released? It's not as though Samsung or HTC dont' take ages to release their phones also - they just don't go about talking them up until they're good and ready.

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • 39E
                                      • 12 May 2011

                                      the first nokia wp7 will be a great fone and shokes everyone

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • sm{
                                        • 12 May 2011

                                        they gone to crap in the past few years