Deal Alert: LG G6, Huawei Mate 9, and Honor 6X receive price cuts in US
- n
- naap51d
- 01T
- 27 Jul 2017
Anonymous, 26 Jul 2017New Huawei cellphone coming soon, so Mate 9, Honor 6X and H... moreI typically don't buy the "new" model, since in typically 6 months, they discount the phone to bring out a new model anyway. I had an almost 3 year old Mate2. The Mate 8 got discounted to around $400 bucks when the 9 came out. Other than the dual camera, and MAYBE a faster track to Android 7 (I didn't get Nougat on the 8 til April), there wasn't anything I "needed" on the 9, to warrant spending an extra $200 dollars. The 8 is a very good stable phone, and does what I need, and to me, a better value for my dollar.
- r
- ralphn8r
- x{3
- 27 Jul 2017
The Sprint LG G6 deal is a lease. After the end of the lease period you still have to pay the remainder of the phone's full price or upgrade to another phone with another lease. They are NOT selling for $215.
- D
- AnonD-114277
- IbG
- 27 Jul 2017
Hoping that the T-Mobile variant also drops by 50% to $250.
- ?
- Anonymous
- kqQ
- 26 Jul 2017
New Huawei cellphone coming soon, so Mate 9, Honor 6X and Honor 8 on sale again and again in the US. No surprise , and be ready. Better buy the new one.