Nokia puts 5700 and 5070 on the table
- ?
- Anonymous
- MRy
- 03 Apr 2007
penny's lover, SE is not on 2nd place, thay are $th and behind moto and samsung if you don't know :)
w580 is nothing more that middle-range phone, nothing interesting, small screen, 2mp camera without AF, nothing new. What's killing? It is competitor for nokia 5300 just with a bit better camera, that's it, but for the double price.
- k
- kenny
- whB
- 03 Apr 2007
maybe nokia can also put nice UI for the music player, just because as far as i heard and see. their music players doesn't differ too much in their standard UI and is not very intuitive. just see how W850's Walkman 2.0 player UI become an excellent one. from ease of use to the intuitiveness it's far ahead. saying not because of being a loyal SE fan/user but i'd just say what i see and somewhere some people also agree, some are not. knowing that this is a smartphone it should have a great UI for the player just like windows media player 11 and walkman player 2.0 and W950's one. but imho nokia must also be aware of iphone for it's "great" music player UI and who knows, this could have better audio chip setting than the N91s. just an opinion nokia fans. sorry
- M
- MilL
- 03 Apr 2007
personally, i DON like the design, i don like the twist thing, and i think it looks nice only in pictures because it shows you the SHINY parts (which i don know how shiny it will be in reality, maybe it'll end up cheap-lookin like 5300 - which i like the design better than this fone) - lets wait and see
but for the feature, i think it's really fantastic. superb! the screen, the music software etc..
im using SE w850i right now.
nice phone, nice design, nice feature, superb sound..
better than my bro's 5300.
but i think 5700 will be much different, rite?
cant hardly wait to hear the new expressmusic sound quality.
- p
- penny's lover
- ibf
- 02 Apr 2007
I totally agreed with dreadnought. There isn't anything for us to shout about. Those are giant marketing wars. SE from 5th position and went up to 2nd. Making Nokia worrying but wat I see.. it is a difficult war for SE. Just like Coke and Pepsi. Walkman phones help SE a lot and Walkman has been around us for 3 decades..if I have not mistaken. Who knows..Samsung might have Yepp in their next generation models and so on. SE made a wave in music phones with Walkman branding. of cos, others know wat is going on. Nokia's N91 tried very hard to bring down Walkman. LG tried taking a piece too.. same goes with Rokr itune.
I am not a fan of any brands after using more than 20 phones. most users they dun bother about wat is inside the phones. As long as they feel good about having it, proud of it.. and not giving any trouble.. that's a good phone.
my favourite phones were startac, T29 8210
worst phone alcatel, can't remember wat model, can't switch on, went dead when humidity is high. claimed new one twice. third time just threw it away, got an Ericsson 318
present phone moto e680i
next maybe 5700 or 91i
p/s nokia..becareful, SE W580 is killing....
- b
- braaap!
- mHh
- 02 Apr 2007
You ppl make me laugh ha ha ha THIS FORUM IS ABOUT NOKIA i hope you can read that i put it in capitals???!!! THIS IS ABOUT THE NEW NOKIA PHONE NOT YOUR WALKMANS! i cant get the font to be any bigger so that will have to do stop slagging nokia off SE fanboys and girls if you think the walkmans are so much better THEN YOU AINT GOT NUTHIN TO WORRY ABOUT HAVE YOU? so stop the nokia bashing braaap!
- D
- Dreadnought
- p77
- 01 Apr 2007
I totally support everyone who is trying to avoid the classic Nokia vs. SE war. So let's stay on topic.
Here is some thoughts around the situation...
It is true that the "W" logo appeals to many customers because they can recognize the logo from other music accesories, and link the WalkMan brandname to pure quality. But let's be realistic, many people recognise the "Nokia" logo aswell, and link that to quality also. So I'd say that the XpressMusic family has got some nice potential to grab a slice of the music phone niche, thanks to the fact that they are indeed "Nokia" branded devices. The things that I'd think that people find appealing is the "Nokia" logo and the technical specifications. Since technically, the WalkMan phones seldom boast any advanced features like Symbian, stereo-speakers ,great hardware (DSP, 369MHz processor), fabulous display, audio jack, miniUSB etc. The greatest advantage that Nokia is holding here is the price factor. I'm glad to see that such a device is coming out in the approx 430€ price range. Btw, the W880 is currently in that price range. You don't need to be a rocket-scientist to figure out which one is being overpriced...
SE has for some time kicked some serious azz by selling the "W" logo, not really the other features to be honest. And it's done well. Now Nokia has entered the race with an other approach. It's selling a music phone(s) that is wearing the "Nokia" logo, and offering great features aswell. I think this is the right way to go. Atleast I like the thought of having not only a simple music phone, but a real smartphone which is also capable of producing an amazing sound (N91 - audio chip).
Therefore I think the 5700 will sell very well, I even hope it. Since Nokia sure deserves some credit for such a nice device. And to be honest, I think some people might want to try something else than WalkMan for a change.
All this is just simple speculation, thoughts around this new move from Nokia. Not an act of war, I'm not trying to annoy any of you people who still prefer your WalkMans. I'm a N73 Music Edition user, and to be honest, I'm extremely happy I spent 500 euros on a device which can do almost anything a phone can do these days, and produces fine audio, rather than on something what produces a fine sound, but doesn't really do anything else (W880 for example - 434€-483€). I think many people feel likewise, and Nokia has realized this, and that's what this new 5700 XpressMusic is all about...
Feel free to disagree or comment, it's a free forum and I enjoy CIVILIZED discussion. :)
- b
- baine
- 01 Apr 2007
It's amazing how some people can claim that model N rules, rocks or is amazing even before the phone is launched. That's obviously a biased, childish comment.
And to the guy in the toilet.. Oh, I mean the toilet guy: my brother's K800 dropped 8 stories down and survived the fall.. I'd like to put up this challange (or rather, accident) to other phones out there.
Btw, are there any sales figures to compare that the sales of walkman phones is catching up with ipod? Would really love to see some real figures.
- ?
- ?!oo!?
- pqy
- 01 Apr 2007
hei people, motorola is the best in music, because it has Spatial Audio
It sounds greeeeeeaaaat!!!!
BUt SE and NOkia are also good, but not as motorola in music..
- D
- DiO
- pds
- 01 Apr 2007
Oooooh, the 5700 looks awesome...
- ?
- Anonymous
- Pv9
- 01 Apr 2007
this have a dedicated audio chip!! woo n91 quality
- k
- kenny
- whB
- 01 Apr 2007
the N91 is better for music but this is too expensive for middle and budget conscious people. so walkman comes in the story, and people find it very intuitive and budget friendly. admit it or not, even walkmans have similar functionality it really rocks and even nokia could not gain more popularity over the walkmans. neither the rokrs from motorola. 5300 is nokia's answer for the middle users but still Walkmans overthrow them in sales revenue. simply because walkmans come first to market and users hearts and it really makes it to the music market solutions so no matter how many iphones, express musics and rokrs come up there they can hardly overthrow walkman as already being the standard music solutions for mobile phone users.
- ?
- Anonymous
- jBK
- 31 Mar 2007
the 5700 is sexy. i got my eyes on that after im done with my w850i
- L
- Log
- nCN
- 31 Mar 2007
and to the one who mentioned that his phone fell in the toilet he should be shamed what on earth that a mobilephone is doing in the toilet and it's not a mirracle i had once an i-mate pocket pc that fell in a sink filled in water and nothing happened i had a k750 that runned by a car and still working 'till 2day
- L
- Log
- nCN
- 31 Mar 2007
hey every body don't make it a war Nokia are good SE are good but i think each one has it pros and cons we are consumers we should choose what's fits us i don't have share in the stocks of SE or Nokia so i don't care they're not selling them for free so i'll look for the best thats fits me nokia are the world leader in making smart phones SE the world leader of making music phones that's a fact but it's not illegal if nokia made a music phone or SE made a smart phone so plz every body stop acting like nokia or SE is like your son or your brother we are the consumers we are the judges here so the consumer is better than SE and better than Nokia 'cause we can make any on of these a succesor or a failure
- ?
- Anonymous
- M@T
- 31 Mar 2007
why is both nokia and SE so freakin' ugly! At least to get better, you need to start from copying lg or samsung!!
- s
- sheeko
- N7U
- 31 Mar 2007
se walkman is the best
- S
- M@T
- 31 Mar 2007
i think, this 5700 rocks, n it was about time 4 nokia 2 raplace the 3250, gr8, but does it come with big memory card? coz the bad thing in nokia is that u bye the phone, n then look 4 memry card.
- K
- Ken
- 31 Mar 2007
By the way....
....My nokiaE50 feel in the toliet bowl and still works... So bac off nokia's bac... do u think a SE would survive a dunk in the bowl?
@ Dreadnought : (-_-")
- ?
- Anonymous
- vpd
- 31 Mar 2007
I totally agree with dreadnought. i have been a diehard fan of SE. i always look for the megabass thing in their fones. I love the HPM-70. But when i tried n91 8gig, byebye walkmans. megabass is just too bassy. n91 has the best music quality of all time. you can check of their review between w950 and n91. i even tried tried the HPM in my n91, and the HPM just cracks like a thin can as what soundmaster said. perhaps, soundmaster knows only non-music dedicated nokia phones. You should try music-oriented ones before posting.
And i would only comeback to SE if they could integrate the 3.5 jack in their fones. coz the HPM 70 is never that good. and i have lots of ear and head phones.
nokia XPRESS music phones' designs are also ugly. It looks made up of cheap materials IMHO. they should atleast made it like n91's metallic design. though n91 misses the second cam and the standard QVGA screen resolution, that can still be accepted due to the quality of music music it offers, memory size and 3.5 jack.
- K
- Ken
- 31 Mar 2007
Cool it folks, use what you like and ignore what others are saying. Otherwise it just makes you all similar to the Mac/Windows saga out there.