Motorola launches Moto Hubs, exclusive chain of retail outlets in India
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- AnonD-681246
- tYW
- 04 Aug 2017
AnonD-646111, 04 Aug 2017After just google sold Motorola to lenovo since then the bu... moreSee xiaomi phones ...They used all this. Battery also big
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- AnonD-222577
- CS8
- 04 Aug 2017
Anonymous, 04 Aug 2017This is nice first step, service is important. But the mor... moreX Pure (Style) updated to Nougat in India
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- AnonD-646111
- D0H
- 04 Aug 2017
After just google sold Motorola to lenovo since then the build quality is not good as previous moto phones like example moto E,E2, G,G2,x x2 these was great moto phones with quick os updates
Moto x style there flagship phone of 2015
2k screen with just 3000mah battery it's a joke
And without fingerprint.scanner
Moto x play snapdragon 615 they could put SD650-652
Moto G3 they could use snapdragon 617
Moto G4 they could put 650
Moto z play they could put 652-653
Moto z2 play they could put 630-660
Moto z2 force they coould increase battery size upto 3000mah battery
Moto c plus they could use snapdragon 425
Moto e4 plus they could use snapdragon 430
Moto G5 they could use snapdragon 435
Moto G5plus they could use snapdragon 626- 653
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- Androidloveralways
- uvn
- 04 Aug 2017
Buying moto branded phones isn't the problem in india.
Their after sale service is.
Simply useless.
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- Anonymous
- uwX
- 04 Aug 2017
Their online exclusive model is not doing that well these days. Online market has almost become a xiaomi Monopoly and it's forcing them to change their strategy.
- ?
- Anonymous
- PA7
- 04 Aug 2017
This is nice first step, service is important.
But the more important is sending OS update ontime. X pure US haven't got Nougat.
Moto G need at least up date twice, E at least 1. Just kill leno M & C because too many model slow down update
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- AnonD-558092
- j2n
- 03 Aug 2017
Amazing. Indians just now got to have this feature while all developped countries have it in each city and mall.
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- AnonD-456831
- vLy
- 03 Aug 2017
Just now here in india huh? I've seen retail stores in taiwan, filipines and thailand. Just 'cause we're 3rd world country Lenovo doesn't mean we can't afford your phones.
- ?
- Anonymous
- P@Y
- 03 Aug 2017
Go moto I always believe in you... make some show off..