Low-end Nokia handsets on the way

02 May, 2007
Today Nokia announced a whole bunch of new budget-oriented mobile phones. The new handsets are Nokia 1200, 1208, 1650, 2660, 2630 and 2760. They boast some spanking new features and thus...

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  • B
  • Brent
  • Rnp
  • 04 May 2007

Wow!Feature-rich for a budget phone...all of them is good..

    • S
    • Steve
    • m5T
    • 03 May 2007

    U2ai warbled "Whats with the the monochrome screen? Seems like Nokia want to live on the days when they USED to rule the mobile phome market."

    You haven't a clue have you, you poor deluded cretin *snigger*

      • S
      • Steve
      • m5T
      • 03 May 2007


      These are basic phones, no more and no less. You said "Look at the 1650, the shape's a rip off SE's K310. Now we know, which is the trend setter" and then totally contradict yourself with "they are going back to what their phones used to be".

      Make your mind up chump!

      And factually speaking Nokia do rule the market with the largest percentage.

      My source is this link dated 20th April 2007: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2007/04/20/q1_mobile_phone_shipments/

      Nokia is the market leader with 36 per cent global share, up from 33 pe rcent for the same period last year. This is the highest share the Finnish manufacturer has held since Strategy Analytics began tracking the market. Nokia's gain came largely at the expense of Motorola. With a total of 45 million handsets sold, Motorola saw its share of the market drop to 18 per cent, down from 22 per cent a year ago.

      Third-placed Samsung had record sales in the quarters with 35 million handsets shipped worldwide giving it a 13 per cent share of the market, the firm's highest for two years. Sony Ericsson is in fourth with a nine per cent share, having shipped 22 million units.

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • U2a
        • 03 May 2007

        Looks like the people at Nokia have SE portfolio with them when they try to come up wuth new ideas...

        The 1650 design is taken from the K310...
        the 2670 is take from the Z710...
        the 2660 has its inspiration from Z520
        and the 2630 is .... trying to take on the W880, with what!!! 11MB memory, (Great joke guys)

        Wow... even the keys have been ripped of SE's lineup.

        As for the 1200 and the 1208, I guess Nokia, feels that they cannot beat the other manufacturers with their, top end phones so they decided try the low end phone.

        Whats with the the monochrome screen? Seems like Nokia want to live on the days when they USED to rule the mobile phome market.

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • U2a
          • 03 May 2007

          SE doesn't offer such phones. Whats the point of having such a phone with just 11MB pf memory, and no card slot. If U check the Specs SE is still slimmer, and offer the advantage of Memory Stick and Walkman too..

          Look at the 1650, the shape's a rip off SE's K310. Now we know, which is the trend setter...

          Seems like Nokia, can't beat the other mobile pone manufacturers, so they are going back to what their phones used to be. Maybe looking at the old designs, reminds them of the days they USED to rule the mobile phone market....

            • S
            • Steve
            • m5T
            • 03 May 2007

            Kaneda Seihiro:

            These phones are for new and upcoming markets. The big clue was in the text "Today Nokia announced a whole bunch of new budget-oriented mobile phones. The new handsets are Nokia 1200, 1208, 1650, 2660, 2630 and 2760. They boast some spanking new features and thus show that the low-end mobile phone market is also a field that offers grounds for innovation.". It couldn't be made any clearer!

              • U
              • UT with love 4 nokia
              • PDT
              • 03 May 2007

              2630 is best in these new sets... it will hit low-end markete I.A.

                • K
                • Kaneda Seihiro
                • PAx
                • 03 May 2007

                These models look just like the old Nokia phones... Only cheaper and crappier. Come on guys, do you really think these models look great ? Are you Nokia employee or something ?
                Look at the design and honestly do you think it is not hidious ?

                I am so surprised at all the comments, praising these phones.
                If you are not on their payrole, you wouldn't really glorify their design like this.

                Personally, I think Nokia has run out of new ideas.

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • MRy
                  • 03 May 2007

                  wow, slim 9,9 mm 2630 with TFT screen, camera, radio at just 85 euro? That's best budget phone ever. No moto or SE or samsung can't be compared to 2630!

                    • G
                    • Gaurav
                    • RK2
                    • 03 May 2007

                    the preset time limit dosconnector is a really gr8 function for saving cost of the user. gr8 innovation.

                      • j
                      • juan dela cruz
                      • P@c
                      • 03 May 2007

                      these phone can serve as a back-up phone... if you have an extra sim, then this is perfect! and it has good feature too for a budget phone...

                        • S
                        • Steve
                        • BwW
                        • 03 May 2007

                        Yes I agree - these *budget* phones are for a specific market and will do very well.

                          • M
                          • Mr Sexy
                          • RIF
                          • 03 May 2007

                          come on...what do u all expect from bugdet-oriented mobile phones??its looks fine to me..

                            • B
                            • BABAK ARAZMAN
                            • SuA
                            • 03 May 2007

                            Im a profesional mobile phone changer but i use brands top phone no middle or low. but this models is good. IRAN TEHRAN

                              • h
                              • heizel
                              • wr7
                              • 03 May 2007

                              yay the 2nd
                              no good at all, don't buy them

                                • N
                                • Nav
                                • PSd
                                • 03 May 2007

                                Yeah I'm first! These are pretty ugly phones except for the 9.9mm one