HTC U11 gains 1080p/60 video mode in the UK
- D
- AnonD-632062
- 3Ye
- 13 Sep 2017
Every important 2017 Android flagship should have 1080p at 60 fps enabled by default. In fact 1080p@60fps has been available on smartphone for some years now. Why is HTC lagging behind?
- .
- .alpha
- ytx
- 13 Sep 2017
iPhone 8/X is doing 4K in 60fps while Android stuck at 1080p/60
- a
- acemang
- 3xR
- 12 Sep 2017
I've version 1.27.401.5 from some days. the device looks smoother and battery life better, but I encountered the build less stable than previews. I'm having wifi issues in my house that I never had (losing momentarily wifi signal but with wifi icon still on, even when I know I've it because I get my iPad and I can surf the web). 2 days ago, my battery life was lot lower than normal without any use (standby use). I disabled all background services i could and it was still high. I disabled edge sense and it went to normal use. Also Yesterday, the device was charging very slowly. like 1% an hour. felt asleep when i wake i had only 5-8% more. I reversed the cable (original cable and charger) and it started to charge as normal. hope this was only a bad connection. i really love my htc u11. don't want to send it back to assistance.
- F
- Fitbri
- q}N
- 12 Sep 2017
HTC U11 Phone of the year
- R
- Rafe Firmani
- tDS
- 12 Sep 2017
My u11 singapore 6/128gb version has this updated last month.
Now waiting for BlueeTooth 5.0 update, which I heard going to be bundled within Oreo update.