High-level Apple and Samsung execs in talks to settle out of court

20 June, 2011
Apple recently settled one patent lawsuit out of court (with Nokia) and now they may be on track to settle another one - the one with Samsung. The judge on the case suggested both companies settle it...

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • DIx
  • 20 Jun 2011

That's the patent game. Encourage technical folks to file meaningless patents. Use them as chips in a poker game between legal staffs of competing companies. New companies trying to get into the game have no "chips", thus are discouraged from competing in a new market. All very anti-competitive. xman

ps Spple must settle as Samsung can destroy apples production with a few well timed hardware "mix-ups".

    • D
    • AnonD-11443
    • KIc
    • 20 Jun 2011

    This is Apple's custom to sue Microsoft,Samsung,Nokia,HTC and other Companies....In Simple words Apple is most disgusting.
    Apple always make those thing which are not for middle class people,its only for rich thats why HATE APPLE,HATE APPLE AND HATE APPLE....A Piece of Crap

      • I
      • IOSIF
      • MKy
      • 20 Jun 2011

      Instead of consuming themselves in meaningless battlesuits against their main supplier Apple should concentrate on presenting something better and more meaningfull from the current King of Smartphones which is the SAMSUNG GALAXY SII
      Then l can be persuated maybe to buy an Iphone instead

        • d
        • deep
        • nCN
        • 20 Jun 2011

        AnonD-3242, 20 Jun 2011Apple already is working with LG and has ruled out samsung ... moredo u think that other company will not learn a lesson from that?...if it is true that LG will supply Apple then after two years or maybe one year apple will sue LG hahahha ...just wanted to say one thing...Apple steal others ideas and use other company's hardware and then they claim they were the 1st who invite a device lol :P

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • q}T
          • 20 Jun 2011

          everytime a oompany beats Apple, Apple launches a lawsuit against them lol

          grow up steve jobs

            • r
            • rocket man
            • teu
            • 20 Jun 2011

            Anonymous, 20 Jun 2011For those who don't know, apple needs samsung more than sam... moreapple does not depend that much on samsung!...they created the fist home pc without any help at all.....apple rules!!!

              • r
              • rocket man
              • teu
              • 20 Jun 2011

              Samsung to the devil!!!....go apple!!!

                • D
                • AnonD-397
                • srp
                • 20 Jun 2011

                Apple = Dark Side... yes I know :P

                  • D
                  • AnonD-3242
                  • v{S
                  • 20 Jun 2011

                  Anonymous, 20 Jun 2011For those who don't know, apple needs samsung more than sam... moreApple already is working with LG and has ruled out samsung hardware !

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • Mfx
                    • 20 Jun 2011

                    nice requirment chain

                      • b
                      • bink
                      • LK3
                      • 20 Jun 2011

                      interesting GSM ARENA put Apple as the Sith and Samsung as Jedi, guess they picked their sides

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • Qxp
                        • 20 Jun 2011

                        For those who don't know, apple needs samsung more than samsung needs apple. Think supply chain if you still don't understand.

                          • m
                          • me
                          • M3s
                          • 20 Jun 2011

                          AnonD-2892, 20 Jun 2011Like any of us are surprised that Jobs is plowing on in the... moreso let me get this rite if you owned a big company that made a unique device (yeah the iPhone is unique unlike android phones), would you let another company make blatant copies of your product?

                          and it works 2 ways apple get hardware from samsung and samsung gets loads of cash from apple so its in both their interests to come to an agreement

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • n$s
                            • 20 Jun 2011

                            Apple are a bunch of sApps, They really need to get a life and stop suing everyone for stupid stuff, They have clearly just copied Android with the new notifications panel in ios5, If anyone should be getting sued it should be them.

                              • D
                              • AnonD-2892
                              • QA8
                              • 20 Jun 2011

                              Like any of us are surprised that Jobs is plowing on in the legal arena. They've already ruined their relationship with Samsung and are paying the price with the crappy visuals on the white iPhone 4's which don't have Samsung displays. I hope they continue to suffer.

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • t7J
                                • 20 Jun 2011

                                Why don't they just battle it out 'til the end?
                                Stupid big corporations

                                  • s
                                  • stondec
                                  • qKN
                                  • 20 Jun 2011

                                  Apply is so full of pure hot sh-t. Instead of innovating they're seeking to tear down Samsung because it has much better products. I love competition and innovation, but what Apple is doing.... I just might start a boycott all Apple products

                                    • g
                                    • gfxh
                                    • Khx
                                    • 20 Jun 2011

                                    AnonD-326, 20 Jun 2011Apple stop wasting time of ur customers and start paying at... moreEXACTLY, apple are trying to do something to still stay in the game

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • YaI
                                      • 20 Jun 2011

                                      Apple is being ridiculous here! They fear that Samsung is taking over them in the gadget market, so they started to come up with all these lawsuits. Booooooo Apple!!! Samsung Galaxy S II is overpowering the iPhone 4 in everything.... Goooo Sammy!!!

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • Mfx
                                        • 20 Jun 2011

                                        Anonymous, 20 Jun 2011go apple! hahahaha. :) thanks for the devil laugh