Wileyfox Pro quietly unveiled with Windows Phone
- M
- Mr Nice Guy
- rJK
- 23 Nov 2017
Sir Please sell in India too
- D
- AnonD-411799
- D01
- 23 Nov 2017
oh common even bill gates is using android. source ? google it.
- Z
- Zenodroid
- LgH
- 23 Nov 2017
Gl on selling that phone with dead os and dead app market. I bet they still live in 2010 in that country.
- S
- SG N8
- rAT
- 23 Nov 2017
I am one one of those few tottering jombies....Using Lumia 950 as a secondary phone and Galaxy Note 8 as my primary phone.
- L
- sr$
- 23 Nov 2017
windows phone looooooooool!
- D
- AnonD-598916
- Iw0
- 23 Nov 2017
Wow, quite a feat of necromancy right there...
- ?
- Anonymous
- pWQ
- 23 Nov 2017
Why would they release a new phone with already dead OS that only gets some bug-fixes? Also this reminds me of Galaxy S3 due to the front design.
- ?
- Anonymous
- snJ
- 23 Nov 2017
the "Pro" suffix really doesn't mean what the average customer thinks it does
- ?
- Anonymous
- Jb$
- 23 Nov 2017
The Last of the Mohicans
- TheGoldenMellifluous
- sS{
- 23 Nov 2017
Anonymous, 23 Nov 2017But why? I mean Windows Mobile is a nice OS but Microsoft s... moreThey still support Windows Phone but only in minor update things such as bug fixes from the news of Windows Phones Dead from this website i read . Their big major update things though ? Well , that's the thing you're correct in your comment (No longer introduced) .
- D
- AnonD-546033
- GPd
- 23 Nov 2017
I ve almost died to laugh when reading this.
This is an iphone x killer, not joking btw
- ?
- Anonymous
- tDQ
- 23 Nov 2017
quietly I'm not interested
- ?
- Anonymous
- Meh
- 23 Nov 2017
But why? I mean Windows Mobile is a nice OS but Microsoft stopped supporting it...