Sony H81XX phones leak with 4K display, Android Oreo

04 December 2017
Another series that has been revealed through UAProfs is H82XX. It's also Oreo-powered, but comes with 1080p display.

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Anonymous, 04 Dec 2017When you compare screens Pentile x RGB of same resolution t... moreNice explanation.
Diamond PenTile was created mainly to prevent burn in and for even lower production cost ('cause RGB OLEDs are more expensive than Diamond PenTile ones). But the trade-in is not really that good. I can ignore the screen's beautiful colors if it can't display things clearly.
Let's not forget that IPS LCDs can reach higher maximum brightness, too. OLEDs can sometimes match them, but at those brightness levels is where OLED screens will start to show their flaws up.
Like how Samsung limited the maximum brightness of the Galaxy S5's screen to just around 700 nits in order to prevent the blue pixel phosphor degradation, which usually leads to a yellowish appearance of the screen after several months.

    AnonD-392500, 04 Dec 2017I never saw samsung's amoled burn in. But, I found this ... moreSo how long did it take you to find those VERY RARE videos on YouTube, huh?
    Yes they are faults, but Sony is willing to fix it. Idk what happened to those units, but the thing here is that they can be fixed. Burn in OLEDs have no other fix other than total screen replacement. And when replacing screens, we do know that IPS LCDs cost so much less.

    See, this problem's not even a headline today, unlike Samsung's latest and greatest Galaxies.

      AnonD-392500, 04 Dec 2017Sony pls remove 4k gimmick and drop price a bit.It is their own thing, you can't stop them from progressing. Asking them to remove their 4K screens is another way of telling Sony to stop innovating and developing the technologies we have today.

      4K is the future, just watch Samsung and/or Apple follow suit then it'll be a norm for flagships.
      Their prices are well-deserved. My auntie used to have a Xperia C2 back in 2012 for around $300 and it is still in perfect condition 'til this day forward.
      Pay more at the beginning, and after a few years you'll realize why their products are highly priced (despite being lower than Samsung or Apple).
      Heck, I even saw someone in YouTube complaining about how durable his Xperia XZ is, that he already wants to change phone but the phone is still not giving him any problem at all.

        • D
        • AnonD-392500
        • g39
        • 04 Dec 2017

        AnonD-705970, 04 Dec 20172k no!! Xamxung use crapmoled pentline 2k= 1080 p IPS, the ... moreI never saw samsung's amoled burn in.
        But, I found this

        There are too many issues with IPS display of sony flagships.

          Alex, 04 Dec 2017Why don't you buy one, then? Kinda dumb to ask that, considering it is still a commercial product today and not yet available for consumers.

          If I had the money and access to, I'd do it undoubtedly.

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • LQw
            • 04 Dec 2017

            LG superfan, 04 Dec 2017What?When you compare screens Pentile x RGB of same resolution the RGB looks like it has higher pixel density. Because pixels are equal and same size..

            That is why S6 has QHD being only 5.1"

              LG superfan, 04 Dec 2017Battery life is.not a major problem since you can downgrade... moreBattery life is still a problem because lowering the resolution barely does anything to improve the battery life. Reading the news, the Note 8's battery life at 1440p+ is still the same as it is at 1080p+ and 720p+.

              I don't know where that idea came from, that 2K contents are increasing? LMAO not even the professional hollywood video cameras take 2K videos; they only take in 2160p, 1080p, and 720p, so where's 1440p? Of course there's none lol. It's one of the most irrelevant resolution IMO, even though Sony once used it for their tablets.

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • PA7
                • 04 Dec 2017

                LG superfan, 04 Dec 2017Can we have atleast QHD on non premium phonesCan, but performance will down,drain battery faster almost no effect unless on lab.
                Cek perormance 1plus against flagahips same year, it win just because screen way lower pixel.

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • LQw
                  • 04 Dec 2017

                  AnonD-392500, 04 Dec 2017Sony pls remove 4k gimmick and drop price a bit.Yeah, so ppl can rely on tv to watch the 4K vids they record on their phones.
                  The idea since Z5P is having a pocket tv.

                    • A
                    • Alex
                    • Li}
                    • 04 Dec 2017

                    AnonD-705970, 04 Dec 2017I prefere microled, crapmoled It is a defective technology ... moreWhy don't you buy one, then?

                      • D
                      • AnonD-392500
                      • g39
                      • 04 Dec 2017

                      Sony pls remove 4k gimmick and drop price a bit.

                        AnonD-635604, 04 Dec 2017Sony should listen to other opinion to make their phone gre... moreNo reasonable answer to any of my questions? Then your request to move to OLED is totally demolished for a reason. What that reason is, I will explain.

                        OLEDs even today still retain their long time issues. Burn in is the major one. A beautiful screen doesn't matter if it would be ugly in just a few months. I know it doesn't happen to all, but the potential is still there and I don't want to risk it. Besides, even Sony's IPS LCD Triluminos displays are getting so much better that they're already a match to the greatest OLEDs of this year. Seeing in person, I never thought the XZ1's 1080p HDR screen would look that gorgeous, that I almost thought it was an OLED for a second.
                        People keep on saying that OLED is much better at efficiency, and it's true; FOR ABOUT A FRACTION. Blacks are completely blacks on OLEDs so they gain the lead there in efficiency, but otherwise IPS LCDs are still way more efficient because of their backlight that consume almost around 0.5x the power of an OLED panel. This applies to whites the most, but also for every other color except black.
                        And you know, people prefer a more natural white over a slightly better black any day; I've asked my sister (an average smartphone user) about this and while she said that Samsung has some great looking displays, it is not her own type and she still prefers the natural look of her iPhone 7 Plus screen.

                        Sony isn't listening to customers just for the sake of doing it. They do whatever they know is safe, will work, and will last. They are, in fact, the pioneer of almost every screen technology including OLED. But they know that IPS LCD still is the best screen type as of now when considered everything. Until then, they have microLED on their side, which is guaranteed AN OLED KILLER. Marking my words, it'll dominate the whole smartphone world after it makes its first debut on a Xperia, much faster and easier than OLEDs doing the same (like only about 20 to 25% of smartphones today have OLED screens).

                          • D
                          • AnonD-635604
                          • KZ8
                          • 04 Dec 2017

                          LG superfan, 04 Dec 2017Battery life is.not a major problem since you can downgrade... moreYeah agree.. 2K or 4K are not gimmicks in the future.

                            AnonD-705970, 04 Dec 20172k is for crapmoleds= 1080 p ips real.What?

                              Be Nice To Others, 04 Dec 20171 - How many contents are in that resolution? 2 - When it'... moreBattery life is.not a major problem since you can downgrade resloution but you cannot upgrade and yes not much content but its growing and soon there will be plenty

                                • D
                                • AnonD-705970
                                • iD3
                                • 04 Dec 2017

                                LG superfan, 04 Dec 2017Can we have atleast QHD on non premium phones2k is for crapmoleds= 1080 p ips real.

                                  • D
                                  • AnonD-705970
                                  • iD3
                                  • 04 Dec 2017

                                  Anonymous, 04 Dec 2017Lcd or Oled?I prefere microled, crapmoled It is a defective technology without future

                                    • D
                                    • AnonD-705970
                                    • iD3
                                    • 04 Dec 2017

                                    Anonymous, 04 Dec 2017And sadly samsung is still using 2k display :(2k no!! Xamxung use crapmoled pentline 2k= 1080 p IPS, the crapmoleds are poor in subpixels, and they are burning little by little

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • tj8
                                      • 04 Dec 2017

                                      Lcd or Oled?

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • iLU
                                        • 04 Dec 2017

                                        Anonymous, 04 Dec 2017And sadly samsung is still using 2k display :(*Apple