Android and iOS growth continues as RIM falters, comScore reports

06 July, 2011
Mobile market analysts from comScore have just published their monthly report on the market shares of the major operating systems and manufacturers in the US. The data gathered in the three months...

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  • Z
  • Zena
  • n%n
  • 06 Jul 2011

What about HTC? Sony Ericcson? ... And how come Motorola ends up so high?.. wierd:)... anyway GO Android!!

    • m
    • mark andrews
    • Mfy
    • 06 Jul 2011

    yeah what about nokia? symbian? meego? well nokia will shoot em down just waiting on em Meego mobiles and dont even mention nokia window's mobile is far more different from the rest you niggers will be shock when they drop

      • T
      • TriztaN Wicky
      • t7X
      • 06 Jul 2011

      Where'd SymbiaN Go...???? Hehe..... :D

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • PRW
        • 06 Jul 2011

        what about symbian