Android and iOS growth continues as RIM falters, comScore reports

06 July, 2011
Mobile market analysts from comScore have just published their monthly report on the market shares of the major operating systems and manufacturers in the US. The data gathered in the three months...

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  • D
  • AnonD-1131
  • kJX
  • 06 Jul 2011

AnonD-1825, 06 Jul 2011Tell me how nokia can sell their WP7 devices because anyone... moreNokia has the right to skin WP and make it look like anyway they want. They can even put the Harmattan UI on WP if they wanted to. It's part of the deal Nokia got with their partnership with MS and that's what the other OEMs don't have.

Nokia can make WP look like Android with all the fancy widgets upfront and do away with the tiles. While the OEMs like Samsung gets to put on vanilla WP and they don't have the right to skin it. That will differentiate Nokia's WP devices from plain WP devices offered by the other OEMs.

    • D
    • AnonD-1825
    • p77
    • 06 Jul 2011

    AnonD-1131, 06 Jul 2011I'm gonna spoil it for you. WP will sell like hotcakes once... moreTell me how nokia can sell their WP7 devices because anyone else can't do it? what so magical nokia WP7 has than others dont?

    And if WP7 going to sell someday, why you think it's Nokia's WP7 phone? many others do WP7 phones too. Now has rumoured that galaxy s2 might come WP7 version, what better nokia can offer?

    By the way all the iHaters who like WP7, WP7 phones don't use REAL multitasking it just like iPhone multitasking.

      • h
      • hateftotti
      • iKN
      • 06 Jul 2011

      Just wait to launch GSII in U.S and then we will see Samsung market share again!

        • H
        • HTC Fanboy
        • M3s
        • 06 Jul 2011

        Even though Android OS dominate the market share. i still think theirs still a few years to go before more well known apps come to their platform. This is the only reason am considering getting the iPhone 5.

          • D
          • AnonD-1131
          • kJX
          • 06 Jul 2011

          Anonymous, 06 Jul 2011Agree with this. I have said this a few times in a few othe... moreI have to agree that WebOS is pretty good as well. All HP needs to do is license the OS to the OEMs and start gaining marketshare. WebOS was more advanced than both Android and iOS when it was released. The problem were the hardware, bad marketing and Palm's reach.

          HP needs to license WebOS and make profits from their acquisition of Palm. If they can do that then WebOS might become the dark horse in 2012.

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • mTW
            • 06 Jul 2011

            AnonD-1131, 06 Jul 2011I'm gonna spoil it for you. WP will sell like hotcakes once... moreAgree with this. I have said this a few times in a few other posts. WP7 currently has no champion to differentiate it. Nokia is the key for their growth.

            A bit premature to judge WP7's performance now I feel. Let Nokia unleash their WP7 phones, and give it some time. I do feel that some impact will be felt by Android. Possibly iOS as well, but doubt it will be as much as Android.

            WebOS also has some potential, given they do the licensing well. it is a beautiful OS, and starting to get some developer support. Only question is, is there enough support, and enough time?

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • mTW
              • 06 Jul 2011

              Actually, LOL at all fans who purchase or choose mobile phones based on market share, and get emotional online. Someone could get a Palm Pre and still be happy, so what?

              Should I go to CarMarketShare Magazine for my next car purchase? Toyotas must be so much higher quality than Rolls Royce then. Ooo nyah nyah nyah are you drinking Dr Pepper? Coke has soo much more market share loser!

              There's so much more to life people. Let's all just chill a little.

                • D
                • AnonD-1131
                • kJX
                • 06 Jul 2011

                Croco, 06 Jul 2011The info is referring to the most special market (US only) ... moreI'm gonna spoil it for you. WP will sell like hotcakes once Nokia starts rolling them out. Nokia will have phenomenon sales and it will slow down Android's growth. People will see Nokia with WP and realize how good WP is and that will start a revolution with WP gaining a huge marketshare while Symbian and MeeGo dies.

                WP FTW!

                  • D
                  • AnonD-13038
                  • 0p4
                  • 06 Jul 2011

                  LolzMonster, 06 Jul 2011Lol at apple fans! This is proof apple is a sham and is goi... moreThe difference is that apple has curently on the market only 2 phones, and the other androids have 1 trillion devices on the market! It's like i'm lifting up 100 kg from the ground and 10 guys lift the sum of 120 kg from the ground. Are 10 guys better than me? Is Android better than iOS? Maybe when it will have the same number/quality of apps as iOS does !

                    • C
                    • Croco
                    • n3A
                    • 06 Jul 2011

                    AnonD-13036, 06 Jul 2011What about Nokia and its Symbian Os..? there is no Info Abo... moreThe info is referring to the most special market (US only) where Nokia is nonexistent. I am very curious on how it would change once Nokia will launch their WP7...very curious.

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • MNS
                      • 06 Jul 2011

                      Zena, 06 Jul 2011What about HTC? Sony Ericcson? ... And how come Motorola en... moreRead the's US market!

                        • H
                        • Hardeep Singh
                        • 2@f
                        • 06 Jul 2011

                        This is just American data and does not represent World Marketshare. GSM arena guys, please write that prominently. These numbers don't mean anything for most of us.

                          • b
                          • blankman
                          • sXj
                          • 06 Jul 2011

                          It;s the US market figures. If it was World, then Symbian would be second place.

                            • L
                            • LolzMonster
                            • mKL
                            • 06 Jul 2011

                            Lol at apple fans! This is proof apple is a sham and is going to fail.... Well proof-ish...

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • 0Fj
                              • 06 Jul 2011

                              These results prove that Nokia should have teamed up with android rather than Microsoft. I like the potential of wp7/7.5 however it is moving far too slowly to convince me to switch from android to windows.

                              I personally would like to see them all competing very closely to each other as it only benefits the consumer and that could happen if Blackberry start to bring QNX to their phones and if Microsoft start to release more phones at a quicker pace.

                              Can't wait to see what the future brings.

                                • D
                                • AnonD-7191
                                • u{E
                                • 06 Jul 2011

                                Hey, add up all the top five will be 97.6% Smartphone. Means left 2.4% for others OS.Symbian is too small and is category under others guess. Beside they haven't launch wp7 how to cat it?

                                  • c
                                  • cereal86
                                  • S0G
                                  • 06 Jul 2011

                                  Anonymous, 06 Jul 2011what about symbian nokia and symbian are out off race! they suck!

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • Lc{
                                    • 06 Jul 2011

                                    AnonD-13036, 06 Jul 2011What about Nokia and its Symbian Os..? there is no Info Abo... morePlease tell me your joking!?
                                    Nokia and especialy Symbian are dead in the water waiting for the dreaded apple or android shark to take a bite

                                      • o
                                      • oLo
                                      • m4@
                                      • 06 Jul 2011

                                      Symbian is dead.

                                        • D
                                        • AnonD-13036
                                        • tRp
                                        • 06 Jul 2011

                                        What about Nokia and its Symbian Os..? there is no Info About This..