Android and iOS growth continues as RIM falters, comScore reports

06 July, 2011
Mobile market analysts from comScore have just published their monthly report on the market shares of the major operating systems and manufacturers in the US. The data gathered in the three months...

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  • D
  • AnonD-1825
  • p77
  • 06 Jul 2011

Cod3rror, 06 Jul 2011I really hope you are not serious. Microsoft won't let N... moreExactly!

    • @
    • @dil
    • ut2
    • 06 Jul 2011

    i have seen all the website.every website have a diffrent news and diffrent dont trust the calculations.bye a operating which you like.dont trust these kind of information and calculations.
    every operaing has its own speciality.

      • D
      • AnonD-13051
      • K6m
      • 06 Jul 2011

      AnonD-1431, 06 Jul 2011Everyone is interested in Symbian.LOL why do you think that everyone is interested in that old slow fart Symbian even after the downfall of their market share? Are you an Alien?

        • S
        • Salseng
        • K6m
        • 06 Jul 2011

        AnonD-1431, 06 Jul 2011Everyone is interested in Symbian.LOL what made you think everyone is interested in that old fart Symbian even after the downfall of their market share? Are you an Alien?

          • C
          • Cod3rror
          • ppk
          • 06 Jul 2011

          AnonD-1131, 06 Jul 2011Have you ever thought that maybe Nokia lied when they said ... moreI really hope you are not serious.

          Microsoft won't let Nokia do anything to WP7, they don't want the update mess that Android has with skins.

          Nokia WP7 phones will just come with a few Nokia pre-installed apps and a tile or two, that's it.

            • C
            • Cod3rror
            • ppk
            • 06 Jul 2011

            LOL at WP7, it's the newest OS and it's market share is already falling
            from the minuscule number they had.

            The fact is no one wants WP7, it's a "me too" OS, the same restrictions and limitations as iOS and none of the good things iOS offers.

            WP7 is just a social networking feature phone.

            Nokia will not change anything.

            I bet most of the people that praise WP7 don't own one, they just don't like iOS and Android.

              • D
              • AnonD-1431
              • 7tx
              • 06 Jul 2011

              Everyone is interested in Symbian.

                • D
                • AnonD-1131
                • kJX
                • 06 Jul 2011

                AnonD-1825, 06 Jul 2011So actually you didn't gave me any reason why Nokia can sel... moreHave you ever thought that maybe Nokia lied when they said they are not going to skin it? Telling the world that they won't skin WP is a great tactic and will keep the other OEMs like Samsung from complaining. Maybe when the time comes to unveil the W series, Nokia will surprise everyone with a skinned WP device.

                Btw, if you think that the Nokia fanboys here represents the majority then you are mistaken. The common person don't care about multi tasking implementation. Only geeks cares about how multi tasking on their device is implemented.

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • p8c
                  • 06 Jul 2011

                  USA is not the world. Does someone relaize tha USA is only like 8% of the global market? I saw another mobile market result last week, and this time globally, where Symbian still is the leader. With that said i will add that i don't like Symbian and that Windows Phone 7 is the best OS in the market.

                    • D
                    • AnonD-1825
                    • p77
                    • 06 Jul 2011

                    AnonD-1131, 06 Jul 2011I read about that too but in a business POV, it would make ... moreSo actually you didn't gave me any reason why Nokia can sell their WP7 devices while others don't.

                    By the way which Phone nokia fans are going to buy? because they want REAL multitasking, so are they going for android?

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • mTW
                      • 06 Jul 2011

                      It is an exciting time to be sure. The smartphone market is still very young, and so many things can happen. I am amazed at what phones can do now. Remember a few years ago, when all we could ask was "How many megapixel?" hehehe man, we've progressed a lot since then.

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • nFe
                        • 06 Jul 2011

                        AnonD-1131, 06 Jul 2011I have to agree that WebOS is pretty good as well. All HP n... moreI am fully with you there i was shouting that nokia do the great hardware and Web o/s is fantastic slick software..In other words they were crying out for each other..

                        If RIM dont get any new fresh devices out with spec that folk demand they will start to fall by the wayside..Still think Android is on its way out tho..Its hard to explain but yes they are in a big way ATM but its starting to crumble and many i know are starting to get bored with it.Could not care less about Apple .

                        On W7 system its very immature ATM and needs a lot doing..When Nokia said they only doing one meego type device they are saying this hardware will live on in W7 and not be lost,,eventually.

                        Still one big factor in all this and thats money.I go by what is happening in UK and my circle of friends as to their changing attitudes.Everyone of then who has i fone cannot get one this time around as they cannot take out a 2 year contract when jobs are going and mortgage and bills are more important,,but neither can they buy it straight out on PAYG.Most are returning to RIM Or android units of smaller value..

                        Its all rosy with apple according to some on gsmarena but many are struggling after forking out for ipad 2 out of family budget and it wil show up after another 12 months that apple will lose share,,the world cannot support these very expensive items.

                        Me myself have BB torch and sgs and what will i get next,,dont know really its all a bit of a mess the market..

                          • D
                          • AnonD-2686
                          • Pvm
                          • 06 Jul 2011

                          HTC Fanboy, 06 Jul 2011Even though Android OS dominate the market share. i still t... moreAnd then we all know that Iphone6 will be coming shortly?? right??

                            • D
                            • AnonD-2686
                            • Pvm
                            • 06 Jul 2011

                            I just can't understand why people still thinks that WP7 is Windows Mobile OMG. Are we living in a world without proper media???

                              • D
                              • AnonD-13041
                              • ibp
                              • 06 Jul 2011

                              Congratulation to iOS .. just surpass blackberry OS to 2nd place of Top Smartphone Platforms in U.S market .. after sooo many years .. Android OS topple all of mobile OS in just 2 years

                                • c
                                • cyber-shot underdog
                                • t7x
                                • 06 Jul 2011

                                The wierd thing is almost every one of my friends here in the philippines are changing to RIM or "blacberry". As I am the guy only to use an Android OS mainly the G1, and I just can't stop wondering how RIM's success begin to falter, sure I don't like the blackberry, but RIM is successful in this country. . :))

                                  • D
                                  • AnonD-1131
                                  • kJX
                                  • 06 Jul 2011

                                  AnonD-1825, 06 Jul 2011But nokia already said that they are not going to change th... moreI read about that too but in a business POV, it would make a lot of sense to skin it and differentiate themselves from the rest of the OEM group. They have the right to do it and they should exploit it.

                                    • D
                                    • AnonD-1131
                                    • kJX
                                    • 06 Jul 2011

                                    AnonD-252, 06 Jul 2011Nokia could have used Harmattan ui/skin on top of Android a... moreRead the article on the link below.


                                    Google did NOT allow Nokia to put on OVI Maps and other differentiating stuff on Android and that's why the deal fell apart. If Google allowed Nokia to do that then Nokia would have gone Android instead of WP.

                                    Read the story why Nokia went with WP instead and go through all 7 pages of it.

                                      • D
                                      • AnonD-1825
                                      • p77
                                      • 06 Jul 2011

                                      AnonD-1131, 06 Jul 2011Nokia has the right to skin WP and make it look like anyway... moreBut nokia already said that they are not going to change the ui or homescreen, they dont want to chance it because then i't doesnt feel WP7 device anymore, so what else?

                                        • D
                                        • AnonD-252
                                        • 39i
                                        • 06 Jul 2011

                                        AnonD-1131, 06 Jul 2011Nokia has the right to skin WP and make it look like anyway... moreNokia could have used Harmattan ui/skin on top of Android and given Nokia users exclusive use of Nokia Map, just as HTC use HTC Sence ui/skin and give "Locations" to HTC buyers! Android have Android Market and anyone is free to customize it and xda developers can add any ui/skin... the user want. Android is a much better OS than WP7!