Samsung G600 with 5 megapixels
- h
- habibe
- p@K
- 19 Jul 2007
its good but anyway its luxury thing.....
- ?
- Anonymous
- P6@
- 19 Jul 2007
so.... i guess no xenon flash ;)
K850 rocks
- A
- mFF
- 19 Jul 2007
Price 400€
I found out something really strange. I´ve got this month catalog of TMN, in Portugal, and in page 5 it has the G600 with 5 megapixels and it´s all metalic.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Re2
- 19 Jul 2007
everybody a come ot with a 5 megapixel camera phone. i love technology.
- ?
- Anonymous
- MYk
- 19 Jul 2007
Justy say one words....N 9 5 ..............N95 Nokia. The rest is just rubbish for the market rubbish...
- ?
- Anonymous
- PW9
- 19 Jul 2007
it's only 1.5mm which is insignificant slimmer than the Nokia 6500 slide..
Not an impressive feat this time..Samsung?
- ?
- Anonymous
- kgW
- 19 Jul 2007
motorola needs to step their game up
- S
- Scott
- MTq
- 19 Jul 2007
wow... it looks so unique. samsung camera phones used to be good compared to others when it was early days, but they got left behind ever since the d600. the d800 was sooo slow it was useless. i'll stick with k850.
- r
- regular
- nn8
- 19 Jul 2007
No, it isn't! You see the hand holding the handset on the small photo? The G600 is actually presented today by Samsung.
- ?
- Anonymous
- nn8
- 19 Jul 2007
One more?!?!?