Samsung plans on selling 300M phones in 2011, big launch ahead

18 July, 2011
In an interview with the S. Korean Yonhap news agency Shin Jong-kyun, president of Samsung's mobile communications and digital imaging, laid out Samsung Mobile's big plans for 2011. This year...

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  • T
  • ToneDef
  • fXu
  • 18 Jul 2011

Anonymous, 18 Jul 2011better they plan to make more service points with more spar... moreOh brother, another troll. I'm over the moon with my Galaxy S 'toy'. Go buy a 200g all-metal monster and see how that works for ya. Peace out.

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • DIx
    • 18 Jul 2011

    [deleted post]that's funny because in the third world where reliability is king, Nokia still rules. If you want a simple reliable phone with great reception but nokia, nothing else comes close. xman

      • M
      • MdN
      • Mtr
      • 18 Jul 2011

      ph00ny, 18 Jul 2011How so? Their cell has been nothing but reliable for me. Ho... moreEver heard of "Charging paused for temperature"? I have. :-(

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • kAm
        • 18 Jul 2011

        5.3 inch ..... r u kidding .. its waste of buying that device .... its too big if it is a cell phone or too small to be called as a tablet.

          • Z
          • Zzdriver
          • pT7
          • 18 Jul 2011

          Why all this hate?

          Okay so nokia screwed up badly with their outdated crap symbian, yes Nokia was great at one point when phones were not called smart. They made innovative products back in the day, and sadly they lost their way. Everyone knows Apple is and has been a pioneer in design and magical products. And as for Samsung like all other Korean
          products they copy and copy well. They
          give you what avantgarde brands like
          Apple do for half the price, yes perhaps
          less quality in materials but its great
          value for money. Android is an amazing
          OS just as Google is an amazing search
          engine, if Apple can compete with Samsung in price then they have the upperhand. And Samsung without Android is just hopeless, the end of the year will be interesting to watch. I hope for Samsungs sake they dont jump on the windows bandwagon. A cheaper Iphone with Android maybe? :-P

            • o
            • observer11
            • ncI
            • 18 Jul 2011

            Microsoft is hoping Samsung sells millions of Android phones so that it can ask in court for 15$ each.

              • N
              • Nokia can.
              • nS$
              • 18 Jul 2011

              We hope so!.But sell Samsung (300M) new phones in 2011???. =/

                • r
                • robodroid
                • ibj
                • 18 Jul 2011

                mark andrews, 18 Jul 2011dont worry nokia wait for all of them to make their moves, ... morenay, Nokia is symbian based, it is 1900s technology, apple can't compare with orange, simple as this.

                  • J
                  • Jonnhy
                  • 0F1
                  • 18 Jul 2011

                  mark andrews, 18 Jul 2011dont worry nokia wait for all of them to make their moves, ... moreI hope so! Nokia should bring back old phones with new technology, for example the N95! Better battery life and screen! AMOLED! Defiantly the N93 and also the 5700.

                  *Battery Life
                  *Screen RES and Type
                  *Memory Bluetooth etc........

                    • p
                    • ph00ny
                    • QPs
                    • 18 Jul 2011

                    Anonymous, 18 Jul 2011better they plan to make more service points with more spar... moreHow so? Their cell has been nothing but reliable for me. How does plastic construction equate to reliability?

                      • m
                      • mark
                      • 3Je
                      • 18 Jul 2011

                      well samsung sales will be based on what apple product they ripp off next. whats next a iphone 5 clone no doubt.

                        • L
                        • Laurynas
                        • 0xM
                        • 18 Jul 2011

                        I think that now only Microsoft with their money can bring back NOKIA to the stage.

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • PSd
                          • 18 Jul 2011

                          Amazing samsung

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • uWx
                            • 18 Jul 2011

                            bada 2.0.1 os rocks other os ios android nokia os sucks they only have good apps market otherwise they sucks. ios is faster os but no necessary functions like usb mass storage. bada 1.2 was simple eye catching not so fast as compared to ios but good functions allshare wait for bada 2.

                              • M
                              • MDIMINICO
                              • Gxi
                              • 18 Jul 2011

                              I pledge allegiance to the brand of Samsung Mobile company :)

                                • a
                                • ahmed
                                • pp4
                                • 18 Jul 2011

                                Anonymous, 18 Jul 2011Good job, fellow Nokia fanboys! We are successful in trashi... morehi you hate android that is for you

                                put trust me Nokia is suck never back on top

                                you can see n8 fail fail and fail

                                all Symbian is dead

                                about apple i thing now Samsung stronger than apple

                                the compaction only now between Samsung and iphone and htc

                                nokia out of them

                                  • E
                                  • EdB
                                  • qNs
                                  • 18 Jul 2011

                                  Release the Hercules soon... but please don't call is 'Hercules'. That's sooo cheezy. 'Galaxy' is kind of cheezy too, but at least there's finally an Android phone w/ some lineage

                                    • S
                                    • Satma
                                    • utc
                                    • 18 Jul 2011

                                    5.3 inch !! These guys forgot what is a mobile phone . A mobile phone should be compact device for travelling .

                                      • S
                                      • Sony and Nokia!
                                      • qLC
                                      • 18 Jul 2011

                                      Very ambitious statement samcrap, we'll see what apple has to say about

                                        • L
                                        • Laurynas
                                        • 0xM
                                        • 18 Jul 2011

                                        AnonD-1131, 18 Jul 2011It's not malice. It's called "tall poppy" syndro... moreFor me your hates reason sounds unreasonable, but whatever, it is your opinion and choice. :)