LG Pay coming to US in H1 this year
- s
- someone
- Yeg
- 11 Jan 2018
first sell some phones LG and learn how to put good displays on phones .. lol .. and concentrate on your products and their features.
- D
- AnonD-18780
- gMJ
- 11 Jan 2018
Good luck. But Samsung is the pioneer in this area.
- ?
- Anonymous
- iLU
- 11 Jan 2018
Is that the G6?? Wow her hands are so smol ≧◡≦
- L
- LG superfan
- uZa
- 11 Jan 2018
nkwama, 11 Jan 2018Why bothering to release the app which is incompatible with... moreIn korea it is compatible with V30 or G6
- n
- nkwama
- NwF
- 11 Jan 2018
Why bothering to release the app which is incompatible with available phones on the market. They should release this LG Pay together with LG G7 or V40
- D
- AnonD-558092
- r7b
- 11 Jan 2018
[deleted post]Yeah. All OEMs want to put their dumb interpretation of an already existent technology that is already great. They all end up unified at the end, with the crapiest version of all end up forgotten. And there are many that end that way