Samsung and Apple under investigation in Italy over planned obsolescence

19 January 2018
Reducing chipset performance via software updates does not sit well with the Competition and Market Authority.

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AnonD-481725, 20 Jan 2018You know that the snapdragon 810 have abnormal thermal acti... moreNo not Z5, I have one so i know.

    • D
    • AnonD-481725
    • StN
    • 20 Jan 2018

    Denis Thomas, 20 Jan 2018And that's not only. Manufacturers intentionally do that, a... moreYou know that the snapdragon 810 have abnormal thermal activity, do you?

      • D
      • AnonD-481725
      • StN
      • 20 Jan 2018

      "It is not clear which Samsung devices are involved in this"

        • P
        • Primark
        • IW@
        • 20 Jan 2018

        Denis Thomas, 20 Jan 2018And that's not only. Manufacturers intentionally do that, a... moreIt has more to do with android 7 heavier than android 6...

          • t
          • thefearfulsilence
          • nw}
          • 20 Jan 2018

          Long overdue if you ask me. It's a disgrace that it's been allowed to go om as long as it has and I wouldn't bet against other manufacturers being dragged in to this controversy either.

            Well have Samsung flagships since S4, none of them ever been slowed down by software updates, well most of them now runs on custom roms anyway, but I never experienced any performance drops a specially on benchmarks, after new software updates

              • N
              • Nghtmare
              • pKy
              • 20 Jan 2018

              I doubt Samsung does this because I have a Note 4 and the phone works fine, except the battery which is almost dead due to normal degradation. Apple has throttled iPhones CPU to stand new features on iOS without asking and that is messed up, however if your phone losses performance or endurance due to new features and features that the phone was not made to handle can also happen which could be the Samsung case but that its not on purpose, its just hardware limitations. Grab any older Laptop that came with XP and add Windows 10, you will see a loss in performance because the OS is heavier.

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • 6p$
                • 20 Jan 2018

                Samsung definitely not guilty of this because my 3 years old note 4 is running as fast as day 1. Smooth and lag free haha

                  If the reason is the incapability of hardware to handle newer task, that is BS. Most android flagship only gets 2 major upgrages and we all know that a 2 year old flagship is still better than a new midrange and much better than an new entry in term of raw processing power. The thing is, if the entry is capable to handle the latest os/update, the flagship shall be capable too and If not, that is just about a company loving to harvest money.

                    AnonD-664474, 19 Jan 2018Whatever it is, it should've been told by the manufacturers... moreAnd that's not only. Manufacturers intentionally do that, and not because the new software can't be handled by hardware. A smartphone is like a pc atm. It has almost everything a pc has, and just like a pc a smartphone may get a slight performance reduction so people will go buy the new thing. Its all about money here.

                    I have an xperia z5 and on android 6 it used to hit 103000 in antutu, when i got to android 7 (and it was a wiped device) it hit 93000 so obviously something is going on. I didn't care much because Sony flagships don't slow down much with time and any phone that hits 50000 in antutu is good to go, but it was a 10% reduction in performance.

                    So i bet my sweet face that manufacturers do this intentionally. Updates right? Yeah sure..
                    I want Sony to get investigated as well, and all the other well known manufacturers. We as customers have the right to know what is going on with our devices.

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • IWM
                      • 20 Jan 2018

                      AnonD-669148, 19 Jan 2018Not supporting Android updates is planned obsolescence, so ... moreOr they could just come out with just UI changes only every year and support for 5 years so it won't impact the hardware, is that better? lolol Don't be ridiculous.

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • IWM
                        • 20 Jan 2018

                        Anonymous, 19 Jan 2018The issues about longer support of new android versions is ... moreYeah but it's hard to have them dedicate a team to keep supporting old devices that "may not" perform well cos the hardware is obsolete. Look at Samsung and their sh*tload of devices lol.

                          Z5 compact perfectly fine and enjoying xz premium here. Sony had done a great job in terms of software update and optimization. Can't wait for the XZ PRO.

                            • P
                            • Pragmatic
                            • t7U
                            • 20 Jan 2018

                            If being moral/ethical maximized profits, they would have done it.

                              • S
                              • Simon
                              • 0xI
                              • 19 Jan 2018

                              The problem that is very real is updates to new OS versions slowing down older devices due to less work being done in optimizing them. I can completely agree, but most manufacturers are doing something like this. I think it should be controlled better, and reviewers should pay attention to such things.

                                AnonD-669148, 19 Jan 2018Not supporting Android updates is planned obsolescence, so ... moreI have to agree with most of all...BUT, I'm yet with the Huawei Mate 9 Pro (10 and 10 Pro is just out) and yesterday I have update to, is the update to the Oreo already released with the January android security patch. I'm very happy with that. The device is running great, fast, with many 10/10 Pro features and in same level of updates of Pixel devices.

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • JU@
                                  • 19 Jan 2018

                                  melvingutierrez, 19 Jan 2018I agreed with Italian autority about the planned obsolescen... moreThe issues about longer support of new android versions is the fact no OEM can give you guarantee that if for example your phone comes with 5.0 and get android 9.0 it will have same performance.

                                  My phone was 5.0.2 out of box. Now it is 7.1.1.
                                  It works very well.

                                  But I dont know if they gave me android 8.0, 8.1 and 9.0 my phone would still be as fast is today.
                                  Due to hardware, not because they do to make you get new one.

                                  They give you updates, your choice to install.

                                    • m
                                    • melvingutierrez
                                    • Iaq
                                    • 19 Jan 2018

                                    Anonymous, 19 Jan 2018iPhones with the patch did not see any performance impact. ... moreagreed with thats the low perfomance thats you can feeel on any older iphone not is different to the low perfomance of a Samsung or another higth device with two or more year, is normally thats with every new Os you will have a lower perfomance after few year cause the processor of lasted device are more power or have better handle of the os

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • pYg
                                      • 19 Jan 2018

                                      Linas, 19 Jan 2018Maybe that was to do with Spectre and Metdown fixes, which ... moreiPhones with the patch did not see any performance impact. Check elsewhere not gsmarena. Benchmarks show pretty much the same performance.

                                        Someone somewhere got paid pretty well to make problems to Samsung and Apple...