iPhone 5 launching 5 September in the US, 5 October in Europe?

26 July, 2011
The iPhone 5 was a no-show at the WWDC in June, but a new report claims that it will launch on 5 September. Coming from a senior Swisscom executive, this is reportedly reliable info, but as you...

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  • D
  • AnonD-1082
  • IDk
  • 26 Jul 2011

AnonD-3575, 26 Jul 2011expect numerous bugs that apple will deny... :)It's not like your N8 was free of bugs and defects on day 1. It took Nokia 4 months to release PR1.1 and don't forget the deal breaking hardware defects like the restarting defect, won't boot and completely dead issues, and purple screen defect that affected the sales and ruined Nokia's name.


The purple defect is still there even on the Anna update. Nokia just tweaked the clock's colors to hide the defect under the carpet. That's typical of Nokia. They tend to hide defects and use tricks instead of fixing them. People who flashed the leaked Anna update confirmed that the purple defect is still there.


    • L
    • Luke
    • Sdn
    • 26 Jul 2011

    [deleted post]I can immediately give you an example of such situation and 2 reasons why apple will never sell another iToy to me.

    Some background info first - I occasionally fly between 2 countries. In one I obviously live, in the other are my parents, friends, etc. So the use case:
    If I leave my home, I pack my phone with videos, music, etc. I like getting youtube videos mainly. So It's ok as I have itunes and all apple cables at home. I can do it via iphone explorer and use iFile,VLC, Oplayer, etc.
    Here is the first point - each player is good for certain file formats/containers, but none is good for all.

    When I get in the other country, I stay there, do whatever I do and before I go back, I'd like to re-fill my iphone with other stuff. And that's a NOGO, as you know iphone can only sync with 1 PC! Else I have to install itunes and bring cables with me at any place I go.

    Those 2 issues make iDevices a complete useless pieces of tech to anyone, that is focused on the content. They simply make my life harder from the day 1.

      • a
      • arloumpa
      • 3Ai
      • 26 Jul 2011

      I don't care if the Iphone5 does not have a removable battery. I don't care if the Iphone5 does not have an SD slot. I dont care about the Iphone5......or any other phone for that matter. I only care about my SGS2.....the best phone ever!

        • c
        • choice777
        • 0CY
        • 26 Jul 2011

        is that a picture of the iphone 5 ? is so...it's flipping ugly !!!

          • F
          • Fade.
          • L2Z
          • 26 Jul 2011

          If it looks like this it's one ugly looking handset. Why not make a different forms for the phone. Make some bold and innovative form and not the same all over again.

            • D
            • AnonD-1825
            • mhT
            • 26 Jul 2011

            ifulov, 26 Jul 2011SD's are a practical and a logical redundancy. Easy switcha... more"None removable batteries? Well I hardly need to explain the silliness of that!"

            For most of people useless too, i'v had same iPhone for two years now and never needed that option, my others phone only times i needed that was when my phone crashed or got stuck. iPhone doesnt do that and if it does you can restart your phone without removing battery.

            N8 doesnt have removable battery either, not sure about N9 and E7. Again for nokia users one of the most important thing, after N8 came, no-one cares. Again nokia users stopped saying this battery thing about iPhone :D

            Apple doesnt do things for minority users, they do things which is good for most of potential users. And look how well apple doing nodways so clearly it's working :)

              • D
              • AnonD-3575
              • 3LU
              • 26 Jul 2011

              expect numerous bugs that apple will deny... :)

                • D
                • AnonD-1825
                • mhT
                • 26 Jul 2011

                maxwell, 26 Jul 2011well in that case i hope your phone that DOES'nt have a SD ... more"well in that case i hope your phone that DOES'nt have a SD slot get busted so all of your information like pictures video music are all lost along with your phone that only has internal memory.. "

                That's why we have itunes and backups, iPhone backup system is perfect, it copied EVERYTHING. IF i have something new important in my phone i do backup, simple and fast, so no problem there.

                  • i
                  • ifulov
                  • m4N
                  • 26 Jul 2011

                  [deleted post]SD's are a practical and a logical redundancy. Easy switchable without some proprietary interfering software. Also bad programs are easier to purge from here than from the phone itself (by way of PC if needed). SD provision allows instant access to other peoples large files (too big to email/Bluetooth etc.?) and a limitless facility in batches of up to 32GB.

                  Internal memory alone is a single point of failure, those intelligent enough to realize this can understand what I mean.

                  None removable batteries? Well I hardly need to explain the silliness of that!

                    • u
                    • umar
                    • KID
                    • 26 Jul 2011

                    from apple hater i have slowly become a apple fan due to the quality and simplicity or their product. no doubt they ask a bit more money then they should but they give nice product in return. there have been two things that have kept me from buying an iphone. one being too many restrictions (which have been solved by jail breaking) second being screen size. should apple decide to increase the screen size to 4inch or so i'll definitely buy one. after all "if you don't have an iphone, well you dont have an iphone".

                      • D
                      • AnonD-8153
                      • 44r
                      • 26 Jul 2011

                      remember, istove aka iphone 5 is coming to town,,,,

                        • A
                        • Axel Leonardo
                        • Qxp
                        • 26 Jul 2011

                        Cool ! I like a smartphone !

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • 3RP
                          • 26 Jul 2011

                          the no.1 launch of the year. again millions of people on terra will make a white night in the front of apple stores around the world. emo,geeks,harry poter fans,gays and many more will wait the breathtakin' launch

                            • D
                            • AnonD-1131
                            • kJX
                            • 26 Jul 2011

                            AnonD-1825, 26 Jul 2011This is going to be most selled smartphone ever, can't wait... moreI hope they keep the 3G S and make that their low end, use the 4 as their mid carder, and the iPhone 5 on the top tier.

                              • m
                              • maxwell
                              • vxt
                              • 26 Jul 2011

                              I like it this way.. but I try your advice

                                • D
                                • AnonD-10525
                                • qiU
                                • 26 Jul 2011

                                maxwell, 26 Jul 2011what 9900??? is it the BB phone?? are you kidding...Hey Maxwell why don't you hit "reply" so that your comments will be directed to those users instead of just general comments. You seem to be an authority on this topic.

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • qiU
                                  • 26 Jul 2011

                                  [deleted post]Honestly I'd rather a phone have a larger internal storage than an SD card. It just makes more sense to me rather than having to pop that lil card in there.

                                    • m
                                    • maxwell
                                    • vxt
                                    • 26 Jul 2011

                                    what 9900??? is it the BB phone?? are you kidding...

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • qiU
                                      • 26 Jul 2011

                                      maxwell, 26 Jul 2011com'on apple release this iphone 5 next year 2012 hahahahah... moreLaugh all you want... the iPhone 4 is STILL the best selling smartphone at most retailers even 12 months after its release. Why? Because consumers realize that its not about the hardware, but the software. They see what they can do on the phone. I'm not talking about the geek/techie side of things but the more human side. To the average consumer the iPhone represents an easier way to do stuff. Its the phone that attracted non-smartphone people - to the smartphone. Most people that buy these high end Android phones really have no idea what the difference between it and the iPhone is, except maybe screen size.

                                        • a
                                        • amy linehouse
                                        • 3Ax
                                        • 26 Jul 2011

                                        will be outsold by the 9900. bankered.