Sunday debate: Are phones getting too expensive?

04 February 2018
In this installment of our Sunday debate, and nicely timed with Apple Q1 results, we ask are phones getting too expensive.

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Smartphones are expensive not because the flagship ones are expensive, but becuase common companies (Apple, Xiaomi and so on) refuse to put some simple and cheap features (like NFC) into phones with cost less than $300. This is bad practice.

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • u7V
    • 04 Feb 2018

    Actually people didn't buy flagship phones every year. And me included, Oneplus 3 is still good enough -thanks to xda community.
    So phone and chip maker needs to sell their products more expensive to get profit because the consumer is decreasing.

    Well then don't buy flagship phones, or get xiaomi or oneplus flagship killer's. The companies will raising the price every year if you buy their stupid expensive phones. Get Chinese phones

      Yes they are more expensive, not technology nor materials are reason for that but PR and advertising.
      Its the same with games. 10-15 years ago to create big game you had to have from 2 to 7 millions, Now they spend even 30 millions, and most of it goes to advertising, PR and creating prerendered demos that have nothing to do with game(just compare demos of any ubisoft/EA game with actual games).

      Yes, today phones use better materials, but those materials dont cost 200$
      Any person who know market or worked with mass produced things, will known that companies dont pay for eg. aluminium as normal people. This is industry build, you create/order massive amount of components specially made for your need to minimize material lose and machinery weariness.

      Electronic components like boards and chipset cost actually LESS than few years ago because better methods of production. So here also you cant find reasons for bigger prices.

      All money goes to PR, marketing fights and patent licensing. Any flagship should stil cost from 500 to 600$ if it have more goodies in box or additional services.
      Creating device it self cost about 200$, another 100-150$ would go for marketing/PR, box, documentations, software design and shipping. Another 50-100 would go for Research Departament. Rest of money go straight to pockets of company chairmans that do nothing and just change places every year, one time guy is CEO other year he move to PR, another year he go again to CEO, and its all going round and round in every company.

        • N
        • Nokia super fan
        • YUT
        • 04 Feb 2018

        This is the most logic question I have been hearing since 2016!!!!

        Phone manufacturer wants phones that's days want to be expensive to make more profit and attract consumer and fanboys. It just like you are putting a Lamborghini price on a Toyota Corolla!!!! That's how they are doing it. Not only that, they are forcing themselves to be landing into bankruptcy.

        Until to this day, TV, Furniture, earphone and other appliance prices are same or less than, just that the specs are getting better over time. Iam still not sure why would phone manufacturer wants to follow the trend of car manufacturer to be expensive and less reliable?

          • h
          • huh?
          • 4jp
          • 04 Feb 2018

          The markup on flagship phones is usually between 200 and 300%. Paul, tell me how this is all right?

            • D
            • AnonD-631991
            • 0U2
            • 04 Feb 2018

            Yes because they are getting bigger and bigger. We need 4.5 - 4.7 inch flagships as well. Not all of us have purses or bag-pockets. Samsung / Nokia / LG / Moto, I'm talking about you!

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • pdH
              • 04 Feb 2018

              There Are phones that cost 50-100$ so They Are not too expensive.
              Just like cars. I don`t buy ower expensive ferrari. 5000$ Buick is just fine instead!
              There Are phones that Are too expensive, like there Are too expensive cars, but I just don´t buy them...

                • D
                • AnonD-694886
                • K@h
                • 04 Feb 2018

                By getting too expensive, if the past is defined as one or two years ago, then yes, it is getting too expensive on the flagship segment.

                  • D
                  • AnonD-696151
                  • D0c
                  • 04 Feb 2018

                  They are getting expensive in india because of 20 -25% hike on mobile phones

                    If you insist premium phone like iPhone and Samsung Galaxy S/Note series, yes, they become more and more expensive. But you become wiser, then you can choose mid-range phone from Xiaomi or Huawei, like Remi Note 4 x or Mi A1. You can buy them below $250 or so. It has good performance and build quality. Software quality leaves something to be desired, but acceptable enough. You can get 80% of Galaxy S7 performance with 30% of its price. Good deal I think. Smartphone nowadays are becoming more affordable than ever before.

                      • m
                      • mir
                      • 7Xe
                      • 04 Feb 2018

                      Phones are getting good but they are definitely not worthy of the price the companies demand. And idiots need to stop supporting and buying their overpriced products.

                        • K
                        • Kyo
                        • XRx
                        • 04 Feb 2018

                        Yes they are getting more expensive and losing on quality.The expensive phones off today don't last half as long as the old ones.One drop and there you have a 200$+ screen replacement cost.
                        Combine that with the fact that almost all companies don't really give much software support.

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • 3Jn
                          • 04 Feb 2018

                          You're only paying for that logo Samsung or Apple that's what makes phones expensive.

                            With big competition its like cheaper phone or pricier and better, giving it new unique functions and sensors that didn't exist an year before, thats costly. I just hope they get small enough to not pay for premium materials, just mostly for R&D.

                              • D
                              • AnonD-220838
                              • 0si
                              • 04 Feb 2018

                              With 1149€ I can buy a good smartphone, a good Chromebook and a good TV or photo-camera.

                                • A
                                • Alien
                                • 3RM
                                • 04 Feb 2018

                                Considering the fact that you get only 2 years of updates (if yhe phone is brand new), yes, they are ripping us off.
                                Don't get me wrong, I'm not cheap, but if you want me to pay 1000 euro for a phone, it better have the latest updates and features for more than 2 years.
                                Now, if you're smart, like one of the authors said, when you notice your phone starts to feel outdated, go to XDA, root your phone, flash newer and improved ROMS, fiddle with the settings etc and you can squeeze another 2-3 years out of it. That's what I did with my first Xperia Z. Still working flawless and lagless after 5 years.
                                On the other hand, if you just use it to make selfies/calls and switch your phones like underwear just to impress people, don't bother. XDA doesn't want you there.
                                That's a place for SMART people.

                                  well, considering that flash memory price are still hiking due to high demand, and oled display (for phone) are mostly supplied by samsung, I guess it's justified that flagship prices are rising

                                    • T
                                    • TerryEesti
                                    • 6XS
                                    • 04 Feb 2018

                                    I refuse now to buy phones that cost over 350€ I want a phone with a good screen, good speaker, good memory, good battery life, good connections, over 5" diagonal and reasonable processor. These phones do all I want. IPhone and phones in that price range, are over priced hence by selling less they make more money. It is thought to be a fashion icon a thing that a person must have. Samsung are competing in this throw cash away category and some minor players. It is mainly due to the way the USA phone market and service providers dominate and spread the cost over years. I always buy outright so my initial expense tell me how much the thing costs directly.
                                    Apple's ecosystem is all about making money for Apple directly for example Apple Music, Android makes money for Google on advertising, and apps, music comes from anywhere and indeed one can install apps from anywhere! Unlike Apple where once you have one if their phones you are coin in their money making machine as only apps from their store, can be loaded.
                                    So basically, higher range new phones are a catch to make a person desire a new colour a slightly faster gimmick or something, they come out once or twice a year with huge advertising budgets etc. Who pays for the advertising, the insurance, the BS promotions etc etc. The customer, not the manufacturer. Top of the range phone Apple or Android, are sold each year as the great new thing the must have item. In a few years they will be worse than the cheaper low range.
                                    A mid range phone today, has a processor that two years ago was top of the range, it has a good screen etc. And will last two or three years easily. There is no need to pay more unless your brain has been addled so much by advertising you must have the 'new greatest thing'... Meaning so expensive that if the manufacturer only sells a few they are in profit. Which also means one is being ripped off and they are not worth the money!

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • qMI
                                      • 04 Feb 2018

                                      When they don't have a fingerprint scanner but it's for some reason okay when a certain company does it. Yeah they are too expensive.

                                      Or, when they do not have the equipment for faster charging in the box, but again it's somehow alright for certain parties to do this and not for others. They are not all a good deal out of the box, without supplemented purchases.

                                      Sacrificing battery for a thinner body when most people buy a case is perhaps one of the most pointless endeavors in the mobile space, even the rumored flexible display devices need extra thickness to accommodate their designs, but it gives your iPhone "character" when it has an ugly @$$ ticket stub for a display.

                                        • D
                                        • AnonD-730705
                                        • rJr
                                        • 04 Feb 2018

                                        I wouldn't say all phones are getting expensive. Sure the flagships are reaching $1000 and even more as in the case of my country, but not that much in the case of mid rangers.