Nokia and Microsoft holding an event on August 17

02 August, 2011
Free food, DJ, possible announcement of Nokia's first Windows Phone. What's not to like?

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • PvD
  • 02 Aug 2011

I hate Microsoft, i hope it sink and stinks !

    • D
    • AnonD-13154
    • up1
    • 02 Aug 2011

    [deleted post]Not android.
    The android killer meego.

      • B
      • Bailey
      • i5B
      • 02 Aug 2011

      [deleted post]Are you surprised that Nokia or Microsoft hate open source. As an Android user i am starting to see the first points of openess being a real mess and very scrappy. How many version are their to deal with and how many people are left waiting for updates and then come on here and moan about it. handsets are released far to often and OEM dont have to put the lastest version on their handsets. the growth is huge at the moment with a handsets being released every week. Google don't really care what you do with the OS because they are not really that interested in the OS its just a way for them to get your personally information so they can run ads at you. Thats why the app market is so terriable it is beyond the wild west. it is starting to look cheap and scrappy out their with Android hence people now have to put skins to cover up the mess. I can really see figures start to tail off next year with android it just to messy even if you get an update sometimes all it brings is more bugs. Nothing that i have said could not be improved what will be interesting is if Google actually does this instead of bringing ice-cream improve the running of the OS sort out battery draining i should need to get an app and also short lag and software running in the background that i dont know about even though i have killed it several times.

      Yes WP7 may not take off but they have put some things in place to make it a smoother experience. I actually do have an interest in a metal Nokia WP7 handset

        • C
        • Cod3rror
        • ppk
        • 02 Aug 2011

        I’m really unimpressed by WP7 and it’s Metro UI, nothing impresses me about it at all.

        I’ll reiterate what I’ve always said about WP7:

        Square OS, everything square.

        Tiles – Not big enough to display useful information, big enough to waste space.

        The tiles homescreen overtime turns into a long roll of toilet paper of tiles.

        Oversized Vogue text.

        Constant swiping.

        The wasted space on the right.

        Monotonous look of the UI, everything is either completely black and dark or if you change the theme then it’s completely white or orange or red or etc… monotonous colour.

        The absence of features – Mango was taunted as having 500 new features? Where are they? They are not very obvious.

        Multitasking implementation is bad, iOS is much better.

        So, the natural question you got to ask yourself. Why? Why should I bother with WP7 which is even more locked down than iOS when there already is iOS which looks way better, has way more functions, way more apps(which cost less BTW, for the same app) and services and users and is much more mature and organized.

        Can you download app files on your PC like you can with iTunes so you don’t have to download them later? Nope.

        And those that want freedom, flexibility and functionality go to Android… even though it’s UI is a bit slower people still tolerate it.

        WP7 and it’s Metro UI does absolutely nothing for me, and nothing for a lot of people cause no one is buying it.

        MeeGo is MUCH better than WP7, I’d buy a MeeGo N9 if Nokia actually supported it like Apple supports the iPhone, with constant attention, updates, services, apps, etc…

        Nokia made a huge mistake and so did Microsoft for going with this Metro crap.

          • D
          • AnonD-16212
          • uv7
          • 02 Aug 2011

          Windows phone 7 mango is a cul os.(though I hav not personally not used it)It seems fun to scroll through the homescreen.Windows phone is the best customisable home screen os.One major drawback is that it does not have as many apps as the Ios nd Androids do.I always prefer nokia coz I like it....nd wp7 is a great os.But one thing is sure....Nokia nd Android would be a great combination nd it would be the greatest threat to Apple nd samsung.

            • n
            • nokiafan
            • YiX
            • 02 Aug 2011

            no thanks, the whole OS and UI of windowphone is kinda ugly imo, seriously, there wp in mass market already and apparently not really succeed, people need something easy, smooth and fast nice & cool beautiful looking candy working well both their eyes and fingers, nokia have a good candybar N9 already should focus on this meego device develop it to become one of their highend product while wp is not yet ready, nokia is so chicken when symbian sale went down, they were afraid that meego will not do good, jump to wp, but why can't do them both together to creat more choices?!

              • D
              • AnonD-3778
              • YQP
              • 02 Aug 2011

              yy everyobe wants NOKIA ANDROID.... already all manufacturers have tons of androids.... windows phones are diff.. i will get one for xbox live only... NOKIA ONLY...

                • F
                • Fongy
                • Gjj
                • 02 Aug 2011

                I feel for Nokia, some of my fondest memories of first mobile phones are with Nokias...
                WM7 is a pretty dull OS - it's too rigid, too boring and I'm not sure it entirely works on mobiles (all that scrolling down pane after pane... argh!)
                I wish them luck, but if they don't announce a WM7 phone at least at the specs of the Galaxy S2 - which the WM7 version is just around the corner... then they're dead in the water...
                It's just a matter of time before HTC and Sammy, etc. eat them alive...

                  • J
                  • John Donut
                  • 9LV
                  • 02 Aug 2011

                  Anonymous, 02 Aug 2011Out of all the top tier bloggers and web editors that prais... moreHA! HA! It is you hiding Mr. Anonymous!

                  Didn't you ever stop to think that those previews and reviews of "top tier bloggers and web editors that praise WP7" are not always impartial?

                  We, the public can make our comments here, and some of those, (despite you not always agreeing to them), are actually constructive.

                  Companies that are huge or have a long histories aren't necessarily immune to mistakes either. MS have been successful with PC OS's (for a variety of reasons), but that doesn't make them guru's when it comes to smartphones. Just about every phone manufacturer has released a duff handset at some time.
                  Just because you can build a car, doesn't mean you understand the motorcycle; does it?

                  Finally, before you comment on grammar, try to understand that this is a global site and obviously viewed by those of multilingual and multicultural ethnicity.
                  Perhaps some of those never had the privilege to an education, suffer from dyslexia or are children.

                  Think I've made my point.

                    • m
                    • mob
                    • 6Cx
                    • 02 Aug 2011

                    Anonymous, 02 Aug 2011Bada 2.0.1>Symbian S^3>iOS>WP7I think you go that in reverse, the most interesting mobile OSes are:
                    1. WP7
                    2. iOS (was cool for a while but now is boring compared to WP7)
                    3. Android (is like a jailbroken iOS, except messier and uglier)
                    and the other OSes are from another era.. when dinosaurs walked the earth.

                      • D
                      • AnonD-4697
                      • LrK
                      • 02 Aug 2011

                      [deleted post]Nice review

                      This shows WP7 is strong against iOS and Android ICE Cream...and is a Fact WP7 is a better web browsing experience than ANY OTHER OS....well for instead that is what they trie to show us...

                      BUT I still on my word...I need to use it first instead "Flamming" any other OS...

                      I don't like to be a "Blinded User" Troll...

                        • m
                        • mangogood
                        • 6Cx
                        • 02 Aug 2011

                        can't wait for Nokia WP7 device! because so far the best WP7 phone was from LG (no not HTC!)

                          • D
                          • AnonD-4697
                          • LrK
                          • 02 Aug 2011

                          I had a great time reading some critics here.

                          Getting a lots of LoL's about WP7 Mango..of people saying is a "Mistake"

                          PEOPLE!!! WP7 Mango is not released don't know how exactly works, how it feels, how is in REAL...

                          You people only follow your sense defendig iOS or Android for something is not on the market.

                          Let wait for Mango release, once that OS is there let's see if is good or not, if people accept or not that OS.

                          Here at Americas, people is waiting for WP7 MANGO from some time, US is an strong market for that OS (specially XBox users and business users), I don't know Europe but Asia is on WP7 wagon too....there is a lot of people that need to judge the OS WHEN is on THEIR HANDS, not by lawsy "Points of Views" of trolls or "Blinded" users.....

                          So, you can't talk of something you has never used...

                            • D
                            • AnonD-8705
                            • Hxh
                            • 02 Aug 2011

                            I donno why people complain about Symbian or Windows
                            ive been a long time user of symbian phones and now i switched to an android phone
                            Symbian is great in every aspect
                            it just doesnt have many apps thats it other than that its simple and easy to use

                            as far as Windows goes i have used it too
                            and its one of the most smooth Os
                            but again the fact remains the same here
                            it doesnt have many apps which IOS and Android have

                            So if ur not looking for apps Symbian or Windows are better at somethings than IOS or Android

                              • A
                              • Ano
                              • 2m{
                              • 02 Aug 2011

                              As I see it this is not if Symbian is dead or not, if WP7 is good or bad. This is about Microsoft. I don't want a Microsoft phone because of the Microsoft stigma. Microsoft is a psychopath company which uses very anti-competitive methods, many of them illegal. Also they have a very draconian way to their customers. Many people are fed up with this and want to have the option to choose other brands. Now MS is trying to kill Nokia so that there are no other options other than Microsoft.

                                • M
                                • Markus
                                • f3R
                                • 02 Aug 2011

                                So sorry Microsoft. I was waiting for you to bring out a WP7 phone here in South Africa but you took so long I got myself a Galaxy S II and discovered Android. Now there's no way I would go back to Windows. Why it took a year to start releasing WP7 phones around the world in the first place is a question only Microsoft can answer! Tooo late...

                                  • D
                                  • AnonD-10581
                                  • u1C
                                  • 02 Aug 2011

                                  Anonymous, 02 Aug 2011Out of all the top tier bloggers and web editors that prais... moreAgree with you. Most of the Nokia bashers here are either just jealous that Nokia has left Symbian or have never seen Metro UI in action. I really don't understand how WP7 UI could be ugly. It is one of the(if not the) most beautiful and the smoothest OS out there. Yes, it has its limitations. But it will be ironed out with time. I really hope Nokia WP7 devices are a hit. Symbian is history!!

                                    • D
                                    • AnonD-14563
                                    • nDB
                                    • 02 Aug 2011

                                    Anonymous, 02 Aug 2011Out of all the top tier bloggers and web editors that prais... moreWeb Editors are being paid to praise WP7. The sales figures tell the whole story. Also, we, the end users decide if one OS will be successful or not. I do not like WP7, I prefer iOS which ironically for the moment is more "open" than WP7 was designed to be from the start. How can Nokia or Microsoft expect to achieve a big chunk of marketshare with the most limited OS on the scene? Did I say that is ugly?

                                      • A
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • Yh1
                                      • 02 Aug 2011

                                      Out of all the top tier bloggers and web editors that praise WP7, it's good to come on here and see random people hiding behind pen names bashing the OS. It's like you guys *know* the industry much better than the people who actually review the phones!

                                      And I'm sure you probably have a better grasp on the industry than Nokia. Seeing as they're the oldest manufacturer around, I'm positive you guys know the direction they should take to stay afloat. They've only gotten by so far on sheer luck since many of you probably weren't alive back in the day to give them your insightful advice! Plus, you *must* know better than Microsoft when it comes to operating systems. They may have invented the personal computer operating system and might have the largest market share when it comes to OS's . . . but you guys are always a step ahead!

                                      So go ahead and comment away! Tell the world how bad Nokia is and how much WP7 sucks. Oh, and in between the comments, perhaps you can plug your own phone which you have developed or your own innovative OS!

                                      Also, learn grammar!

                                        • G
                                        • Gue
                                        • t7Q
                                        • 02 Aug 2011

                                        Bring it on Nokia! Never say die!!!