Sunday debate: Ecosystem vs Hardware

11 February 2018
This time on Sunday Debate we discuss what's more important, hardware or ecosystem.

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  • J
  • Jase PM
  • Kgw
  • 12 Feb 2018

As long as its not Apple, I'm easy...

    I don't like either choice in this debate. I wonder why there are only the two options available (?).

      • E
      • Engineer
      • PA7
      • 12 Feb 2018

      after trial & error many flagship I back to motorola because innovation very useful for engineers, built quality is superb, a lot of my engineers colleague use moto

        • D
        • AnonD-655832
        • J%g
        • 12 Feb 2018

        I guess the author never used whatsapp. Can't transfer/restore messages when switching platforms.

          • D
          • AnonD-687126
          • vap
          • 12 Feb 2018

          Ecosystem - Well, I've used Android phones for ten years now. I know how they do what they do. I'm comfy with it. I could move to Apple, and maybe even eventually love the Apple Way, but I like what Google does right now.

          Hardware - I love the mess that is Android hardware. Great phones and awful phones. It makes it interesting. My computers were always Windows boxes because I like that assembling of pieces, rather than the closed black box on a Mac. I preferred the tinkering.

          So... yes to both. Both are part of the appeal of my choices. I like to tinker, and I can see why people would prefer the exact opposite and go 100% Apple.

            Looks like Yordan is my man second time in a row. Ecosystem is very important. Android openness and freedom is the reason I am sticking with Samsung hardware. I liked to have a fastest and most computational potent device available and that would be definitely iPhone with beastly A chipsets, but it's horribly closed ecosystem is a no go, so sticking with a second best available, plus there is no better mobile VR experience anywhere else than Samsung.

              yordan is all wrong, the ecosystem is set by the owners of the operating system where as the customers choices will be purely on the hardware side.
              they will have a choice of manufacturer, so if they want bigger batteries, large camera or bigger screen they will go with what hardware is out there, this is the eco system of the consumer so to say.

              isheep have no choice in the matter and get whats given to them but android users have the ability to go from one manufacturer as they see fit but they can customise their system to suite their needs.

              i would prefer a custom build shop in which you can pick what you want and for me it will be better hardware options as the OS (android) is already good enough for me to customise to work for me.

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • JXk
                • 12 Feb 2018

                I'm definitely a software guy and i like cheap phones. Had great times with original moto x and now a nexus 5x. Far from the most powerful phones, but good enough hardware, above average software experience and the best feature: decent pricing.

                And i'm afraid this niche is no longer a thing. Pixels keep decent software but are outrageously expensive. There's plenty of decent hardware for good pricing, but then you're risking being left without security updates pretty early. And no, i refuse to pay apple prices.

                  • D
                  • AnonD-704307
                  • nbr
                  • 12 Feb 2018

                  Which one do you prefer, your brain(software) or your heart(hardware) ?

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • ELT
                    • 12 Feb 2018

                    "Hardware is king"..!???
                    S. Sony's X.series/XZ.series
                    O. Sony's sensors
                    F. Customized skin
                    T. Some lag
                    W. Pure ecosystem
                    A. More smooth
                    R. Optimized
                    E. You're done
                    Outcome: when you smartphone has some more optimization you smartphone is king even though hardware is low end

                      If you want 4K phone, there is just one way. Favorite ecosystem or not.

                        Ivan,mate,I`m with you all the way...
                        When it comes to choose a smartphone thats perfect for ya,you`ll have to determine what you want from it,as you said-display that one,camera like this,battery,cpu,and so on.
                        But whatever you choose,,it`s here to stay,you cannot change display,camera...
                        But software/ecosystem,well,that is something that should be - customisable!It`s up to you,and what do you need/like/prefer...and thats it..There are so many millions of apps and it will surely be a few of those- perfect for ya..
                        So,perfect OS,there is no such a thing,but you can create your own perfect one!Give me a basic Android and then I`ll customize it (heavily!),according to my needs, I guess we cannot talk about Apple here...sadly...

                          • A
                          • Anonymous
                          • xIq
                          • 11 Feb 2018

                          So 52% of the majority are casuals.

                            • Z
                            • ZloiYuri
                            • 352
                            • 11 Feb 2018

                            Body or brain? Proteins or carbohydrates? Day or night? Ice cream or meat? Maybe all of them both are good and meaningful? Like combination of ecosystem and hardware?

                              • D
                              • AnonD-82756
                              • nGg
                              • 11 Feb 2018

                              Deffo hardware for me

                                • D
                                • AnonD-736836
                                • CGH
                                • 11 Feb 2018

                                Hardware is the real deal OEM don't sell the OS but the hardwares... Consumers consider high prised phones because of beautiful hardwares...
                                Phones are flagship based on their hardwares...
                                With better hardwares software can be updated...

                                  I prefer a good hardware abit more than software cause if you have OS full bugs it cam be fixed with updates but if flaweless OS is paired with terrible hardware like crappy SoC or bad screen, bad camera that stays forever

                                    • S
                                    • Surficial
                                    • 0RS
                                    • 11 Feb 2018

                                    Hard to say without getting into personal preference, but I'm going to side with hardware. If you've got the hardware you want and no strict limitation limiting the software you want, your fine.
                                    I side with Ivan - swapping round is a headache but most people do that once every couple years, a few hours setup and a few weeks adapting isn't a huge issue.

                                    As someone who wants a smaller phone with non-restricitve software I'm reliant on sony's compact line to deliver phones to my requirements.
                                    Open to other operating systems/ecosysytems and hardware if they deliver what I want.

                                      • A
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • B45
                                      • 11 Feb 2018

                                      While Ecosystem is nice, any mess-ups can be fixed with updates. With hardware, once you have it, that's it. With these days of sealed batteries and it not being easy to switch out the RAM and Hard Drive of the phone, you want a phone with great hardware while the software side can get fixed with a few updates. Just look at Oxygen OS from OnePlus.

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • JT5
                                        • 11 Feb 2018

                                        Samsung phones are underpowered.
                                        Slower than other flagships.