Galaxy S9 and S9+ US pre-order info, prices and release date included
- n
- noname
- kiQ
- 02 Mar 2018
Stupid, why not give 100 off for unlocked users as well best buy????
- ?
- Anonymous
- pdH
- 26 Feb 2018
In germany
And Germany has one of the cheapest prices In europe. So this is more expensive in here that s8 was. Interesting price segmentation.
In scandinavi They Are 899€ and 999€. About 70€ more that s8.
- D
- AnonD-706449
- n@{
- 26 Feb 2018
An awesome phone but with some annoying negative points(my personal opinion)
1-horrible Software, i hate Samsung experience or TouchWiz, it is just horrible. don't get me wrong it has really awesome features but ffs just make it a bit lighter and a bit more stock look
2-horrible OS updates, Android O is more than 6Months old anyway S8 got Oreo update some days ago it's not acceptable from leader of Smartphone market.
3-Samasung Store is useless and expensive, ugly useless Themes and icons and they are way too expensive for being ugly and doing nothing.
4-Bixby and Bixby button, i think one of the most downloaded app between all Galaxy
S8,S8+ and Note8 owners was Bixby button remapper. who the hell need a Bixby button on his device ? why not a customizable button ? why not a camera button ? btw we have google assistant, we need don't need a seccond one on top of the google assistant.
5-too expensive, we are not idiot blind iSheeps that's why we buy Android phones, we don't want to pay so much money for a phone so maybe make your devices cheaper.
i appreciate it if anyone reply and share his/her opinion.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 9HD
- 26 Feb 2018
So do this mean the price of the S8 Active will finally come down?
- ?
- Anonymous
- vV5
- 26 Feb 2018
Anonymous, 25 Feb 2018Where are those nonsensical leaks of it having 900 or 1000 ... moreYeah sensibility continues to rule for Samsung. Showing Apple how phone pricing should be done.
- u
- unknown
- ndV
- 26 Feb 2018
Here in spain gonna be 849 euros and 949 euros
- m
- mikhailmv
- Y9s
- 26 Feb 2018
Just one question.
Why the unlocked version is cheaper that the one from the operators (except for T-Mobile)?
How ridiculously stupid is it?
- M
- Mitochondria
- tEZ
- 26 Feb 2018
Samsung just literally slapped every $1000 rumored price. Now watch other companies looks silly releasing their phone with a higher price than Samsung S9.
- D
- AnonD-582872
- 25 Feb 2018
In my opinion the Huawei Al camera is better than the s9 one.
- ?
- Anonymous
- nia
- 25 Feb 2018
much more expensive in europe than these prices
- ?
- Anonymous
- kAF
- 25 Feb 2018
Where are those nonsensical leaks of it having 900 or 1000 USD price now? It's pretty ok price for such a phone i guess..
- I
- Imperator Neubaticus
- 7Xk
- 25 Feb 2018
The price is actually not half bad. But these phones aren't a compelling enough upgrade to last year's s line.