Samsung Galaxy Xcover is one sweet-looking rugged droid

10 August, 2011
The smartphone runs Android 2.3 Gingerbread and comes with IP67 certification.

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  • h
  • haroldgoco
  • t7S
  • 10 Aug 2011

AnonD-1544, 10 Aug 2011 Nothing new here, samsung copying others all over again. ... moreSamsung is not copying. There just competing to the other brands. Why do people always says that Samsung is copying? It's not. And the reason why Apple filed a case because they'd beaten by the Samsung and they're jealous.

    • H
    • Hmmm
    • T7n
    • 10 Aug 2011

    AnonD-1544, 10 Aug 2011 Nothing new here, samsung copying others all over again. ... moreHow do u know that Apple is not copying Samsung? You do realized that the display components of an Iphone come from Samsung right? Yes it is true that the Iphone did change everything about the way we look at and use our phones, however, stating that all Samsung does is copying other companies is a little bit too much... Trust me, I'm not much of a Samsung lover, HTC beats them hands down. Do save your one sided argument to yourself though

      • D
      • AnonD-6809
      • ttv
      • 10 Aug 2011

      AnonD-10460, 10 Aug 2011lol... i mean... the muddy photo is looking like i phone.. dude all rectangular phone look like iphone .... :P

        • b
        • blabla
        • 39k
        • 10 Aug 2011

        don't want to offend but it looks ugly

          • D
          • AnonD-1544
          • 0BB
          • 10 Aug 2011

          A lot of users here harshly criticize Nokia and I'll admit it they got what they deserve. However, with all Nokia's flaws, Nokia still has something that samsung will never earn which is? Which is what any guesses? It's respect, yes it's respect.

          Nokia are struggling badly, however, they are still trying to be original and creative. Nokia could be cheap like samsung and go with the flow to earn some bucks but instead Nokia prefers it the hard way, because they have their Ego and their respect for all the innovative patents they brought along in the mobile community.

          Samsung on the other hand, prefers the easy road which is it doesn't matter how you make it, what matters is that you will earn money from it. It's like deciding whether you want to have a respectful job or just join cheap industry like porno etc etc..

          No respect for samsung! I don't care about your technology, there is something more important for me and you don't have it at all copy cat makers.

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • IVK
            • 10 Aug 2011

            Again stupid ugly designed phone..... Design of samsung getting worse...Although I am korean, I feel shame about it!

              • D
              • AnonD-1544
              • 0BB
              • 10 Aug 2011

              Guys you don't get it, it's not about android or having alternatives.

              We have an issue here which is that samsung mobile division needs to think out of the box and have the balls to bring new things in the mobile world instead of living on copying others.

              Apple gave samsung a big slap in the face by banding the galaxy tab in Europe and the same may happen in the US soon.

              Samsung needs to change their policy about constantly copying others or things may turn pretty ugly.

              The reason Samsung products are always underestimated and referred to as cheap and cheesy is because they copy! And copycats never earn respect like original products.

                • D
                • AnonD-14665
                • YHI
                • 10 Aug 2011

                AnonD-1544, 10 Aug 2011 Nothing new here, samsung copying others all over again. ... moreExactly! That's what great about Android! If you want a dust and water proof phone, you have many choices and you don't have to buy a thick case either.

                  • D
                  • AnonD-16342
                  • M{J
                  • 10 Aug 2011

                  AnonD-1544, 10 Aug 2011 Sorry about banding the galaxy tab in the EU. Keep t... moreGood one.... :P
                  also banned long long time in Australia... more banning coming soon.....

                    • F
                    • Fab
                    • NvH
                    • 10 Aug 2011

                    AnonD-1544, 10 Aug 2011 Nothing new here, samsung copying others all over again. ... moreyou can't say that making a dust/water resistant phone like SE or Moto is copying. This is complete nonesense

                      • A
                      • Amber
                      • mjs
                      • 10 Aug 2011

                      AnonD-1544, 10 Aug 2011 Nothing new here, samsung copying others all over again. ... moreLess copying, more keeping up with the market and producing altogether better handsets.
                      Perhaps they didn't come up with the original concept, but guess what, neither did SE or Moto.

                        • r
                        • rony
                        • YTN
                        • 10 Aug 2011

                        another copycat phone,,,just becuase sony ericsson and moto have it first they have the oppurtunity to copy it same as to 3d,,they will be creating a 3d phone,or shuld i say copying it.poor iphone first victim...

                          • D
                          • AnonD-1846
                          • fjX
                          • 10 Aug 2011

                          Defy+ better than Active and this one.

                            • D
                            • AnonD-17324
                            • MJ4
                            • 10 Aug 2011

                            Only "fully" water resistant to a depth of 0.15 - 1m. For total impermeability to water you'll want a rating of IP68.

                              • D
                              • AnonD-1544
                              • 0BB
                              • 10 Aug 2011

                              [deleted post]

                              Sorry about banding the galaxy tab in the EU.

                              Keep trying :D

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • t7X
                                • 10 Aug 2011

                                motorola and japanese phone maker were the first to come out with this feature but samsung copied them and will be able to sell more than any phone makers coz they are better at marketing and they are every where unlike motorola and sony which concentrate too much on their own home market.

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • THT
                                  • 10 Aug 2011

                                  AnonD-1544, 10 Aug 2011 Nothing new here, samsung copying others all over again. ... moreI suppose everything Apple makes then is original design? They copy the things you don't see.

                                    • i
                                    • imad
                                    • Hxh
                                    • 10 Aug 2011

                                    They must have covered the phone with dust so that Apple can't see the design of the phone and sue them agian.

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • 9Lb
                                      • 10 Aug 2011

                                      again about the copying just you love it or hate it.

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • uBF
                                        • 10 Aug 2011

                                        Exaggerations much?