Ice Cream Sandwich screenshots leaked

12 August, 2011
Is this how the next version of Android will look? If that's the case, prepare to be unimpressed.

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  • M
  • Rbq
  • 12 Aug 2011

These are most likely fake but it looks rather odd nontheless.
I'm going to laugh my butt off if these are real and it adds hardly no new features. Not laugh at Google, but at the fans that cry for it to be on their phone (Again) without knowing what it added (or took away).

    • D
    • AnonD-4697
    • Pr@
    • 12 Aug 2011

    Well No new IU here...same here and there.

    Looks like any other Android version....However Cheers to Android.

      • D
      • AnonD-5449
      • iCE
      • 12 Aug 2011

      dads, 12 Aug 2011it sucks..hahaha :D:D always there has to be at least one saying it sucks xD

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • THT
        • 12 Aug 2011

        Obiviously a fake. Maybe its a screenshot for 2.3.6? lol

          • D
          • AnonD-17540
          • K1K
          • 12 Aug 2011

          This is obvious a fake. Even it is true, the UI would be not be similar. ICS should be using Linux kernel 3.0 though.

            • D
            • AnonD-1131
            • kJX
            • 12 Aug 2011

            Step666, 12 Aug 2011The tagline of 'prepared to be unimpressed' on the homescre... moreI am unimpressed and Google promised an overhauled UI and this is what they came up with? It took them this long and they came up with a alpha of an alpha. It seems like Google is rushing the ICS and we thought it will be such a beauty that skins will not be needed.

            The vanilla UI looks so ugly, it makes MotoBlur look like a supermodel. LOL

              • D
              • AnonD-1131
              • kJX
              • 12 Aug 2011

              It looks so ugly amd underwhelming. With a vanilla UI this ugly, no wonder the OEMs insist on skinning it.

                • G
                • Gress
                • 2@U
                • 12 Aug 2011

                glineberg, 12 Aug 2011Wahou. 4 icons in the dock. What a progress. Get ready for a lawsuit, Google. We all know who else has a famous 4-icon dock.

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • 31S
                  • 12 Aug 2011

                  pik, 12 Aug 2011this is so hilarious, same crappy grid of icons and some ne... moreI tell you whats pathetic... these really dumb comments here. There are 2 pictures shown of IceCreamSandwich and not more. Thjere is nothing said about any features other than that its gonna combine Honeycomb and Ginerbread. So tell me, how you know, what an OS will be capable, which will be released in 3-4 month, just by looking at 2 pictures, which could also be just fake. You wanna tell me, that you can see all new features of iOS5 just by looking at a picture of an iOS homescreen/appdrawer (till now still the same). People have to wait a bit and we will see.

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • w4f
                    • 12 Aug 2011

                    It wont be as delicious as its name !!!!

                      • p
                      • pik
                      • Gfx
                      • 12 Aug 2011

                      this is so hilarious, same crappy grid of icons and some new colors, pathetic...

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • J5c
                        • 12 Aug 2011

                        For those who think this is fake, can you explain your statement with more facts?
                        btw i would love this is fake, i thought ICS would be huge improvement, and they talked about big UI redesign, and I m dissapointed when i see this...4x4 icons on the screen, and the screen has evoluated from 3.2 320x480 to 4.x 1270x720 cmon....

                          • V
                          • V3nom
                          • MVg
                          • 12 Aug 2011

                          Mmmmmmmm....lovely ice-cream sandwich!!!!

                            • S
                            • Step666
                            • M3s
                            • 12 Aug 2011

                            The tagline of 'prepared to be unimpressed' on the homescreen seemed rather unnecessary/pathetic on the part of the author.

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • M3s
                              • 12 Aug 2011

                              noone likes a leakey ice cream sandwich!

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • Ui$
                                • 12 Aug 2011

                                I'm not really sure about the authenticity of this. The Android Version can be easily changed in a custom ROM by editing a line in build.prop. The notification bar icons look like the ones used in many of the Honeycomb themes available for ROMs. Also, the kernel version is, the same as the one used in Gingerbread, whereas ICS should be using something higher than 2.3.36, which is used in Honeycomb (of course, this may not mean anything; new Android versions usually can still work on older kernels and this, after all, is a test version). As for most of the other minor UI changes, again, they can be modified by changing just a few pngs in some of the system apps in a custom ROM.

                                Of course, this is only my opinion; I may be wrong, but I do hope I'm not because this certainly doesn't seem to be the 'complete overhaul' that Google seemed to suggest a few months ago.

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • sGW
                                  • 12 Aug 2011

                                  I like the Ginerbread (green) interface better.

                                    • n
                                    • nic
                                    • iJ8
                                    • 12 Aug 2011

                                    and ad-hoc???

                                      • s
                                      • sam
                                      • fCQ
                                      • 12 Aug 2011

                                      nice nd prossing fast

                                        • g
                                        • glineberg
                                        • RLm
                                        • 12 Aug 2011

                                        Wahou. 4 icons in the dock. What a progress.