Nokia N9 has FM radio and FM Transmitter on board

15 August, 2011
The Nokia N9 has an FM Radio and FM Transmitter on board, but there's no software support for them just yet.

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  • B
  • Brandon
  • xXK
  • 16 Aug 2011

It's really a shame Nokia has gone from innovator to doin the same thing as everyone else. Symbian was the first true smartphone platform, I still remember being blown away the fisrt time I used an S60 device. What happened to that Nokia! Please, come back. Meego is oozing with potential (love my N900 to this day).

    • J
    • Jon (Swe)
    • mhB
    • 16 Aug 2011

    somebody har probably already commeted on this. But including a FM-transmitter might have nothign to do with adding a componentent, and rather buying a platform where its already included.

    And on the other hand, if they added the FM-transmitter, they could hade ditched it later on, as fitting an antennea might prove difficult and expensive, in that design.

      • h
      • hang
      • v$x
      • 16 Aug 2011

      nokia is probably killing its best devices after the N900 ; before its BIRTH!!!

        • M
        • Mocassine
        • ftV
        • 16 Aug 2011

        why can't nokia imitate from sony and add adobe flash 10 or more to there new devices i wil like to have nokia device with adobe flash

          • a
          • abhi
          • bJ7
          • 16 Aug 2011

          so what?? special is about n9. even that functin is available in nokia n8!!!!

            • D
            • Dominator
            • 3qI
            • 16 Aug 2011

            Google for Motorola Dinara (Croatia) it will outshine already old N9

              • D
              • Dennis
              • P@c
              • 16 Aug 2011

              I can't help reading some of you guys posting about nokia making the baddest move. Ofcouse nokia don't have a choice they teamed up with windows remember its not there decision that they can't launch on america and europe its windows fault. Their blocking a massive opportunity towards nokia and nokia can't do anything about it. I personally blame windows for the shitty marketing of nokia. Its like you have an iphone killer but then this company you signed on want there device to be on top of the market even though we know they suck. So its not n9 its the windows mobile. It would not have been possible for nokia to launch there n9 without the deal making of windows.

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • nXE
                • 16 Aug 2011

                another nokia fail.... miserable actually

                Nokia choose not to include fm transmitter antenna in N9... the same way they choose not to have enough memory space in C Drive of N97

                  • R
                  • Rajkumar
                  • IaH
                  • 16 Aug 2011

                  NOKIA u r not focused messing over such a small thing isn't good at this point...
                  FM is a damn basic feature and even a 700Rs. phone has it but u have other silly problems like OS and damn

                    • K
                    • K. C
                    • vbR
                    • 16 Aug 2011

                    Unless Nokia is saving cost n using the same Dye as the N900 or any other Nokia fone with FM transmitter to save costs to make a new one!!!!

                      • D
                      • Dubz
                      • 4Dw
                      • 16 Aug 2011

                      I hate reading about this thing now because the more I hear about the less an less it makes sense. So Nokia built what is probably going to be an amazing device but, not going to release it to any major markets. That's tons of money and R&D and production costs down the drain which makes no sense. Now their we're finding out that it's got things in it that will never work? What is going on over there? Who's idea was that? "lets put an FM transmitter in it, but lets leave out the key parts to make it work"

                        • e
                        • echostar111
                        • 8f9
                        • 16 Aug 2011

                        i strongly believe there's a snake at the head of nokia's management. someone who's more interested in another companies success, but i working at nokia trying to bring Nokia down. that's a pathetic move, but someone there is probably doing it. they're making irrational decision's and trying to stunt the companies growth.

                          • M
                          • MEEGO BEST OS
                          • qBM
                          • 16 Aug 2011

                          The N9 just gets better and better. FM Radio and Transmitter are needed. Hopefully somebody (most likely on XDA) will figure out a way to activate it if its just disabled.

                          I mean clearly, ALMOST EVERYBODY likes the N9 better than the SEA RAY. You have to be beyond blind to not see that. If they just slapped Meego Harmattan on the Sea Ray, THEN it'd be getting all the hype and publicity that the N9 is getting (and I'd be getting the Sea Ray BUT the Sea Ray has WP7 which I am NOT getting).

                          Meego Harmattan is being hyped more than WP7 and ANDROID before even being launched with a consumer model. Now if XDA and devs get a hold of the N9 and Meego, within a years time, it will be huge and loaded with apps.

                          People are loving Meego Harmattan and thinking that it's the complete Meego even when it's just a Custom UI over Meego. The Full Meego is Soooo much more but Harmattan is a great UI still. The Full Meego is the COMPLETE Linux with Kernels, tools and all and whatever works on Linux, works on Meego.

                          Too bad Nokia is supporting WP7 which will most likely kill the company off. WP7 = Fail, Meego Harmattan = Profits. They went from a "Burning Platform" to a "Sinking Ship". It'd be fine if Nokia was supporting Meego and WP7 but simply supporting WP7 is a big mistake and will most likely lead to Nokia's downfall.

                          I mean honestly, fanboyism aside for a moment, WP7 has promise but they are going to have to get rid of the closed sourcedness of it and let people customize it other than just changing a tile color. This is the main gripe people have with WP7. They can't do with it what they want.

                          Make it Open Source and let the users do with their phone what they want and THEN people will start coming to WP7 in droves. Maybe Mango will allow some of these basic functions? We will see soon.

                            • D
                            • AnonD-2663
                            • tAJ
                            • 16 Aug 2011

                            Hire a proof reader GSM - shocking

                              • d
                              • deep
                              • s8I
                              • 16 Aug 2011

                              nokiv n9 is a v good handset bt the os systey nd the look nd back said cemra place is nt good nd the
                              price to costly not alow any singal person ......................i thing man wolud be impact of nokia

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • mXK
                                • 16 Aug 2011

                                me, 16 Aug 2011nobody cares about the n9... It is a DOA obviously care to make a comment,,i dont go on alcatel sites or sharp or lg sites because i dont buy their fones and dont care,,for you to make the effort to make a comment means you care else why would you even venture onto this forum.

                                  • m
                                  • me
                                  • 3dr
                                  • 16 Aug 2011

                                  nobody cares about the n9... It is a DOA phone...

                                    • C
                                    • Cod3rror
                                    • ppk
                                    • 16 Aug 2011

                                    N9 is a great phone, awesome design and the OS, too bad it got killed.

                                    Nokia made a huge mistake.

                                      • G
                                      • GrainySnapshot
                                      • PP7
                                      • 16 Aug 2011

                                      GrainySnapshot, 16 Aug 2011Oh really? My N86 had fantastic sound quality using the FM... moreSorry, I meant "my N8", no, I do not have a N9 yet.

                                        • G
                                        • GrainySnapshot
                                        • PP7
                                        • 16 Aug 2011

                                        Anonymous, 15 Aug 2011i've never used radio and the fm transmitter is so annoying... moreOh really? My N86 had fantastic sound quality using the FM transmitter in the car. Plus, I could use DLNA to stream from my iPod Touch to the N86 then into the car and it was better than any purpose built FM transmitter. My N9's FM transmitter is not quite as good but it is acceptable. (No DLNA though, in line with Nokia's marketing strategy of making its phones leading up the WP7 phone steadily worse).