Android US market share growth continues, comScore reports

31 August, 2011
Samsung is the US top manufacturer, while Apple is the most rapidly improving company.

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  • 31 Aug 2011

ios is just to restricted

    • D
    • AnonD-5197
    • Ti8
    • 31 Aug 2011

    AnonD-1825, 31 Aug 2011The answer what i expected!, this leaps to another guestion... moreI can't say for sure without any recent surveys. I've tried older Android devices and I would say I wouldn't buy another Android. I own the SGSII now, I would buy it over iPhone4 million times. In the past year, the mobile technology was huge, and Apple doesn't have the "smoothness" as the main advantage anymore. All devices today are just about as smooth. Better question to ask is, how do those people feel about the new Androids as their next phone especially when the higher end devices are becoming the standards?

      • T
      • TechnoFreak
      • mcj
      • 31 Aug 2011

      AnonD-5197, 31 Aug 2011It should be. It's coming out half a year later than SGSII.... moreSo better leave it to time...

        • D
        • AnonD-1825
        • p77
        • 31 Aug 2011

        AnonD-5197, 31 Aug 2011High dissatisfaction level is understandable for a platform... moreThe answer what i expected!, this leaps to another guestion: Android gaining market share because of those low, mid android phones not that much because of those good hi-end androids. Not how android users say that android is best and people want android and that's why it beats iOS market share etc. Most of users only buy android phone because you can get it with very small amount of money. That's why zte and huaweii for example gaining sells.

        So where we are now? And why those almost half android users doesn't want hi-end android phone why iphone or something else? still i'm sure many of those already has them :)

        Also samsung phones are two star rating in customer satisfaction rating. Has been many years.

          • D
          • AnonD-5197
          • Ti8
          • 31 Aug 2011

          TechnoFreak, 31 Aug 2011When the iPhone 5 comes out, it will do more better than th... moreIt should be. It's coming out half a year later than SGSII. Everyone expects the iPhone 5 to be better than SGSII including myself. But we'll never know until it comes out.

            • T
            • TechnoFreak
            • mcj
            • 31 Aug 2011

            TechnoFreak, 31 Aug 2011Really??? Keep telling that to yourself...When the iPhone 5 comes out, it will do more better than the Galaxy S 2... Thats for sure... Be prepared to eat your own words...

              • D
              • AnonD-5197
              • Ti8
              • 31 Aug 2011

              AnonD-1825, 31 Aug 2011"iPhone 5 do when its released of course it will raise... moreHigh dissatisfaction level is understandable for a platform that is also selling in the low and mid range markets as well as the high end. When the SGSII generation of Androids become the standards, the increase of satisfaction level would leap. And that's already happening.

                • D
                • AnonD-1825
                • p77
                • 31 Aug 2011

                AnonD-15787, 31 Aug 2011No i don't agree with you you are underestimating normal... more"iPhone 5 do when its released of course it will raise apple market share but will it beat Nexus prime ???"

                Beat for what? sells? easily for sure. Isn't nexus prime rumoured to have 4,5" screen? Most of users doesn't want that huge screen or phone. It has much smaller potential to sell.

                i would say iPhone 5 is going to be most selled smartphone ever and it's going to sell HUGE numbers still this year. iPhone is whole family phone nowdays, it's actually incredible with that hi-price phone.

                Have you read the research where 53% android users are going to chance for another platform and 42% of those users are going to buy next iPhone.

                More than half changing away from android, that has to tell something? right? of course thats only giving direction research and don't tell the truth, but you have to admit numbers are big!

                "The numbers show that less than half of Android users surveyed (47%) say they plan to buy another Android phone. That means user dissatisfaction with the platform is so high that the majority of people currently using an Android have already given up the on the platform. Aside from the kind of tech geeks who desire an overly complicated Linux-based phone, most current Android users are explainable either by the fact that the iPhone wasn’t on their preferred carrier at the time or an instance of a salesgeek promising them that Android would be “just like iPhone but better.”

                Same research iPhone users: "This compares to 94 percent of iPhone owners who said they will buy a new Apple smartphone."

                Clearly there's something wrong with android? if more than half of people want to change for different platform.

                And i'm sure that these weekly android malware and virus news doesn't help android :) These kind of things average people see!

                  • D
                  • AnonD-5197
                  • Ti8
                  • 31 Aug 2011

                  TechnoFreak, 31 Aug 2011Really??? Keep telling that to yourself...I expected a smarter reply... but maybe I expected too much.

                    • T
                    • TechnoFreak
                    • mcj
                    • 31 Aug 2011

                    AnonD-5197, 31 Aug 2011iPhone 4 was chosen to be compared to the SGSII because eve... moreReally??? Keep telling that to yourself...

                      • D
                      • AnonD-5197
                      • Ti8
                      • 31 Aug 2011

                      TechnoFreak, 31 Aug 2011Read nicely what i wrote. iPhones are not just the best sel... moreiPhone 4 was chosen to be compared to the SGSII because everyone knows about it, not because it was the best phone in the year 2010. Comparing smartphones is not like benchmarking video cards or CPU where you can just compare the numbers.

                      When iPhone5 comes out, it will be compared to the SGSII. This will be a special case because SGSII is currently the best rated phone and it's quite popular.

                        • D
                        • AnonD-5197
                        • Ti8
                        • 31 Aug 2011

                        TechnoFreak, 31 Aug 2011Read nicely what i wrote. iPhones are not just the best sel... moreCite "Best phone of the year" please. Fanboy sites don't count.

                        FYI GSMArena's choice for best phone of the year 2010 was an HTC device.

                          • D
                          • AnonD-15787
                          • fvK
                          • 31 Aug 2011

                          AnonD-1825, 31 Aug 2011"customer wants to buy a smartphone he tries everythin... moreNo i don't agree with you

                          you are underestimating normal customers maybe some of them don't know what flash is but i am sure that they know what Bluetooth is i mean maybe tech guys like us know everything about Bluetooth but normal customers know at least it can transfer files between phone and SGS2 isn't the only android phone which is smooth Nexus S is smooth if you use it as a normal user not an android geek and so is lg optimus 2x and HTC Sensation and even Galaxy Ace and a lot more maybe android is laggy on cheaper androids like galaxy mini or lg optimus one but again its laggy if you try to change its custom ROM if you use android like iOs it will be great

                          With great possibilities comes bigger problems because some guys mess up with their ROMs then complain that android is laggy or some other try to get android games or apps from illegal ways i am not saying iPhone is bad but it just don't give what android devices with the same price or even lower can give anyway let's wait and see what will iPhone 5 do when its released of course it will raise apple market share but will it beat Nexus prime ??? let's just see and leave the decision for normal customer not tech people like us

                            • D
                            • AnonD-5197
                            • Ti8
                            • 31 Aug 2011

                            AnonD-1825, 31 Aug 2011"customer wants to buy a smartphone he tries everythin... moreWhat you're saying is correct in that an average consumers tend to ignore or are completely oblivious to all the iPhone disadvantages when they purchase them. They do indeed choose iPhones through words of mouth, peer pressure, etc they don't choose an iPhone by thorough comparison. I'm not saying iPhone is all that bad, but if average consumers can compare the values phones critically, then iPhone sales will see sharp decline. Unfortunately, I must agree with you, people aren't very well informed hence the iPhone boom.

                              • T
                              • TechnoFreak
                              • mcj
                              • 31 Aug 2011

                              AnonD-5197, 31 Aug 2011The never make the best phones in the market. They make me... moreRead nicely what i wrote. iPhones are not just the best selling but have also been declared the 'best phone of the year' in most every year... And if you say iPhones are mediocre phones you ares so totally wrong... Take Galaxy S2 for example.. As soon as it launched people and many tech-savy people too started comparing the Galaxy S 2 with the iPhone 4 which was the 'BEST PHONE OF 2010'.. Can anyone dare to compare the soon to be released iPhone 5 or 4gs(as rumours have claimed) with the Galaxy S???? Thats what an iPhone is... And always will be...

                                • D
                                • AnonD-1825
                                • p77
                                • 31 Aug 2011

                                Anonymous, 31 Aug 2011First of all do you have any proof that iPhone 4 is the bes... more"customer wants to buy a smartphone he tries everything and when he comes across the restrictions of apple's gadgets like Bluetooth or flash player he prefer android because it don't control him"

                                Wrong again, you clearly overestimate average people. They don't try everything :D Most of people even don't know what bluetooth means or what flash player is. If customer test iPhone browser, it's perfectly smooth, if he test some android phone (not galaxy s2) and the browser is laggy, he don't know why it's laggy and don't know that flash is heavy, he just pick the not laggy one and that's iPhone.

                                I would say most buyers even don't know that iOS don't have flash.

                                And most of the people don't care about restrictions or even know how it shows on phone.

                                Again, we are not typical smartphone customers anymore.

                                  • D
                                  • AnonD-5197
                                  • Ti8
                                  • 31 Aug 2011

                                  [deleted post]The never make the best phones in the market. They make mediocre phones that that does the basics pretty well. The main reason it sells is because most people don't care to purchase the best phone in the market. Bestselling doesn't mean it's the best at everything.

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • 9xc
                                    • 31 Aug 2011

                                    Go moto
                                    Just moto

                                      • D
                                      • AnonD-4697
                                      • Luv
                                      • 31 Aug 2011

                                      Amazing the way Android is growing :D

                                      Too visionary from Google indeed...Cheers!!!!

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • fvK
                                        • 31 Aug 2011

                                        AnonD-1825, 31 Aug 2011"they want the latest hardware with superb specs not o... moreFirst of all do you have any proof that iPhone 4 is the best selling smartphone ??? and even if you are right thats because apple just give one smartphone every year while other manufacturer make a big variety of phones which means their market share is distributed on their phones if apple makes four iPhones every year does that mean their market share will become four times than what its now of course no it will stay the same or may give it a little push and maybe dual core phones users can't benefit from them completely but thats is just a matter of time wait until November or December you will see that its supported and you can benefit 100% from it and why do you think that iPhone 5 users will get all their apps using the dual core i don't think that will happen in meantime because when a developer sell an app he wants big profit so he wont forget the iPhone 4 users or even iPhone 3gs users because since they will get iOs 5 so they also mean more money so don't say that iOs users are the only people whom are going to benefit from dual core and believe it or not there is apps in android market that uses dual core and the coming android ICS OS will give them better and better uses of dual cores and of course and when you say that when normal users try iPhone they love it well this research say another thing and i agree with it when a customer wants to buy a smartphone he tries everything and when he comes across the restrictions of apple's gadgets like Bluetooth or flash player he prefer android because it don't control him i think after i pay my hard earned money in a phone its not the manufacturer responsibility to tell me what to do with my phone enough said...!!!