The eighth major release of Android to be named 'Jelly Bean'

10 September, 2011
Meanwhile, the Ice Cream Sandwich update may not be as awesome as we thought it would be.

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  • D
  • AnonD-4697
  • Pr@
  • 11 Sep 2011

Lol I was remembering when I used the Android 1.5 or 1.6 even the touch screen and the rotation feature was disappointing to the death, the GPS software was a real failure and even the Sound was terrible a very poor Sound Player and video Player, without saying the software wasn't capable to be saved/installed on the SD and needs to be saved on the main memory....No my friend iOS was way better.

iOS Multimedia features and toucscreen options works flawless since the first iPhone 2, the integration with iTunes was AMAZING...The Appstore was light years ahead and many things, Apple is wrong in their madness of suites BUT has a great OS..

    • D
    • AnonD-4697
    • Pr@
    • 11 Sep 2011

    Anonymous, 11 Sep 2011People of GSMarena are journalists and tech experts, but no... morePlain wrong iOS?? Copying things iOS from Android???, iOS was there before Android even seems the day light...

    Did you use the first Android 1.5 or 1.6???

    Those was USELESS versions, not compare with iOS 3, iOS was years light ahead from Android 1.6

    Are talking seriously?? Did you use those two...I used in the TMobile Fender and the iPhone 2 and there are a huge difference, and I really see more copying from Android o Apple than reversal...

      • D
      • AnonD-4697
      • Pr@
      • 11 Sep 2011

      Indeed is a Good OS but this OS is not perfect far from that. I wish instead Google announce any update as "Golly this will be a huge impact" they for real make more innovation.

      Is very easy to criticize and Android users are experts in trolling other OS BUT now they (as equal me) will realize Android is not the God of the OS, and Google is just playing around without making any innovative release or major update.

      Even I admire more Nokia for updating and improve Symbian than those fixes founded on Android OS.

        • w
        • wp7_user
        • vCQ
        • 11 Sep 2011

        I could be wrong but i'm thinking jelly bean is what google will use to launch new moto phones...Btw wp7 is a great UI & Mango will make it way better...

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • LYP
          • 11 Sep 2011

          AnonD-4697, 11 Sep 2011When I speaking of updates, is from their original versions... morePeople of GSMarena are journalists and tech experts, but no researchers...

          Tell me one really big thing since iOS 3.1.3 till now and till iOS5... iOS5 is just copying stuff from Android, talk about innovation, as i said before, if one of these OSs really outperform Android in ways of features and customizations, then we can talk, everything else is not even worth reading, sorry, but thats how it is, you can bash Android and act like other OSs bring major updates, but what are those major updates worth, if they dont bring anything android is already capable of in a very good way? Its worth acting like those devs worked really hard and googles devs didnt, but thats just really stupid to say, if the other OS devs are just trying to keep up with Android and thats actually fact, sorry bro

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • LYP
            • 11 Sep 2011

            AnonD-4697, 11 Sep 2011Something that worth to be mention, people expect more form... morefeatures yeah, everything else... totally NOT

              • v
              • von
              • v0q
              • 11 Sep 2011

              Nokia only need to wait. Android would come to its halt soon.

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • fCS
                • 11 Sep 2011

                google always giving future hope before releasing new os that's good,but the problem for customer is he become forced to change his phone after every os release,he can't stay consistantly with one phone ...

                  • D
                  • AnonD-5197
                  • Ti8
                  • 11 Sep 2011

                  AnonD-4697, 11 Sep 2011Something that worth to be mention, people expect more form... moreWhy would any Android users want to kill other OS? We just want to use a phone with good OS...

                  Mango brings missing features, iOS5 brings more features but neither brings changes to the UI like you are complaining about Android. Why make users learn new UI when current one is working great?

                  Android is good on features. Polishing the OS is good, Fixes are good, We're not complaining.

                  Only thing left to "fix" is the fragmentation but I never had problem with that with SGSII which basically runs all apps from the market. In other words, I wasn't expecting any changes for my SGSII to begin with.

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • fCS
                    • 11 Sep 2011

                    google, better name was "billie jean"atleast for the sake of MJ

                      • j
                      • jakaria
                      • mpv
                      • 11 Sep 2011

                      This is the problem when a company get rich and dominate the market all alone. They does not care about customers anymore. change of release dates, less improvements and features, does not fix or add features what the community asking, all these will be now common for android versions. SHAME ON GOOGLE.

                        • D
                        • AnonD-4697
                        • Luv
                        • 11 Sep 2011

                        AnonD-21641, 11 Sep 2011Android 2.3 has Already Surpassed iOS in terms of Features,... moreSomething that worth to be mention, people expect more form Android than just the last "bug fixes" :P

                        Some users said Ice Cream will kill totally iOS5 and WP7 Mango...I don't think so.

                        Surpassed iOS in terms of Features,Customizing,Quick on/off widgets?? Oh Please that can be done even with Symbian :P

                          • D
                          • AnonD-21641
                          • LxI
                          • 11 Sep 2011

                          AnonD-4697, 11 Sep 2011When I speaking of updates, is from their original versions... moreAndroid 2.3 has Already Surpassed iOS in terms of Features,Customizing,Quick on/off widgets etc etc yuh herbs lol how many updates do u want????

                            • A
                            • Android Next Version
                            • qJ3
                            • 11 Sep 2011

                            The fact that Google has already given a name to the next generation of Android doesn't mean squat in terms of devices being released today or next year. In fact, it takes months of development, testing, and approvals before major changes to an OS are released. Consequently, forget the silly idea of getting "the latest" Android OS with every new phone you buy. Whatever Google is developing today won't be seeing "officially" in the market for a least another 9-12 months. And yes, you'll probably be able to get "leaked" versions of the new OS a few months before the official version is released, but again, whatever OS that is, it's likely not to work as well on your old Samsung Captivate, Moto Atrix, or whatever other device you purchased yesterday. Sorry, but that's the way it is.

                              • A
                              • Android Agony
                              • RbX
                              • 11 Sep 2011

                              I can't wait to laugh at the people begging for Jelly Bean yet last week were begging for ICS. *Preparing the Laughing Gas*

                                • D
                                • AnonD-4697
                                • Luv
                                • 11 Sep 2011

                                Anonymous, 11 Sep 2011Those meaningful OS updates everyone is talking about right... moreWhen I speaking of updates, is from their original versions.

                                For example Mango is a real pump over WP7 original.

                                iOS5 have more updates than the original iOS4

                                But in Android there is NO NEW anything, are just fixes, and Android is getting more attacks to malicious software than any other OS, and these are not updates over the base OS.

                                Or tell me the real UPDATES of android from 2.0 that be worth to mention that be revolutionary or evolutionary for the OS??? Are just fixes of here and there...I still thinking Google is afraid of more suits against they manufacturers and they are out of new ideas that don't sent those to a direct legit problem.

                                Wanna dig more??


                                And is funny how even the researchers say: Ice Cream may not be as awesome as we thought it would be...How this can be?? Because isn't! :P

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • LYP
                                  • 11 Sep 2011

                                  AnonD-4697, 11 Sep 2011And whatever Android users said..they feel betrayed and d... moreThose meaningful OS updates everyone is talking about right here of Win7 ans iOS5 are meaningful things, which Android was already capable of in Froyo, if one of these other OSs brings something new, then we can really talk.

                                    • D
                                    • AnonD-4697
                                    • Luv
                                    • 11 Sep 2011

                                    And whatever Android users said..they feel betrayed and
                                    disappointed by this results, they was believing Ice Cream will be the "ambrosia" of the phone OS, but looks more promising Mango or iOS 5 than any new Android OS on the horizon...

                                    This last updates was filled of Non emotion or upgrades that really deserves to be mentioned. And looks like this 'Jelly Bean' will not bring anything exciting either.

                                    Bad boy Google, bad boy :(

                                      • F
                                      • Fongy
                                      • 3xI
                                      • 11 Sep 2011

                                      It's odd that's there's a lot of negativity towards this...
                                      What we all know is that phones have a finite lifespan, let's be honest, people who are 'into' phones and love having the latest technology change their phones on an annual basis - which means, even if your phone doesn't receive the latest software update - you're not far away from the newest one...
                                      Let's be honest...
                                      Isn't it nice to get a new phone with a NEW software version that you haven't had before - with little tweaks and bits and bobs that you haven't seen before?
                                      I know I do...
                                      I always end up upgrading my phone early, not because of the software version (Sammy has kept me nicely updated) BUT because of the new tech - new screens, better cameras, faster processors, etc.
                                      What changes can they realistically make now (apart from trying to get everyone on the same version) that are going to be game-changing? Android pretty much does everything you want it do (I think it does EVERYTHING doesn't it?)
                                      So apart from techie tweaks here and there we should just start enjoying it and not always looking 6 months into the future for the latest 'tweak' - because it doesn't offer a great deal when it does come out (and I've rooted mine and have amazing roms / themes that I change all the time anyway)
                                      So come on people - show some love!!! ;)