The eighth major release of Android to be named 'Jelly Bean'

10 September, 2011
Meanwhile, the Ice Cream Sandwich update may not be as awesome as we thought it would be.

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  • D
  • AnonD-4697
  • Luv
  • 11 Sep 2011

Anonymous, 10 Sep 2011This is the exact problem I have with Android. There are... moreAndroid is following the same wrong steps of old Symbian and Blackberry OS, they are getting "happy" with a lot of fixes but not a worth update.

They are conformist and getting "happy" with "just whatever they give" to users, but aren't caring about bring real and revolutionary ideas for a better OS. Just makink hipe of "this will be" "The next will be" and "Maybe in a near future will be"...

This resemble me a Linux like unloved history.

    • D
    • AnonD-4697
    • Luv
    • 11 Sep 2011

    Anonymous, 10 Sep 2011Froyo was already far better than iOS5 and WP7 will be!I really doubt that, Android don't bring anything new for now, and iOS5 and WP7.5 comes with very nice updates. Froyo isn't anymore a choice, I still believing Android is going down for new ideas.

      • D
      • AnonD-7555
      • LrD
      • 11 Sep 2011

      jelly bean is not my lover...

        seeing what people comment, i can only conclude that they are bored and spoiled and grumpy like old men...

        get a life, go outside and update your phone when the next os version appears, in the meantime, do something meaningful, or nothing at all, but please stop moaning...

          • D
          • AnonD-2663
          • tA8
          • 11 Sep 2011

          lmfao.... 60% of android users are still on Froyo, which means they're running software that is 16 months old.

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • HKk
            • 11 Sep 2011

            I dont get what everyone is saying here... Its a good thing, that Android gets updates and there are a lot of phones, that get updates as much as any symbian device. There might be aome phones that dont get updated, but thats a thing of the manufacturer and not google and because of thaz its no different, if the same manufacturer brings out an w7 phone. By the way, all thats been said is the new name of the new update, if apple would have announced iOS6 before 5 comes out, all would go crazy about it. Nobody gets its just a stupid hype, nothing more...

              • D
              • AnonD-8044
              • nGC
              • 10 Sep 2011

              Anonymous, 10 Sep 2011You can feel it for yourself. There is hardly any enthusias... moreI think people are starting to see that its all hype. Plus the big trouble with Android is fragmentation on many levels..Will my device recieve the next incarnation of Android,,will my service provider get round to distrubuting it,,will my device cope with the new incarnation,will it differ country to country,,when will it come out,,will it have bugs and perhaps people are starting to say i will believe when MY device gets it..

              IOS and W7 should be safe with Apple and Microsoft stating the minimum hardware requirements and delivering updates all at once..NOW Android was supposed to be doing this with ICS bringing together all devices on same level but thats been dashed with JellyBean..Aaarrghh

                • s
                • s.guy
                • n2g
                • 10 Sep 2011

                if u don't like android, what else left? iOS, anna? Meego?Bada? they are all the same.

                only the market is better with android and iOS.ovi store is bad.
                Still android offers the best toward flexiblity, market, and it 's an open platform.

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • 3Wr
                  • 10 Sep 2011

                  This is the exact problem I have with Android.

                  There are still phones being released with 2.2 & before ICS is even released they're announcing jellybean.

                  How many phones released today will receive ICS let alone jellybean

                  Android is trying to develop too fast without allowing any time for consolidation - this will mean that devs will continue to give it second place to ios because their work will be outdated all too soon. If the devs struggle to keep up then the platforms will struggle.

                  & all the while it leaves a bad taste in the mouth of many android owners knowing that their expensive superphones are to be outdated way before their contract is due for renewal.

                  At least with ios & symbian you know you're going to get updates to keep you happy for the length of your contract.

                  It was the sole reason I moved away from android & unless they change their gameplan then it will keep me away.

                  I got p****d off with seeing apps that said - this device only or this os version only, whilst my phone was only 3 months old.

                    • s
                    • swiss tourist
                    • n2g
                    • 10 Sep 2011

                    and what about my ad-hoc?

                      • D
                      • AnonD-6355
                      • mwm
                      • 10 Sep 2011

                      I'm sorry for andro lovers but they have to know that they were the guinea pig and testers of Andro...
                      Almost every month there was an update and after 6 months your phone was good for nothing, useless and most change their phones and paid a lot for a new one...
                      As I understand, Google used the developers for free and phone customers money slowly slowly to develop the andro day if google takes over the OS and produce their own phones by motorola the problems with apple will end immediately...It looks like a game and a bad game to me...
                      now get ready to buy the Jelly Bean and put money to your safe to buy the ''chocolate pepper cream'' version in the future...never ending story...

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • 39h
                        • 10 Sep 2011

                        AnonD-4697, 10 Sep 2011I remember when people call me ignorant, troll, communist a... moreFroyo was already far better than iOS5 and WP7 will be!

                          • Y
                          • Yani
                          • 3pw
                          • 10 Sep 2011

                          Didn't Google last year already announced that Gingerbread will be the next gaming centric OS update?
                          Source: search in google for "android gingerbread gaming" and then click on one of first three results

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • thi
                            • 10 Sep 2011

                            I'm beginning to see the ugly side of Android...

                            I think I'm better off with a dumb phone. It's "what I see what I get" thingy and not a waiting game.

                              • D
                              • AnonD-616
                              • n2K
                              • 10 Sep 2011

                              Android new version is same as older :( only changed the thems :( . This is new version of android it is faster :( huh only thems changed and added one two new app

                                • Y
                                • Yani
                                • 3pw
                                • 10 Sep 2011

                                AnonD-4697, 10 Sep 2011I remember when people call me ignorant, troll, communist a... moreAnother user has pointed out iOS and I will point out next thing:
                                How much did the core UI change from Win95 till Win7 ? ;)
                                They are all playing "safe bet" strategy.

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • LEX
                                  • 10 Sep 2011

                                  Yay Billy Jean

                                    • s
                                    • shayne
                                    • JxS
                                    • 10 Sep 2011

                                    letz try guessin da next 'SWEET' name of android :D

                                      • R
                                      • Rashid
                                      • 3ar
                                      • 10 Sep 2011

                                      Absolute rubbish. Partly the reason why I left Android for WP7. Atleast MS is doing something with WP7, even RIM is bringing some changes. Bada is also bringing changes, as is Symbian - and this is going to die in a few years time.

                                      These 'game changing stuff' were scheduled for Gingerbread and Honeycombe (that didnt make it to mobiles). Begining to wonder if Google even has any 'game changing stuff'. I think they're running out of ideas, instead starting to copy WP7, which is a real shame. Innovate Google, we need competition not copycats.

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • 3Yb
                                        • 10 Sep 2011

                                        Anonymous, 10 Sep 2011You mean like iOS right now?You can feel it for yourself. There is hardly any enthusiasm here in the comements, which surprises even me.