OnePlus explains why the 6 doesn't have wireless charging

21 May 2018
"We're not going to add a feature just for the sake of it," say officials.

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  • A
  • AlexG
  • N5b
  • 21 May 2018

SohailSays, 21 May 2018Although Wireless Charging is not so much necessary, it is ... moreI brought Pixel 2 and never been so happy with a phone.

Amoled, stereo speakers, IP67, direct updates from Google, 3 years updates, unlimited cloud storage, best camera and 5 inch screen without strange aspect ratio!

The things that are missing from being a perfect phone are:
1. Wireless
2. Same screen size, but with at least 80% screen to body ratio.

    • h
    • houton
    • fIU
    • 21 May 2018

    i dont understand the need for wireless charging. it is slow and unnecessary.

      I call BS...

        • t
        • tmt
        • 3t7
        • 21 May 2018

        can he explain why they dont use USB 3.1.

          Although Wireless Charging is not so much necessary, it is good to add it and no, no feature is "just for the sake". How can OnePlus officials be so rude and mean while stating it to millions of their fans? That's ridiculous. You can't give proper IP68, is it wrong to ask for it? You can't give stereo speakers, is it wrong to ask for it? You can't give a bigger battery, OMG at least 200 mAh more would have made a huge difference but is just wrong to ask for it. Right? OnePlus is being very over confident and serving to their customers whatever they themselves want. They give no damn about the customers anymore. Pete Lau and Carl should go and check YouTubers' review, they all said "at least" two things are missing-
          1. IP68.
          2. Wireless Charging.

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • pp}
            • 21 May 2018

            Dash charge is faster and cheaper...2+ for me.

              I would rather have stereo speakers and the option for a QHD resolution, as Samsung offers.

                Wireless charging is very overrated. OnePlus should just stick to improving their DASH charge which is the best charging technology by far.