Nokia N9 pre-orders through the roof, 64GB batch all reserved

16 September, 2011
Nokia N9 pre-orders are going so well in Finland, that the 64GB version is already gone.

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  • s
  • simple user
  • Sve
  • 17 Sep 2011

Jeff, 16 Sep 2011["But preorders for N9 is more expensive than preorder... morelol. software is no more optimized toward hardware. Once upon a time when software engineers were more than available hardware they had time to optimize. Now one of "god orders" for programmers is "do not optimze - hardware is cheap".

    • D
    • AnonD-17348
    • tA{
    • 17 Sep 2011

    MeeGo had true potential. It could've lifted Nokia out of the mess it's been in. However, Elop, desperate for WP7 to succeed, and realizing a combination of MeeGo and Nokia would've worked AGAINST the success of WP7, decided to ditch the OS all together. Good move, maybe, for Microsoft, but a bad move for Nokia.

      • D
      • AnonD-1411
      • sye
      • 17 Sep 2011

      ya see if nokia had only given a chance to meego.its not late they should support both meego and windows phone 7.....

        • D
        • AnonD-13986
        • IVI
        • 17 Sep 2011

        Ashura, 16 Sep 2011There is a HUGE diference between defending one´s os ... moreWell, I dont go to the threads of the brands I'm not interested in while a lot of Android fans, oops, correction, more of Samsung fans, come to Nokia threads & troll.

          • D
          • AnonD-13986
          • IVI
          • 17 Sep 2011

          vasras, 16 Sep 2011Way... Way Overpriced! Last year's hardware at this year... moreIt's not more expensive than Samsung S2 in some countries, it's cheaper, the 16 GB around 10% cheaper than S2's current price. The 64GB same price with S2 at 1st release,490 Euro

            • S
            • StylinRed
            • qbH
            • 17 Sep 2011

            vasras, 16 Sep 2011Way... Way Overpriced! Last year's hardware at this year... moreROFL spanks it... dude get your fanboy head out of yer butt and just look at the comparisons and the overview videos of how each handles when running...

            the Galaxy S2 will only be spanking the N9 when it comes to Battery Drain

              • D
              • AnonD-2663
              • tA8
              • 17 Sep 2011

              vasras, 16 Sep 2011Way... Way Overpriced! Last year's hardware at this year... more"I mean, it's more expensive than Galaxy S II and S2 spanks N9 silly in every single department"

              LMFAO.... Does it really??

              Apart from the browser (which I admit is probably better at running Flash heavy content}, the only spanking GS2 owners will do is confined to a toilet.

                • R
                • Rob
                • svk
                • 17 Sep 2011

                AnonD-252, 16 Sep 2011I can not understand why Nokia choose WP7 when all Nokia-fa... moreN9 has HTML5 built in and You can get Fennec (Firefox mobile) to N9 and it has Flash support. So that way N9 can show Flash just fine.

                N9 also have RADIO TRANSMITTER OR Radio Play as >Nokia changed the name to. You can connect the N9 to tour car stereo and play stuff from trour N9 as you can from C7 and N8 and 701, 700, 600

                  • L
                  • Lax
                  • fsV
                  • 17 Sep 2011

                  God i hate S.Elop!. Maybe apple or google hired him to sabotage nokia and kill its market share so that they can get it all. How on earth could someone in need like nokia give away a gem like Meego!

                    • R
                    • Rob
                    • svk
                    • 17 Sep 2011

                    vasras, 16 Sep 2011Way... Way Overpriced! Last year's hardware at this year... moreNo tou are completely wrong..
                    1,the camera is the fastest among everything on planet earth
                    2 faster webbrowsing with N9 the fastest among all phones
                    3. streamline swipes makes it the fastest phone of all reagrding handling the phone

                    FINALLY design and durubility, well guess?

                      • D
                      • AnonD-1082
                      • kJX
                      • 17 Sep 2011

                      vasras, 16 Sep 2011Way... Way Overpriced! Last year's hardware at this year... moreYawn.

                      I heard that arguement so many times from Android fans. This Android phone got better CPU, this Android phone got a 3D screen, this Android phone is better than this Nokia device. Well, guess what? Specs alone don't make a phone good. It's mostly the software that counts and this MeeGo N9 is a champ when it comes to OS and its hardware isn't last year's.

                        • D
                        • AnonD-22423
                        • iFs
                        • 16 Sep 2011

                        I also hope Nokia will give a proper support for the MeeGo but I also strongly doubt that it will, with all the attention and focus Nokia is giving to Windows phones which in turn will take Nokia down and will be the end of Nokia.

                          • N
                          • N9PissingOnMrFlopsWP
                          • Scn
                          • 16 Sep 2011

                          lbo , 16 Sep 2011congratrate to N9 sales in Finland! Elop should wake up and... moreElop should just shut up, cause every time he is open his mouth he is doing no good for the Meego community and the great engineers behind Nokia N9!

                            • S
                            • Sun Down
                            • PF5
                            • 16 Sep 2011

                            Ashura, 16 Sep 2011I am...surprised.Only one anti Android comment out of 61(to... moreDoes this proves Nokia users are more civilised? :)

                            Just kidding.

                              • N
                              • Nabkawe
                              • HBx
                              • 16 Sep 2011

                              arron, 16 Sep 2011any one know where i can purchase a N950 from?You can't it's a developer phone only , there are some details on how to get a free one (if you were a developer that is )

                                • S
                                • Sun Down
                                • PF5
                                • 16 Sep 2011

                                vasras, 16 Sep 2011Way... Way Overpriced! Last year's hardware at this year... moreDon't base the value of a device through specifications alone.

                                  • S
                                  • Sun Down
                                  • PF5
                                  • 16 Sep 2011

                                  Jeff, 16 Sep 2011No... Nokia fans are dedicated to great tech, so long as it... moreI was basing my comment on that fanbase conversion thing. But I see where you're going, my previous comment wasn't clear enough.

                                    • S
                                    • Sun Down
                                    • PF5
                                    • 16 Sep 2011

                                    Cod3rror, 16 Sep 2011Nokia should cancel WP7 and produce more Nokia N9 and suppo... more... Did something knocked over your head?

                                      • i
                                      • ice
                                      • s7d
                                      • 16 Sep 2011

                                      kunal, 16 Sep 201164gb..... my old pc had 40gb harddisc....Awesome!

                                        • v
                                        • vasras
                                        • pd6
                                        • 16 Sep 2011

                                        Way... Way Overpriced!

                                        Last year's hardware at this year's TOP end price.

                                        I mean, it's more expensive than Galaxy S II and S2 spanks N9 silly in every single department, except amount of flash RAM built-in.