Nokia N9 pre-orders through the roof, 64GB batch all reserved

16 September, 2011
Nokia N9 pre-orders are going so well in Finland, that the 64GB version is already gone.

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  • e
  • epolaris
  • Rn@
  • 16 Sep 2011

I wasn't sure about it.. But i'm glad N9 is being accepted with open arms. As I've said before, Android is my current OS of choice because of (and I know its going to piss people off) its overall superiority in terms of technical depth. UI preference is completely subjective so people can have opinions about that. But there is no denying that it is clearly the most versatile and powerful OS around.. That being said, Meego/Harmattan is undeniably impressive. It's more versatile and more than likely, more powerful Android in its current state.. It's potential is immense.
I hope its starts a trend where people would generally become more aware of Meego/Harmattan and Meego in general. Because honestly, it really does have the potential to change our mobile tech landscape or at the very least, make it that much more interesting..
The truth is the truth... Its a really good OS..

    • s
    • sal002
    • Hxh
    • 16 Sep 2011

    Anonymous, 16 Sep 2011Who in the right mind would purchase a device whose manufac... moredude...get ur facts rite... nokia has promised updates and support for N9 for years to come

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • JxT
      • 16 Sep 2011

      Who in the right mind would purchase a device whose manufacturer has openly stated that it plans not to support ?? Unless your a phone collector, this item should be avoided at all costs. Get an iphone or an android, you can't go wrong with either.

        • s
        • sam
        • KId
        • 16 Sep 2011

        plezzz plezzzzz nokia support it i love this foneeeeeee

          • D
          • AnonD-13986
          • IVF
          • 16 Sep 2011

          Meego Revolution, 16 Sep 2011Dangit I wanted a Magenta 64GB N9. Well guess I gotta wait... moreNah, I think the quota for Magenta is being shipped to those of us in Asia, red is lucky colour.

            • J
            • Jeff
            • i2f
            • 16 Sep 2011

            AnonD-252, 16 Sep 2011Samsung is considering to use MeeGo, because of less proble... moreSo wrong on so many levels, you really need to do your homework TC

              • J
              • Jeff
              • i2f
              • 16 Sep 2011

              AnonD-252, 16 Sep 2011I can not understand why Nokia choose WP7 when all Nokia-fa... more["But preorders for N9 is more expensive than preorders was for S2" ]

              Depends on country/region, it isn't everywhere.
              Plus it's only early days, SGSII has been out for way longer in many places.

              ["and I think the quad-core Androids by the end of this year also will be less expensive than N9"]

              There's no way it'll be cheaper, eventually it may, but not at initial launch.
              Plus those next-gen SoC's won't be used to their full potential for "at least" 1yr.
              Hell even the SII is still some way from being fully optimised…
              Massive specs don't mean anything, if the drivers/software aren't fully optimised to exploit them.

                • J
                • Jeff
                • i2f
                • 16 Sep 2011

                AnonD-123, 16 Sep 2011It would be so ironic if the N9 and upcoming N950 outsells ... morePeople still think the N950 is coming? Do they know how to read/research?
                N9 is better overall who cares... Do your research & you'll eventually not care.
                I was pissed at first, but as I learnt about every fine detail, I didn't care any more.

                  • J
                  • Jeff
                  • i2f
                  • 16 Sep 2011

                  Meego Revolution, 16 Sep 2011Dangit I wanted a Magenta 64GB N9. Well guess I gotta wait... moreJust get the black 64, more versatile colour and doesn't wear with age as easily.
                  You can buy several Cyan skins so it'll still look exactly like the Cyan 64GB.
                  The official skin is "very" good. That's what I'm going to do...
                  Sometimes I'll take the skin off, when I want a more formal look :)

                    • J
                    • Jeff
                    • i2f
                    • 16 Sep 2011

                    Arron, 16 Sep 2011yeh i know its only a developers phone but was hoping some ... moreYep Nitdroid will come much more quickly this time round.
                    Very similar SoC to N900...
                    Then there's still the possibility (not 100% confirmed yet) of Alien Dalvik.

                      • J
                      • Jeff
                      • i2f
                      • 16 Sep 2011

                      AnonD-5557, 16 Sep 2011What I like about this NOKIA Device is that the capacity of... moreDo a bucket load more research.
                      Superficial specs don't tell the full story.
                      You will be surprised.....

                        • D
                        • AnonD-1082
                        • kJX
                        • 16 Sep 2011

                        This is great! The N9 is well on track to beat the SGS 2 and iPhone in sales. The N9 is trully the Android killer. This news confirmed my suspicions that the people are now getting tired of Android and would like to try something new, more powerful, and much better over all. I now feel sorry for those who bought the SGS2 and othe Android flagships as the N9 is far more superior to what they have. They will be suffering from geek envy and wish they bought the N9 instead.

                        NOKIA N9 ROCKS!

                          • J
                          • Jeff
                          • i2f
                          • 16 Sep 2011

                          AnonD-15182, 16 Sep 2011Nokia has still not done a great job till it is priced with... moreThe break-up with Intel has nothing to do with future support/updates.
                          The N9 uses Harmattan MeeGo, it's entirely different to Vanilla MeeGo.
                          It's basically Maemo 6, but with binary/app compatibility w/Vanilla MeeGo.
                          The long term plan was for Nokia to eventually migrate to pure MeeGo.
                          But they never got close to that point, before the change in strategy was announced.

                          Nokia has already said "officially" several times now (despite the focus on WP after the N9)...
                          They will support the N9/Harmattan for "years to come with updates".
                          They haven't been specific about how agressive those updates will be, but nevertheless they'll be there.
                          Plus Harmattan can leverage Qt/Symbian/S40 continued development/support.

                            • M
                            • Meego Revolution
                            • k6x
                            • 16 Sep 2011

                            AnonD-123, 16 Sep 2011It would be so ironic if the N9 and upcoming N950 outsells ... moreWhy would the Obvious be Ironic?

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • t7X
                              • 16 Sep 2011

                              nokia is a finish company so it is expected that they will buy their own brand. if the reponse is the same in the international market then that would be awesome. but i doubt if Elop will change his mind coz he have already set up his mind on where nokia is going.

                                • J
                                • Jeff
                                • i2f
                                • 16 Sep 2011

                                Sun Down, 16 Sep 2011Except that most Nokia fans are dedicated to Symbian more t... moreNo... Nokia fans are dedicated to great tech, so long as it's Nokia-based...
                                The hard-core fans (Symbian or not) would gladly have switched to MeeGo.
                                "If" Nokia had stayed on the path that was planned for MeeGo's replacement of Symbian.

                                  • D
                                  • AnonD-123
                                  • NGf
                                  • 16 Sep 2011

                                  It would be so ironic if the N9 and upcoming N950 outsells Windows Phones.

                                    • M
                                    • Meego Revolution
                                    • k6x
                                    • 16 Sep 2011

                                    Cod3rror, 16 Sep 2011Nokia should cancel WP7 and produce more Nokia N9 and suppo... moreAgreed 100% Cod3rror. Also, I've seen you on the Nokia Blog site I believe

                                      • M
                                      • Meego Revolution
                                      • k6x
                                      • 16 Sep 2011

                                      Oh that user was Nikotiko iCEM. I thought Meego wasn't gonna happen? Boy that reservation list sure made you eat your words huh? And thats for the Expensive model.

                                        • C
                                        • Cod3rror
                                        • pp0
                                        • 16 Sep 2011

                                        Nokia should cancel WP7 and produce more Nokia N9 and support MeeGo.