Sony Xperia XZ3 rumored to feature two cameras on the front, two on the back

11 July 2018
The photo comes from a reputable source so we can expect greatly improved camera performance on the back and front.

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Anonymous , 12 Jul 2018We want technical specs, not useless stuff you mention.You said that qualcomm cannot compete with Apple in terms of processor.

    KamAbdi, 12 Jul 2018Yes so does in terms of long usage I have my phone for 5 ye... moreThen how do you use your phone? Only for calls, and music player? Give me a break!

      Foxtrot2Novmbr, 12 Jul 2018And did you think that an average iphone user would say tha... moreHere you go.

      Also, if you go across mobile websites, you'll see other authors indicate the same thing. I get what you're trying to accomplish but it won't work. Average iPhone user don't care about specs. Simple as that.

        • C
        • Cali
        • Ibx
        • 13 Jul 2018

        Sweet Sony tech always on the for front!

          xperimen, 12 Jul 2018As I feel, they did this change before xz2. Xz premium pho... moreSo its a feeling. Not sure thing??
          Sony was half and half but in 2017 their camera truly started to change to the better.
          And in this year Sony won but no one wants to admit that but they're close to admit.
          Yes they will win and Nice work Sony and Sony forever........ :)

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • pdH
            • 12 Jul 2018

            Well, for me the only thing that matters is, if the compact version is compact again or does it remain huge like it was in XZ2 version...

            Compact, compact phone please!

              Foxtrot2Novmbr, 12 Jul 2018Even on the battery usage part. All the latest iphone serie... moreI will answer on a different answer because something is wrong with my answer that I made

              Sony is better than apple and it's the truth. if you want to deny it, it's up to you.

              I can see your a blind fanboy.
              Android was simpler and still is the simplest when you compare both systems.
              Off curse the Android is stable and obvious your just blinding yourself and closing your mind. Because you have nothing to Say!!!

              4GB is enough don't look at the trend right now but because it became a competition between the companies to give more rams for lower price.
              Sony had 4GB of ram for a while and Samsung so I will tell it was enough and strong.
              Dude no system can make apps without that apps sitting in a place and it's a lie that apps need to float where they don't push the Ram or the storage. Do you know what is RAM or ROM? Everyday, the apps are updated but when you download an app in the first time you will get data a and when it updates, it will give you date a and b and later abc and so go on. The capacity of the apps data is increasing and it's the same thing with iOS, hence why Apple changed the optimised system for 3 GB or Ram and I guess with the competition he will increase it up to 6 I guess in the next 2 years.

              HAHAHAHA you made me Laugh. You said it the whole display and when it can, it means you can make it in a single place like at the bottom and those things can controlled by the software. And till now you deviated from my question with another answer. I asked you a specific question, why Apple didn't do that when it has a bigger R&D and a bile of money???

              Dude you don't need to buy a 400 but yes you can get it by that I meant which is the same and that I was saying so don't brag about Apple as they did a big thing.

              The SD card stores and saves and holds flies as much as it take because everyone knows that its a small chip and when they store their flies in it, they put a good place or leave in their smartphones.
              People like it because it's much safer because your the one who holds your info not a company that can be hacked and if on the cloud system you can buy a cloud system and put it in your house. Don't you know that????

              Apple does that because they get what they want so it's a win win for them if people go to him in the icloud or if the buy a bigger storage so I don't need him for a good thing that I can find in the Android.

              Now your going to another place because when I said the AR and VR for the Sony, I was replying to you that Sony has their own tech and can go complete AR if they want.
              Sony doesn't have a big ecosystem and they don't market their phones and that's why no one buys it but the AR Effect is still working and did something at the end of the day for their cameras and that was 5 years ago but where was apple to do those things ???

              Dude Sony didn't limit anything because back then they were famous and no one was buying a person in order to sell.
              PS VR doesn't have their apps yet but they use the games that third parties and Sony designed and those games are the original Sony games counsel

              Because Sony don't market themselves and what innovation they had and still has.
              Apple don't create, instead they cheat and take names and other existing technologies which they say we did this and look what we came up with??

              I can see you didn't watch the video. Huawei was also ip 67 and survived with problems but it didn't complete shutdown

                • A
                • Anonymous
                • xIq
                • 12 Jul 2018

                Foxtrot2Novmbr, 12 Jul 2018In terms of specs and software. Apple beats sony so easily.... moreWe want technical specs, not useless stuff you mention.

                  Anonymous, 12 Jul 2018the sony xz/xz2 premium, in terms of specs, destroy any iPh... moreEven on the battery usage part. All the latest iphone series now has powercase which doubles the battery life. So when anybody is playing games or watching videos on the go. With a powercase attached. They can use their iphones for a long time. Meanwhile, for the sony counterpart. They have to rely on a wireless powerbank to charge their device. And one problem among these wireless powerbank is they have no lock for your device to charge your phone while using it. How much do you think is a hassle?

                    Foxtrot2Novmbr, 12 Jul 2018That was based on running apps. In terms of long usage. Doe... moreYes so does in terms of long usage I have my phone for 5 years which is Xperia Z and still its working super

                      Foxtrot2Novmbr, 12 Jul 2018And did you think that an average iphone user would say tha... moreDo you know the people who buy the iPhone in my country buy to brag to each other not even knowing what the iPhone is about. That much was the effect of marketing so please iPhone is a crap phone and now do you know most people are buying cheap phones for the same specs of the iPhone Enough said so please............"LEAVE"

                        Foxtrot2Novmbr, 12 Jul 2018On the sony part. This is how they advertise their product ... moreDude Even Apple doesn't show specs or what it has in their commercials so settle down
                        Besides Sony doesn't market the phones or commercialise their phones like Apple does do and pay every place, media, and YouTuber out there so please say something that enters the minds

                          Anonymous, 12 Jul 2018the sony xz/xz2 premium, in terms of specs, destroy any iPh... moreIn terms of specs and software. Apple beats sony so easily. 64 bit apps coupled with METAL API, Camera Built for AR, Premium apps, and even more! What's even better is apple device gets longer support than sony devices! Apple can't compete with qualcomm? Tell me, did the SD845 beat the A11? Just check out this article:
                          So you think 845 outperforms a11? Think twice.

                            Foxtrot2Novmbr, 12 Jul 2018Every phone has surpassed it? Then tell me. How good is the... moreDude for me I didn't need I support and my Xperia is good except the storage is full but it's really good. I have since 2013.
                            Yes all the phones surpassed it but people change their phones on yearly basis or every 2 years which is crazy.
                            The android has a good support and same with the Android OEMs
                            The Android is different than iOS because in iOS you only have one smartphone but in Android you have too many OEMs so when you see Google does a new gen of their Android OS, you see that it takes time the OEMs to have the OS because every OEM has his own customisation UI and launchers besides The store has a lot of apps and every third party does needs to tweak their apps to new android but originally the old apps work well but what doesn't work is if the apps or the companies who make those apps didn't tweak them and that's the problem but so far Androids apps are working with any OS because I never faced an issue. Who told you Android P was designed not to work on any app that worked on previous version of Android??? Android P or 9 is still beta and the final release isn't yet released so please check up your information.
                            For the storage, you have bigger storages in the Android than in the iPhone. You in many phones now 256, 128, 64 GB of Rom 8 or 6 or 4GB of Ram with expandable now up to 400GB. You know LG has 2 Terabyte of expandable storage???
                            You don't have to buy a gaming phone in order to have 512 GB and honestly the name gaming phone is absurd because every smartphone out there is a gaming phone but this is just a hype because gaming already exists

                              Anonymous, 12 Jul 2018the sony xz/xz2 premium, in terms of specs, destroy any iPh... moreThe reason why u chose the SNAPDRAGON 845 over the Apple A11 is because of day-to-day use, these smartphones have faster animations than iPHONE X, that's why u think it's better. But when it comes to performance, the Apple A11 is still ahead of other chipsets. Not saying that the SNAPDRAGON 845 is bad, but the way u say that it is better than Apple A11 is a little ironic...

                                If they scrap the Ambient Flow design and use the design for the XA2 Plus for the XZ3 series, I might consider buying a Sony as my next phone. Otherwise, I might go for the upcoming Pixel 3 (the smaller one).

                                  samsung and huawei made usage of 3 different cameras on the back standard(different aperture included

                                    KamAbdi, 12 Jul 2018Who told you that ?? And what about this years XZ2 camera ... moreAs I feel, they did this change before xz2.
                                    Xz premium photos are definitely another world than former xperias.

                                    They are on the best way to win the camera battle. Plus the dedicated shutter button is a real masterpiece on the market. I hope it's registered to them... Keep up this Sony.

                                      Barricade, 12 Jul 2018The dual camera system blows away pretty much any OIS smart... moreI don't think OIS is a dealbreaker now, well if they improve their camera algorithms it isn't needed. Think of it, the downsides of having OIS is a cropped video, plus their EIS's stabilization is excellent (Sadly not that great for 4K video recording), so I really wish if u can enable and disable OIS for photos and videos

                                        AnonD-76058, 12 Jul 2018not buying any sonymobile until they put ois on the camera ... moreThe dual camera system blows away pretty much any OIS smartphone camera when it comes to low-light photography and videos. But OIS could only improve the quality even more, so I agree it would be a welcome addition. (Although it's not a dealbreaker.)

                                        Comments about the device being too heavy are just too funny. Sure, it's heavy. But not too heavy to manage.