Smartphone world cup: Samsung Galaxy S9+ is our champion

21 July 2018
It was a close match with plenty of changes in the lead, but the S9+ ended up victorious.

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  • D
  • AnonD-558092
  • r7b
  • 22 Jul 2018

80% of that victory is for the now-exclusive "no-notch" feature. 20% for the overall quality of the device.

    Imperator Neubaticus, 22 Jul 2018Well you are entitled to your incorrect opinion.What's incorrect in my opinion? Please correct me

      Congrats Samsung. One of the most versatile phones you can buy

        Denis Thomas, 22 Jul 2018Allow me to disagree. It doesn't have bezels, it doesn't ha... moreWell you are entitled to your incorrect opinion.

          Allow me to disagree. It doesn't have bezels, it doesn't have front facing speakers, it's software will lag after a couple of years, it's design isn't my taste and on top of all every amoled screen is designed to fail.
          So no, Samsung sucks for me.

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • I8m
            • 22 Jul 2018

            Unsurprisingly. People can deny it all they want and talk whatever crap they want. But when it comes to having the overshadowed best tech and software in one is always a S or note

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • JpF
              • 22 Jul 2018

              Not best for photos
              Not best for videos
              Not best for music
              Not the fastest
              Not fast updates
              Most fragile
              Not battery champion

              Everything it packs was seen on other devices.. Put an logo from other company on this phone and no site will like the device

                A deserved victory for sure