Four Sony Xperia XZ3 color options leak before announcement
- ?
- Anonymous
- ft8
- 27 Aug 2018
Wow the magenta version look awesome.
- G
- George T.
- nCA
- 27 Aug 2018
Daany, 27 Aug 2018Alright then... Green or purple-ish for me. Waiting for bat... moreYeah, I'm sure "The Americans" are to blame for Sony's poor sales around the world.
Not the ridiculous thickness of their 2018 phones (XZ2 Compact is 12.1 mm thick), mediocre low light camera, high prices, removal of headphone jack, lack of outstanding features etc..
By the way, I had a Sony's Z1 Compact and now use a Z5 Compact (both fine phones), but I find Sony's 2018 phones clearly inferior to what Apple, Samsung and Huawei launched this year.
- M
- Mobilemaster
- 0C9
- 27 Aug 2018
I hope there will be a slightly change in design. That fingerprint sensor is not placed well, and I am sure Sony is watching the feedbacks.
Anyway if that 48 MP camera will be on this device, others could be scared. For now, the XZ2 Premium is a low light champion, it takes some amazing videos at night, and even pictures. I cant wait to see what Sony will bring to table. I also hope for a good battery life.
- ?
- Anonymous
- n1D
- 27 Aug 2018
This is not purple. This is rather pink than purple :-P
However. fingerprint scanner positioned on a weird position. why can't they learn more quickly like Samsung did. Sony, please just one solid flagship without any design flaws.
The sony smartphones are usually solid and more rigid than others - I don't mind the thickness they introduced.
But now, please just make the fingerprint position right and give the phones a camera that is superior and not only good. I simply can't understand why they always are one step behind.
- Whackcar
- PTp
- 27 Aug 2018
I like those colors, but in the end, it's not about colors, it's about hardware and specs. I have full faith in Sony on both those regards. I do hope those 48MP camera rumours are true though. That could be a big game changer for Sony!
- D
- Daany
- r3H
- 27 Aug 2018
Alright then... Green or purple-ish for me. Waiting for battery review.
Guys! It's a sad thing about the death of the side FPS for now I guess.
But I totally get it...
1st of all, the American cooperations and their media army bullied Sony away from the side FPS. Sadly almost all bashing and hating on Sony is still from the Americans, so I wonder why Sony would go that far to please them. Bcos at the end, Xperia lowest sales will likely be in America compared to other regions.
2ndly, the side FPS compromises the build integrity of the devices. JerryRig bend tests proves that is the breaking point of the devices.
Since nobody intentionally bends their phone anyways, I think the moving of the FPS to the back is mainly bcos of the Americans
PS. The Americans are doing it again by INTENTIONALLY disabling VoLTE services from recent Xperias. It's no secrete
- ?
- Anonymous
- pWQ
- 27 Aug 2018
Wow, that fingerprint sensor is placed... Awkwardly. Yikes. The purple one stands out a bit from the rest of them in a good way, but nothing too impressive here.
- ?
- Anonymous
- mJw
- 27 Aug 2018
Green looks cool.
- D
- AnonD-632062
- 3J5
- 27 Aug 2018
That deep green colour is gorgeous. But alas, if it does not have a 3.5 mm jack, then it would be really sad. Also, this year's unnecessary rounded design is not good. Simply takes a lot of space in all directions (including ridiculous thickness), without any tangible benefits or space utilisation efficiency.
- L
- Love the Community
- Fv4
- 27 Aug 2018
Colors are just vanity. If Sony found a way to put a headphone jack while the base thickness is only 6mm (just like Samsung Galaxy Alpha), that would be great.
- ?
- Anonymous
- D9q
- 27 Aug 2018
edge screen? LCD? WTF????????
not just embarrassing your self in front of Samsung but making it even harder to hold
plus less control will gaming in landscape mode
- s
- sm4rt4ss
- pFU
- 27 Aug 2018
Oh no. Not the curved screen. And move the fp sensor up or on the side. At least no notch.
- ?
- Anonymous
- vCQ
- 27 Aug 2018
Looking good Sony, now don't let me down with the thickness...
Please for heaven's sake, let it be thinner than the XZ2