Facebook wants to put a mic and camera in your home with the Portal

08 October 2018
Not to be confused with the mic and camera it already has access to on your phone.

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Geric.770, 08 Oct 2018Facebook is dead, literally. They didn't even want to disc... moreYes, He is. he just lost his brain on the way. ^^;

    Nope. I have closed my facebook and I am NOT going to use it. by any chance.
    Unless there's a way I can use it WITHOUT facebook.
    However. the resolution is a bit of a stretch for these sizes imo.

      • D
      • AnonD-558092
      • 45}
      • 08 Oct 2018

      Facebook offers you to forget the word privacy.

        • h
        • hex
        • f}I
        • 08 Oct 2018

        reading this was fun. nicely written! XD

          • D
          • AnonD-415644
          • U@n
          • 08 Oct 2018

          all cool kids use instagram
          all cool kids you say

            • D
            • AnonD-415644
            • U@n
            • 08 Oct 2018

            Sembi, 08 Oct 2018Ya'll deliberately making this look bad with that titleI was thinking the same thing

              Whackcar, 08 Oct 2018Facebook is literally the worst company that exists today. ... moreFacebook is dead, literally.
              They didn't even want to discuss their most controversial problems!

              One question: is ZUCC a human?

                lol nope.

                  MadMel, 08 Oct 2018i like Portal a lot...video game not this big brother thingy.Ah, you're right ma fellow gamer. :D

                    • S
                    • Sembi
                    • YUf
                    • 08 Oct 2018

                    Ya'll deliberately making this look bad with that title

                      Facebook is literally the worst company that exists today. You're better off sharing your private data with some unknown chinese company than these scums. Honestly, there are very few things i hate, but facebook definitely tops the list. :/

                        So that Facebook can track you every second.

                        Great ZUCC.

                          i like Portal a lot...video game not this big brother thingy.

                            who gonna buy this heretic device?

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • PGq
                              • 08 Oct 2018

                              "The Portal uses an array of four far-field microphones that records your conversations picks up your voice commands and a 12MP wide-angle camera that watches you sleep lets you make video calls."

                              Actually it was supposed to be written: "The Portal uses an array of four far-field microphones that records your conversations and a 12MP wide-angle camera that watches you sleep."

                              Please stop cancelling words (sarcasm). You are making me laugh! You are "hiding the truth" from us to suit Facebook global agenda 21! This is what Facebook is trying to do! Oh no, George Orwell has feared that this would happen in the future and it finally is happening!! Would FaceBook "contact" the authorities to arrest us if they "feel" that we are doing something wrong even when the law did not say anything about it?? And the sad thing is we can't do anything about it, not even the lawyers would help.

                              Orwellian society is here, folks!!

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • nYF
                                • 08 Oct 2018

                                how about no