Nokia Lumia, Apple iPhone 4S and Motorola RAZR arrive in India

14 November, 2011
Lumia series gets official launch, iPhone 4S up for pre-order soon and the RAZR on sale right now.

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  • K
  • Kalyan
  • u{1
  • 15 Nov 2011

AnonD-3425, 14 Nov 2011That's interesting to know, if true. But the question is ex... moreGuruDeep,

ICS - Ice Cream Sandwich uses GPU. So, just wait for another month and you will see Nexus Prime, the first ICS device.

    • D
    • AnonD-8044
    • nFw
    • 14 Nov 2011

    This GPU accelaration is making the screen refresh at 60 FPS making it fluid..Android can throw all the power it wants at its O/S, BUT ,if the software is poorly written and coders dont ask for GPU assistance Android will remain stuttery and power hungary..

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • KA0
      • 14 Nov 2011

      lumia 800 for me

        • D
        • AnonD-3425
        • utn
        • 14 Nov 2011

        lol, 14 Nov 2011sorry but the iOS/ wp7 slikyness isn't related to the cpu..... moreThat's interesting to know, if true. But the question is exactly how many more iterations will this take for android to use GPU acceleration or whatever to make things butter smooth as in other OSs ?

        I had to purchase iPad2 for the same reason, but ended up buying galaxy tab 10.1 for the fact that at-least I can customize it in anyway I want + there are no restrictions as with the iOS. Still, I simply hate how it behaves while side scrolling between screens, although its having dual-core, 1Ghz and blah blah blah... Android really need to get its basics right if it has to survive !

          • D
          • AnonD-3425
          • utn
          • 14 Nov 2011

          Bailey, 14 Nov 2011If were are talking about taking your phone out of the box ... moreJust my points ! And I'm totally agreed !

          No matter how powerful the processors are, if one feels lags even while scrolling between screens its of no use.

          So, way to go WP7 this time !

            • D
            • AnonD-2725
            • fw7
            • 14 Nov 2011

            cancer4u28, 14 Nov 2011No mobile company can change my loyalty towards Nokia Well that's a decision you will have to deal with, backing a dead horse and all.

              • D
              • AnonD-27687
              • XjH
              • 14 Nov 2011

              launch the phone but with fair prices plz !

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • 3Yb
                • 14 Nov 2011

                MdN, 14 Nov 2011Really cool, but most people in garage bands (and I've play... moreTrue that, but I guess my suggestion applied more particularly to the crowd here, since its about choosing between an iPhone, Lumia or a Razr, so most of them are already decided on getting a smartphone.

                This particular feature, may make a difference, if someone was also additionally into music. Just thought it useful to point out, in case some were unaware. Of course, there are many other factors in choosing a smartphone, so people should choose what suits them best.

                Also, wanted to include this link earlier, Richard Fortus from Guns N Roses using iRig:


                  • M
                  • MdN
                  • Mtr
                  • 14 Nov 2011

                  Anonymous, 14 Nov 2011Might not apply to everyone, but I love that you can plug i... moreReally cool, but most people in garage bands (and I've played in some) can't afford an iPhone or the additional gadgets. You can get one hell of a drum kit for the price of an unlocked iPhone, or a really good guitar, and garage bands don't even have that.

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • 3Yb
                    • 14 Nov 2011

                    Might not apply to everyone, but I love that you can plug in your electric guitar into the iPhone, using Amplitube or Ampkit:


                    And now with GarageBand, you carry a music studio capable of recording 8 simultaneous tracks on the iPhone:


                    Like I said, maybe not for everyone, but for musicians not interested in spending too much on instruments and recording gear, this is amazing value.

                      • c
                      • cancer4u28
                      • ITV
                      • 14 Nov 2011

                      No mobile company can change my loyalty towards Nokia

                        • x
                        • xD yeah right
                        • LHf
                        • 14 Nov 2011

                        top 3 platforms? really? wp? it would be symbian android ios

                          • l
                          • lol
                          • 0CY
                          • 14 Nov 2011

                          Bailey, 14 Nov 2011If were are talking about taking your phone out of the box ... moresorry but the iOS/ wp7 slikyness isn't related to the cpu...its the fact that both systems have gpu acceleration. it has nothing to do the fact that wp7 seems to run smoother than a dual core android..fact is wp7 has gpu acceleration on user interface ( UI ). in reality if android used UI acceleration like iOS and WP , then it would have the best feel cause it's got the most powerfull gpu also the biggest range of gpus..adreno 200/205/201/gsrx 4 series, etc..tegra 2/ soon tegra it's all related to a tiny little switch .. gpu acceleration..i wish android would make it happen.

                            • B
                            • Blue Sky
                            • 95W
                            • 14 Nov 2011

                            Sorry Nokia, i'll wait for Windows Phone 8. In the meantime SG2 Is way to go. Shame i thought Nokia could compete with Samsung price which turns out the opposite.

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • dQA
                              • 14 Nov 2011

                              i need razr

                                • D
                                • AnonD-4837
                                • t7X
                                • 14 Nov 2011

                                Bailey, 14 Nov 2011If were are talking about taking your phone out of the box ... moreAn educated comment.... thanks... ;)

                                  • D
                                  • AnonD-669
                                  • vaP
                                  • 14 Nov 2011

                                  Bailey, 14 Nov 2011If were are talking about taking your phone out of the box ... moreThat's one thing i love about iOS, the ease of use. I already gave up on Android.

                                    • M
                                    • Max
                                    • t}B
                                    • 14 Nov 2011

                                    Bailey, 14 Nov 2011If were are talking about taking your phone out of the box ... moreIm back my friend bailey.... So are you saying that you didnt like the ICS?

                                      • B
                                      • Bailey
                                      • i5B
                                      • 14 Nov 2011

                                      If were are talking about taking your phone out of the box for the first time and being wowed then for me Nokia & Apple have nailed it.I owned a Nokia phone about 10 years ago and i have never been interested in geting one since the Lumia 800 the phone looks stunning and have owned an iphone 4 and its about as top class as it gets even though i didnt like the UI and how every single thing was tied to itunes when you hold the phone you know its quality.

                                      Now if we are talking specs Motorola wins it has everything but the kitchen sink but that dosent mean people are going to buy it. I luv Android even though i moan about them all the time but its scrappy for some reason every single Android phone i have had seems to suffer some issue. To many of the apps have throw up forced closing signs and this can be just trying to open it or when your in a middle of a game. Skin or no skin there seems to be a real issue over time with lagg which spoils the experience over time. Android makers are only interested in pumping handset after handset out but really dont spend time on user experience. It really makes no difference to me that in the New Year we will be entering Quad Core phones how about Google spend time making the OS smooth whilst making the battery life last longer i dont know anybody with an Android phone who can last a whole day on one charge. Also i keep stressing this point we have these impressive processors in our phones but we have no to use it for apart from the usual that everybody does with there phone, so i ask what is the point. Thats why no matter how limited iOS & WP7 is they have decided that user experience is a major concern and not pimped up specs i tried a WP7 and i was shocked that a single core works much better than a dual core this is complete madness the OS was silk this is the same with Apple it works amazingly well. Dont get me started on the app store that looks like it was designed by a 3 year old it just looks bad yes even the new one in fact it looks cheap.
                                      i happened to watch the Ad for the Motorola phone which was pointless as you only get to see the phone at the end it telly you nothing about it unless there is some hidden code with someone riding a motor bike. Apple simple as anything oh here is a couple of apps that you might like and there are on the new iphone done finshed or even the New Nokia Lumia Ads it runs you through what you can do with the phone in a easy attractive way with a really catchy music all wrapped up in a design that is very attractive. What does android and the oems do build handsets that are bigger and bigger and slimmer and talk a about chipsets word to the wise the general public dont care. they want a phone that is easy to use that they friends will want or ones that there friends have. Nobody but people in tech bloggs give to hoots about the font used in ICS is it easy to use does it look attractive will i easily be able to communicate with my friends and family can i play a quick game on the bus plus check my facebook and twitter. yes there are people that want to pimp out there phones but they are the few hence the reason why there is skins and hence the reasons why they still will be even with ICS sense only came along to make the phones easier to use and sell to the general public try now flogging a Htc phone without Sense who would buy it. Sorry for my rant but i love Android its just that they cant seem to get the basics right. I know nobody will agree with me but iOS and especially WP7 are on to something its called ease of use

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • UGj
                                        • 14 Nov 2011

                                        Kato, 14 Nov 2011...Believe me, RazR 910 is something you can't compare with... moreWTF are you talking about about the RAZR? Reviews say its battery life is terrible. Even the people from Moto support say the same thing. Moto has been terrible as of late, they should first fix the performance issues with the first Atrix.