Nokia Lumia, Apple iPhone 4S and Motorola RAZR arrive in India
- D
- AnonD-9023
- ut3
- 14 Nov 2011
AnonD-19357, 14 Nov 2011Razr vs nexus vs note. AAAAH . Y U SO TOUGH to DECIDE? Anyw... moreLol depends on ur choice.
Screen Big one - Note
or else go for other phones
And my personal preference is wait for galaxy s3 announcement and see if galaxy s3 gonna be good and if its not major upgrade buy s2 or razr after 2-3 months. (prices also come down to 24-25k).
This time either go for nexus prime or else wait for s3 announcent/unveil.
Rumors spam all over internet after 2 months so anyone can guess what features s3 is gonna carry.
Coming to iPhone, its just a fancy phone only thing i like is it has regular updates and constant support for OS.
Android bad support for updates.
So best choice is windows 7 if u want good support for updates (apart from restrictive iPhone)
- D
- AnonD-9023
- ut3
- 14 Nov 2011
Best Choice is S2 or Nokia Windows phone.
Samsung is such a negligent company dont give updates at all ,, So easy choice is nokia.
Motorola no service in most areas.
4S even though iStores located at major cities its simply waste to buy locked phone for 35k.
+ cannot expand storage and locked to apple eco system.
if someone lives in US iPhone might be a choice but in india apple is never a choice unless its an ipod.
Or best thing to do is buy a mid range android/windows phone and get an ipod touch 8 GB to get best of both worlds.
- ?
- Anonymous
- rAu
- 14 Nov 2011
V are very lucky to have these phones come to India, Nokia is still d best. Curry in a hurry.
- ?
- Anonymous
- tTb
- 14 Nov 2011
Gsmarena Made MY day
- p
- praveen
- 14 Nov 2011
in which date droid razr exactly launch in india. plz tell me who knows about this information.
- D
- AnonD-843
- 2SR
- 14 Nov 2011
waiting for galaxy nexus
- ?
- Anonymous
- t@x
- 14 Nov 2011
dear gsm arena guys as u have mentioned that the indian smartphone buyers will have a hard time in selecting which smartphone they should invest their money why dont u help them out by making a comparison of all those smartphone biggies like s2,iphone4s,htc sensation,motorola razr, nokia lumia 800. then it will be very easy for them to select their priorities.
- D
- AnonD-21403
- uwV
- 14 Nov 2011
finally i can dump my c6-01, will buy 710 soon...
by d way am nokia's hardcore fan.
- D
- AnonD-19357
- uta
- 14 Nov 2011
Razr vs nexus vs note. AAAAH . Y U SO TOUGH to DECIDE? Anyway any idea how much the iphone is priced?
- P
- te3
- 14 Nov 2011
gr8 news for india .....i am actually waiting for wave 3 launch in india ...because moto and ifone is too costly...wave specs are more or less same as lumia 710 but wave 3 has amoled display..and i hope samsung will keep it around 17-18k ....
- S
- tew
- 14 Nov 2011
Does that anyhow means the Nokia Lumia series will come to Sri Lanka soon? Whatever I like the price of it in India :) Most of all over those open source platforms and OS's I prefer windows and Visual Studio SDK of WP7 for developing apps.. Commercial OSs and SDKs rocks :)Windows and Apple... Even though they are commercial and pricey they still have a really good market... :)
- j
- jackhammeR
- mM%
- 14 Nov 2011
Jainb, 14 Nov 2011iphone 4s is too restrictive and Nokia lumia software is no... moreNot polished???? I think it refers to adroid and it's dual/quad core lags.
- D
- AnonD-19534
- 6iR
- 14 Nov 2011
AnonD-2037, 14 Nov 2011i didn't tell that u have told nokia lumia is bad phone. I ... moreIf all that matters is having jst a on earth do you own Nokia N900,Htc Desire S and Nokia E61 and not Phones like 1100 (...well...ofcourse you get the flashlight which sticks to basics...???... Mobile Phones these days are more than jst calls and txts Bro...People use it as their PMP,Does basic PC stuffs,Browse intrnet,Gaming...List goes on...the reason u use E61 the most because u type because u r a heavy textr,atleast u do writing stuffs a lot...and ofcourse because among the phones u own E61 has a hardware qwerty so u prefer E61,Personal experience nd btw I'v used E61 but dat was quite sumtime bak...and also Gud qwerty phones Like Nokia E90,Blackberry Bold 9780,Curve 8520 list goes on......
- K
- Kato
- fnG
- 14 Nov 2011
...Believe me, RazR 910 is something you can't compare with the things you are talking about here with windows or verbal commands. look at the processor, splash resistance, 7 mm, qHD display, steel hardware, superb accessories, battery/power management with up to 30% upgrade, 12 hours talking time and 127 grams? settings, access files from your computer without the heck to transfer them around and save your day.
- a
- arbaaz patel
- t}r
- 14 Nov 2011
for me its gonna be samsung galaxy note......
- D
- AnonD-2037
- ut$
- 14 Nov 2011
AnonD-19534, 14 Nov 2011You're just another stubborn guy...who has no idea about sm... morei didn't tell that u have told nokia lumia is bad phone. I just told if you think so dont buy it. Who we are to say that nokia is stupid or apple is great or samsung is copycat. Let them do their business. We should buy we like the most and we need the most. i am not stubborn, i owe nokia n900, htc desire S and E61 and yes, i am still using E61.
and at the end of day, it is just phone.
- J
- Jainb
- PEr
- 14 Nov 2011
iphone 4s is too restrictive and Nokia lumia software is not polished and comprehensive enough....Its Moto Razr all the way for me...Best in class hardware and software...the only compromise is that the screen is not at par with the
- D
- AnonD-11450
- 9CH
- 14 Nov 2011
Windows phones are full of restrictions...and overpriced...
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- AnonD-3567
- YM0
- 14 Nov 2011
Top Selling Cellphones having mkt share in India are from:
4RIM Blackberry
5Sony Ericsson
Motorola, LG and SE has lost its standard due to lack of customer support and very few service centers. Samsung never was top-selling cellphone provider till Android and dual-sim technology came into market. Nokia is still no.1 in India not because of Symbian, due to perfect mkting strategy, customer satisfaction, more commission and incentives were given mobile dealers for selling Nokia selling.
As an Indian street smart, it is not very easy learn India market then US/UK markets, not ever Marketing Guru, Peter Drucker nor one of world richest Donald Trump can't figure out about Indian markets!
- D
- AnonD-19534
- 6iR
- 14 Nov 2011
AnonD-2037, 14 Nov 2011dont buy, if you think so. You're just another stubborn guy...who has no idea about smartphones..and ofcourse I'm not buying one when I already own Nokia E7,iPhone 4 and Samsung Galaxy S 2...And i never mentioned Lumia 800 to be a bad phone...