Now the Google Pixel 3 is overheating while charging
- E
- Excalibur
- 7Xn
- 19 Nov 2018
Nick Tagataka, 19 Nov 2018It's ok that you can't trust Samsung, I get your feeling, b... moreYou may be right, but im still sticking with japanese or even chinese, but not korean. Sony may be a bit pricey but quality is tried. My old devices that survived through the years are sony z2, ascend mate 7, p9 plus, and now currently using mate 10 pro.
- N
- Nick Tagataka
- Y}P
- 19 Nov 2018
Excalibur, 18 Nov 2018I'll pass, my next phone is a sony if my expectations are m... moreIt's ok that you can't trust Samsung, I get your feeling, but just keep it in mind that S6 Edge wasn't really a good smartphone in a long run unlike their recent flagships. It was indeed a crappy phone in terms of performance, but quality of their products has improved massively especially after S8.
- E
- Excalibur
- IW@
- 18 Nov 2018
Nick Tagataka, 11 Nov 2018Current Samsung highend smartphones are just as good as iPh... moreI'll pass, my next phone is a sony if my expectations are met. Have had too many samsungs in the past and all i get is poor quality. Features may be great but what good will i get if the device is unusable. I'd much prefer apple or huawei over samsung.
- J
- Juuhmad Bruh
- Mx@
- 12 Nov 2018
Carol, 11 Nov 2018This happens when you let kids do men job. In this case, hu... more*Huawei
- P
- PeterThePanda
- t7x
- 12 Nov 2018
Meanwhile, at Google Headquarters...
Google Execs: *Google searches 'What is Quality Control?'*
- V
- Vegetaholic
- sXj
- 11 Nov 2018
Nick Tagataka, 11 Nov 2018Current Samsung highend smartphones are just as good as iPh... moreI am having Samsungs since 2013, only S series. Never let me down. My S8 is fast and fluid. Never really understamd people who comlain about Samsung flagships, they been best for years
- s
- systemBuilder
- ksR
- 11 Nov 2018
Carol, 11 Nov 2018This happens when you let kids do men job. In this case, hu... moreHTC makes this phone; not Huawei.
- N
- Nick Tagataka
- Y}P
- 11 Nov 2018
Excalibur, 10 Nov 2018I would never recommend samsung. I had really bad experienc... moreCurrent Samsung highend smartphones are just as good as iPhone or Huawei's offerings, trust me. UI no longer lags, the software is very stable now and the hardware also is top notch as it always has been. I have a friend who has Galaxy S7 Edge for his phone and he told me that its UI fluidity has been improved dramatically after the Oreo update.. And I'm telling you this as a Mate 10 Pro user.
- C
- Carol
- L7b
- 11 Nov 2018
This happens when you let kids do men job. In this case, huaway doing a good smartphone
- G
- Gapps are bloatware
- NvR
- 11 Nov 2018
Anonymous, 09 Nov 2018Ooooh, that's why these phones are so well made. :D That's probably also why they have so many QC issues
- ?
- Anonymous
- B{Y
- 10 Nov 2018
Andrix, 10 Nov 2018Thete are a problems on Pixel 2, its been software, there i... moreDo I have to remember you about nexus series ?
The reality is that Google are making mistske(s) with this generation.
- s
- sadgeek
- n5{
- 10 Nov 2018
Anonymous, 10 Nov 2018Expensive phone and many issues. Even cheap phones don't ha... moreExpensive phone and no issues for this user.
- s
- sadgeek
- n5{
- 10 Nov 2018
It may just be that I am lucky but I have owned all 3 Pixel phones and never had any problems.
- ?
- Anonymous
- xHb
- 10 Nov 2018
Anonymous, 10 Nov 2018what a joke phone.. and this is the best google can make? s... moreat least not exploded
- A
- Andrix
- 3@4
- 10 Nov 2018
Thete are a problems on Pixel 2, its been software, there is a problems on Pixel 3, software and screen. Always some problems.. Google is ok for android but for the phones, by himself, baaad.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Tui
- 10 Nov 2018
what a joke phone.. and this is the best google can make? so sad.....
- ?
- Anonymous
- m%5
- 10 Nov 2018
Typical product quality from google. This phone and all of their phones are as faulty as their android OS, chrome, and chrome OS.
- ?
- Anonymous
- PGq
- 10 Nov 2018
See?? Planned Obsolescence at Google's greatest.