Counterclockwise: modular phones were here, you could even expand their RAM

25 November 2018
Long before Project Ara, there were add-ons with a camera, GPS receiver, 56K modems and so much more in the early 2000s.

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Essen, 25 Nov 2018When Nokia, Blackberry and other giants of that era laughed... moreIt's not like this regress has bad implications though. Because we have sealed batteries, waterproofing is easier and the breakthrough of solid state and more powerful batteries is being sought as we speak. Phones have become more easily obsolete but there are some positives. Now of course having a waterproof, durable, and removable back type of phone beats all right now, but in the near future..... Now that's a different story

    • E
    • Essen
    • EP%
    • 25 Nov 2018

    When Nokia, Blackberry and other giants of that era laughed at how Apple have compromised durability, battery life, modularity, expandability, flexibility and nearly everything positive about consumer tech, I laughed too. I was sure it would never succeed.

    The fact that it has, and I am typing this in a fragile, sealed touch device that's already consumed 2 percent of my battery in the time I took to type this out, is a state of regress. Regress in technology and in society. We consumers have ourselves to blame. We paid for this regress with our wallets.

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • nCb
      • 25 Nov 2018

      --voltaire9, 25 Nov 2018But we are talking PDA'S here....So? PDAs are the ancestor for current smartphones, Palm used to have Treo PDA/phones and these are smartphones before iPhone saw the light.

        But we are talking PDA'S here....

          • s
          • sr777
          • X}t
          • 25 Nov 2018

          Microsoft has experience in desktops, so is it possible for them to bring something similar smaller.

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • vry
            • 25 Nov 2018

            Shanti Dope, 25 Nov 2018But let's be fair and not put all the blame on Apple on eve... moreNormal people who rely only on their mainstream celebrity YT reviewer who only used the phone for a few minutes are to be blamed.

            Even the laptop makers are brave enough to even sell 768p models that throttle like hell because of them.

            Who cares about digging deeper in geek territory as long as the one you are going to buy conforms to dumbass thin and light mantra?

            It looks beautiful >>> 3GHz getting throttled to 1GHz with 90°C temps at normal operations. Smh.

              Shanti Dope, 25 Nov 2018But let's be fair and not put all the blame on Apple on eve... moreTotally true!

                This is remind me of stupid argument that RAM is Downloadable lol

                  • D
                  • AnonD-731363
                  • SH3
                  • 25 Nov 2018

                  Well apple have enough money tio do litterary everything they want even send US government against Huawei.
                  Its their way or policy how to lead a company.
                  When they removed jack it was also their decision like to not add dongle in last series of apple phones so orrdinary people had to buy one with phones to use headphones.
                  Same for a notch.
                  If others companies follows any trend Apple will make is also a company decision like people trusted Samsung they will keep jack and no notch forewer.

                  To be honest if ordianry people dont want they will simply not support them buying their devices but as we all might see opposite is true and after a month or 2 we simply dont care because even if we dont like we can advance or ascend over a thing which cause us wrinkles on face.

                  Companies always did plenty of decisions and we either had to agree or simply dont buy but we cant tell em what to do or not to do because as usualy they wont hear us trough voice but they will hear us trough sales of their devices with their decisions which only time would tell if they were succesfull or not.

                    Shanti Dope, 25 Nov 2018But let's be fair and not put all the blame on Apple on eve... moreBest. Comment!

                      QCOM, 25 Nov 2018And then Apple came and destroy all people's dream. And the... moreBut let's be fair and not put all the blame on Apple on every bad decisions made in the industry.
                      OEMs had their choice as to what to do, and whether they'd follow Apple or not, so it's the other OEMs to be blamed for joining the bandwagon instead of trying to be different.

                      See, Android OEMs could've easily put Apple into a massive profit trouble in 2016 when they removed the jack, if
                      1 - People didn't buy those iPhones that have no headphone jack
                      2 - NO OEM has even tried to do what they did

                      Look what happened instead. It's technically still our fault that the industry has changed to this mood.
                      We tolerated their behavior, and so they thought that it's fine.

                        • L
                        • Luxor
                        • KZK
                        • 25 Nov 2018

                        How about designing wireless expansion. Much easier for modern people who dont like modular fixes.

                          • -
                          • -DLS-
                          • aj}
                          • 25 Nov 2018

                          These days phone designs are awesome for many people as long as they're shiny.

                            • Q
                            • QCOM
                            • tDP
                            • 25 Nov 2018

                            And then Apple came and destroy all people's dream. And then smartphone only got one port for all the peripheral.

                              I remember those days~ Ah~! It was such great times. *-*

                                I have thought about this a year ago, I used to need a memory upgrade from 16GB to bigger. rather than buying a new cellphone it is better to add internal memory.

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • DkD
                                  • 25 Nov 2018

                                  Great article!

                                  Wish we had modular phones today as well, and that project Ara could be successful...

                                    • C
                                    • Carol
                                    • L71
                                    • 25 Nov 2018

                                    Twas a cool thing, but people were not intelligent enough to handle it. Noper, they still aren't.