Apple facing 10% increase in products price ahead of US-China summit

27 November 2018
Macbooks, iPhones and plenty of other Chinese-made consumer laptops could be slapped with 10% to 25% tariffs.

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  • P
  • Paulw
  • TSy
  • 28 Nov 2018

AnonD-762416, 27 Nov 2018Your iPhone will now cost 1,700 bucks! And they wonder why ... moreThe iFans will will still que up to buy them.

    • T
    • Thingy
    • tu6
    • 28 Nov 2018

    The hilarious things is the responese “build factory in USA to avoid tariff” they say
    Isn’t it more expansive that way?

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • Pxc
      • 28 Nov 2018

      In fact no matter how much Apple increase the price there will be people who buy them thinking they're exclusive in some way. But funny thing is it's no one suffer but Apple just get all the profit.

        • B
        • Bewildered
        • 3Jn
        • 27 Nov 2018

        Anonymous, 27 Nov 2018Don't forget, Apple is a public company. If they can not ge... moreApple have a strict mark up policy, the highest by far in the mobile phone market.

        Apple last year sold less phones overall, but made more money due to the high cost of the iPhone X, high price.
        Apple have in 2018 added face id to all phones so an immediate price hike compared to 2017 phones

        Apple can easily swallow this 10 % or even 25% for a short time only and still make a profit

        No doubt given the tax evasion technique (Apple did that fine) Apple will have already got a plan in place to e.g ship the phones to Ireland and then onto the USA, a legitimate way to avoid the tariff

          Donald Trump US president is so stupid and why not make peacefully with other country ??
          Jealous other countrys , why US involves a lot of countrys' affairs ??? recently , china phones tech is better than apple , apple lacks of innovation recently , other phone got finger print in display , water drop notch , now no notch , also price is fairly to mobile users. apple is only getting expensive why ??

            • C
            • Carol
            • L71
            • 27 Nov 2018

            marclee37, 27 Nov 2018tariff 10% on seller's price, does not mean 10% increase on... moreWell, at least you have high hopes.

              • C
              • Carol
              • L71
              • 27 Nov 2018

              Anonymous, 27 Nov 2018No. According to half the country he's a great man doing gr... moreAcordind to half of the Country he is not.

                • C
                • Carol
                • L71
                • 27 Nov 2018

                Anonymous, 27 Nov 2018Before Nokia sold mobile to MS, the costs were much lower... moreNope, sorry but nope. Today the devices are way more simple then they ever were. Also, before, the guts were more expensive, why? Cause was something still new ob the market. Tell me how much cost a 128 GB USB thumb now, and i will tell you how much i was a mmc with just 16 MB in 2005. Tell me how much a pc costs now and i will tell you how way higher was the price in 2001. Now ad research and innovation that where not even close to what people call innovation today, it actually was true innovation and developement and money spend on those were quite very spicy. More then 5 years now there is no developement, the same, just the same hardware that was allready innovated a long time ago, but better, which is the nor'al life of sonething discovered. I can continue till tomorrow and i will still not find when were those devices cheapper to produce then this new slabs.

                  Anonymous, 27 Nov 2018Don't forget, Apple is a public company. If they can not ge... moreThat may hold true, so Apple could just pass the tariff to the consumer. However you must note the newer more expensive iPhones have had fewer sales compared to estimates, a price hike won't help to boost sales...

                    geordie81, 27 Nov 2018it wont really hurt apple at all, i mean lets face it, if t... moreExactly

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • SaJ
                      • 27 Nov 2018

                      Will come straight out of Apple profits but they can afford it.

                        • M
                        • Make India Great
                        • xd3
                        • 27 Nov 2018

                        manurd350, 27 Nov 2018Come to India. :) Apple already build factories in India, now they should build more and expand the production list of their devices and more Apple stores.

                          Come to India. :)

                            it wont really hurt apple at all, i mean lets face it, if they get a 10% levy added due to the china-us trade wars, then apple will simply add a 12-15% price hike to their products to offset and continue making record profits Year on Year, the only people this will affect is the consumer

                              • H
                              • Hoffmann
                              • MUa
                              • 27 Nov 2018

                              Public opinion: *The new iPhones are very overpriced, over 1200-1300 $*

                              Trump: *You have to pump up these numbers, these are rookie numbers*

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • knh
                                • 27 Nov 2018

                                marclee37, 27 Nov 2018tariff 10% on seller's price, does not mean 10% increase on... moreDon't forget, Apple is a public company. If they can not generate a high profit or high sales, their share in Wall Street will be plummet because investor will dump their shares.

                                  Anonymous, 27 Nov 2018If companies (electronics, clothes, sports gear) leave Chin... moreBut aren't these tariffs apply to all IMPORT?
                                  Thus it doesn't matter the origin?

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • 4QP
                                    • 27 Nov 2018

                                    six_tymes, 27 Nov 2018awww poor apple, will FINALLY will have to pay their taxes ??

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • knh
                                      • 27 Nov 2018

                                      Anonymous, 27 Nov 2018No. According to half the country he's a great man doing gr... moreHis approving rate:
                                      Highest point 45%
                                      Lowest point 35%
                                      Current 38%

                                        • s
                                        • six_tymes
                                        • kX0
                                        • 27 Nov 2018

                                        awww poor apple, will FINALLY will have to pay their taxes